New Years

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It was New Years Eve and a lot had to be done today. Only Tony would leave all the work and preparations for the party the day before. Pepper, Nat and I were running around like mad men on a mission.

Pepper was sorting the food out. Nat was sorting security and decorations and I was helping her with that along with informing the bar staff what to serve. We finally got everything finished five hours before our guests were arriving which was cutting it way to close for our liking.

Where were the boys you ask?
Well, every single one of them was sat on their ass in the living room watching football.

So, leaving them to it us girls went and got ready together. We each took showers and then chilled in our towels for a good hour while painting our nails and doing face masks. Pepper even snuck one of Tony's prized possession champagne bottles up to Nat's room and it was gone after one hour.

We each did each other's hair. I did Pepper's. I decided to curl it before pinning it up in a low bun to frame her face. Nat did mine and curled it too but left my hair down and just pinned the top bit to keep it out of my face. Finally, Pepper did Nat's and straightened it perfectly.

We did our makeup and then got changed. I forgot just how tight my dress was and knew I had to watch what I ate tonight because if I bloat, everyone was going to notice. Nat wore a tight silk black dress which almost made me drool at the sight of her. Pepper went a little more modest and wore a royal purple dress that had boning around the waist to accentuate it. It also went just below her knees and was off the shoulder.

I have to admit we looked damn good.


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