The End.

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9 months later.

The sun was just beginning to set and hide from the hot summer weather in Brooklyn New York. The day had been filled with laughter and joy as the secret superhero family called it a day and recited to their home for the evening.

However, the chirpy six and three year old that shared their DNA with the two super soldiers refused to come inside and instead played in their front garden till the stars were twinkling over them.

The parents didn't mind as their neighbourhood was good and comforting. The kids played make believe until their imagination ran wild and they started to get tired from all the scenarios they played out together.

Steve and Allison Rogers were distracted themselves. They were held up in each other's arms as well as their newborns, Anthony Stephen Rogers. His darker blonde hair was a contrast to the family's lighter hair. He slept soundly on his mother's shoulder, while sucking his thumb. He listened gently to the soft music that was playing and bouncing around the neighbourhood as the Rogers household door stayed open, always welcoming friends inside.

Steve and Allison were happily cooped up contently in each other's arms. They were wrapped around each other like they were holding onto their entire world. Every memory since their first, played over and over in their heads, meaning their smiles never fell from their rosy lips.

Steve had his arms around Allison's waist supporting their newly born son, while Allison had her hands on her husbands chest, listening out for his heartbeat as her head laid there too. Steve's laid on top of her own and their eyes stayed closed as they let their bodies sway to the sound of their song. They finally learnt how to dance.

It's Been a Long, Long Time could be heard around every corner of their home and even their children were mumbling the words in the garden, as they quickly learnt how to recite their parent's favourite song.

The family had never been happier. Their lives finally had a main purpose. They could live out the rest of their days as one big happy family.

As the lyrics came to a close Allison lifted her head slightly to capture her husbands lips in a soft kiss.

It was the summer of 2023. The day everything fell into place. The day the soldier and the girl became one. Leaving them with nothing more than the happily ever after they once always dreamed of.

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