Parting Ways

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When Steve came out of the church I realised he still wasn't himself. Peggy was one of his best friends too. I give a pleading look to Sam, who immediately knows what I want him to do. Sam leads Steve off to our hotel definitely in need of a drink and some down time. I trailed not to far after them, wanting a couple of moments of peace to myself.

As I was contently walking down a concrete path, listening to nothing but the birds in the trees and nearby stream of water. I hear heeled footsteps behind me, I briefly glance behind me and slow down once I see Sharon there.

She sends me a small smile and I return one.
"Hey, how are you doing?" I ask her sincerely as she falls into step with me.
"I'm doing ok. Best I can be." She admitted to me.
"She'd be proud of you. Following in her footsteps." I tell her while I stroke Sharon's arm comfortingly.
"Thank you. I always heard stories of you as a child growing up. Yours and Aunt Peggy's great adventures." Sharon smiled fondly.

"Yes there were quite a few." I chuckled.

Sharon and I walked back to the hotel together, making small talk as we did.
"My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but, um, not Aunt Peggy. She bought me my first thigh holster." Sharon told me as we walked into the hotel.
"Ah that sounds like Peggy. Very practical." I reply with a light laugh.

"And stylish." She laughed along too.
We get to the elevator and she pushes her floor. "CIA has you stationed over here now?" I ask her.
"In Berlin, Joint Terrorism Task Force."

I had asked Sharon if she still wanted to work for me and SHIELD after it fell and we regrouped smaller. She kindly turned it down and I completely understood. She didn't want to tip toe around any more.
"Right. Right. Sounds fun."
"I know, right?" She joked making us laugh lightly again.

It was nice to talk to Sharon and I'm glad we did. She definitely did remind me of Peggy.
"Also, I've been meaning to ask you. When you were spying on me and my husband from across the hall . . . ." I started teasingly making her sigh dramatically.

"You mean when I was doing my job." She countered.
"Did Peggy know?" I ask her.
"She kept so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you." She admitted making me smile softly at her.
"Thanks for walking back with me." She told me.
"Sure. It was lovely to catch up with you."

Just as we were about to part ways Sam and Steve comes over in a rush.
I look to them with raised eyebrows wondering why they looked so nervous.
"Ali." Steve announced getting my full attention.
"There's something you gotta see." Sam finished.

Very concerned now, everyone follows me up to mine and Steve's room where Sam immediately flicks on the TV.

The first thing I see is the news and I watch intently.
"A bomb hidden in a news van . . ."
"Who's coordinating?" Sharon asked.
". . . ripped through the UN building in Vienna."
"Good. They're solid. Forensics?"
"More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

I was shocked.

Not only was my good friend King T'Chaka killed but my best friend was at the base of it all. My mouth hung open as I gazed at Bucky's image on the TV.

I knew immediately T'Challa would be out for blood and I would have to talk to him. Not only that but my brain started to work. This didn't make sense.

Bucky had never, ever been caught on security cameras unless HYDRA wanted him too. Usually to send a message. This wasn't a message. Bucky would never be that un-careful especially as the Winter Soldier, he was trained better than that.

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