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It had been another five months since I had last been in America. I had been in London for the past five months working hard alongside Howard Stark in order to perfect the new serum. We were somewhat close but we needed more time.

We had recently come to Italy where most European troops were being held. I hadn't manage to see Bucky in my time in London but we always exchanged letters everyday and I knew he was doing well and missed me. I also tried to write to Steve everyday but it was hard with him always travelling.

I missed him. Nothing had changed since the kiss. Like I said, our friendship was too strong, a kiss to us was like a cuddle to anyone else. Don't get me wrong my feelings for him were strong but I don't know if he would look at me any other way than a friend.

However, things were changing. Peggy and I had become extremely close in the last few months, she admitted I was like the little sister she never had. I felt the same. I learnt a lot from Peggy. Her passion for her work and self. She also had been teaching me hand to hand combat and how to shoot a gun. I have to admit it came to me easily. She was proud.

I had only been in Italy a week when I heard a certain blue eyed super soldier would be coming to the same camp I was situated at. We didn't get to talk before his "performance". I hadn't been watching the TV or listening to the radio so I must say I cringed watching him perform. The soldiers proved to be much more hard work than his family audiences. I watched as he stormed off stage and I waited until he was sat on some wooden stairs before making myself known.

"Can I just say I love the outfit. The blue definitely brings out your eyes." His eyes snapped to me and he sighed in relief seeing it was me. I walked up to him and he stood up encasing me in a hug.
"I missed you." He said.
"I missed you too." I said in his ear.
I felt like that's all we ever said to each other but it was true. Whenever we were apart there wasn't a day I didn't miss him and Bucky.

"What are you doin' here?" He pulled back to look at me properly.
"Officially I'm not here at all. That was quite a performance." I smiled lightly.
"Yeah. Uh... I had to improvise a little bit. Crowds I'm used to are usually more uh... twelve."
"I understand you're "America's New Hope"?"
"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit." He shook his head in sadness. I know this isn't what he wanted.

"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?" A new voice sounded. Steve let go of my waist and greeted Peggy while she smirked at me making me blush. I told Peggy what had happened between Steve and I and she loved it.
"Hello Peggy."
"Hi Steve." She returned his smile.
"At least he's got me doin' this. Phillips would have had be stuck in lab." Steve admitted.
"And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey?" Peggy asked in confusion wondering how Captain America the super soldier was dancing with a bunch of young women on stage.
"You were meant for more than this, you know?" I tell him sincerely.
Steve goes to respond but hesitates.
"What?" I ask him.
"You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights." He joked making me let out a light giggle.

I stopped however when I heard honking in the background as an ambulance arrives with wounded soldiers. We all turned around to watch.
"They look like they've been through hell." Steve admitted, I nodded my head.

I had been so deep in my study and work lately I had barely taken notice of the camp or soldiers.
"These men more than most. Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the one-oh-seventh. The rest were killed or captured."

When Peggy mentioned that I froze. As did Steve. He turned to look at me but I was numb. Bucky was in the 107th. My breath got caught in my throat and seeing my reaction Peggy looked concerned.
"Allison?" She asked.
"The one-oh-seventh?" Steve and I asked at the same time.
"What?" Peggy asked still confused.
Steve grabbed my hand and we started running.
"Come on!" We ran into a familiar tent and stood in front of Colonel Phillips.

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