The time we lost

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I woke up that morning with a warm feeling in my chest. I let a smile stretch across my face as I felt arms around my waist, and the rise and fall of his chest that I had my head laid upon.
I finally opened my eyes to see our hands interlinked and his arm secure round my waist squeezing me tightly as if I would disappear if he let go.
I nestled my head into his chest and began to stroke softly up and down his arm.

It felt surreal. As if I was still dreaming. But I knew I wasn't. I dreamed about Steve and Bucky so often but I never had this bubbly feeling or being able to actually feel the warmth of their skin. After a while of just thinking about old memories I felt him stir beneath me. He let out a long sigh and I looked up at him. His eyes were still closed, probably savouring the moment. I tried to move to get a better view of him but his arms tightened.
"No. Don't move." He muttered in a deep morning voice.
I giggle quietly.
"You squeeze me any tighter Rogers I'm going to be as flat as a pancake." I joked.

A bright smile filled his face and he opened his eyes to meet mine. I wiggled in his grip until I was laying on my side facing him. I felt as though I was back being a teenager in the 40's.
"Good morning." He smiled at me.
"Good morning." I reply placing a hand on his face. I stroked up and down his cheekbone before moving my hand to his hair to play with the ends of it.
He closed his eyes in content.
"That feels nice." He whispered.
I smiled at him and leaned down to press my lips to his softly.

He opened his eyes again and I propped myself up.
"What do you want to do today?" I ask him.
"Absolutely nothing. We are going to stay in this bed all day and I'm going to listen to everything that's happened to you in all the years I've missed." He told me reaching up to play with my hair.
"We might need more than one day." I laugh. He joins in.
"I don't care. I'll spend forever with you." He promised.

My breath hitched. My mind going back to 1945 when I spoke to Steve in his sleep asking that from him. I knew he didn't mean it in that way but that didn't stop the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

So that's what we did all day. I told him all my stories from just a few months when he went into the ice, all the way up to Howard having Tony and then the 21st century. He listened to everything intently. We laughed, joked, shared memories from our childhood. I taught him how to use the basics of technology. I told him what movies we should watch together and I promised him tomorrow I would show him around.

We talked all the way back into the night until we fell back asleep again. I was laid back on his chest back in the position we were in the early hours of the morning. I was almost asleep until I heard Steve whisper to me.
"I promise I'll never leave you again. You've been my partner in crime since we were babies, along with Bucky. I couldn't save him, and that still will haunt me forever. But I promise you Allison, I'll protect you till my last breath. I love you so much, never forget that."
He fell silent again and I wondered if I should say anything.
"I love you too." I whispered

I felt him tense up but he quickly relaxed again bringing his arm over my waist to intertwine his hand in mine. I squeezed it gently as he kissed my head before I did fall back into sleep.

A week had gone by since I had Steve back in my life. That week could have easily been the best of my life. It was filled with laughter and happiness. We had explored New York together, we got back into training. I caught him up to speed in the future. But it was the in between moments that meant everything to me. We still felt out of place in this decade even after I lived through them for 70 years. In the evenings we would put on classic 40's music and dance around my apartment. It was if we never left each other's side. We were completely free and completely in love.

However, forever couldn't last and one morning we were up early. I was back at work after my short leave off and Steve had gone to have an early morning workout. I was in my office when Nick walked in unannounced.
"Fury." I greeted.
"Smith." He said back.
He threw a folder in my lap. I opened it and saw a picture of the tesseract. In my one week off everything went to shit. Loki of Asgard had portaled to Earth and was on a hell bent mission to take over.
"Agent Smith." Fury spoke making me look up to meet his gaze.
"It's time to start the Avengers Initiative." He told me. I sighed but nodded in agreement packing the file back up and handing it back to him as I stood up.
"Couldn't agree more with you. Want me to talk to Steve?" I ask but he shakes my head.
"I've got your super soldier Smith, I want you to make a call." He says.

He hands me my phone before walking out and I look down to see it's open and on Tony's number. I smile and waste no time ringing it. Staring out my window.

"Is that my Godmother ringing me. Sorry, for the sound of shock it's just you've been off the radar for a week fondueing your super soldier so I thought I was unimportant from now on." I heard Tony's sarcastic tone over the phone making me laugh.
"Is that jealously I detect Stark?" I tease.
"Never! I just felt hurt, I thought I was your favourite. So what do you need?"
"It's time Tony. I'm sure you've heard of Loki, we need you to come in. We need all of you."

I hear him sigh on the line.
"I'll be there Sunny."
"Can't wait Stark." I smile before hanging up. I smiled at his nickname he called me. When Tony was little he had trouble pronouncing long names. That's why we nicknamed him Tony however, he could only ever get out the last bit of my name which sounded like Sunny. It stuck ever since.

Late afternoon I finally left work and went home to my apartment. Steve was waiting for me on the couch. He smiled getting up to greet me when he saw me walk in.
"Hey there soldier." I smiled hugging and leaning up to kiss him.
"Hey, how was work?" He asked me taking my hand and pulling me over to the couch. He helped me take of my jacket and pulled me in for a cuddle.
"Different. Did Fury tell you what's happening?"
"Yep. Guess we're going back to war huh?" Steve sighed.
"Hopefully not." I say grabbing his hand in mine.

We stay there for a while until I stand up and offer my hand to him.
"Want to help me pack?"
He smirked at me and took my hand as I guided him to our bedroom. He got down two suitcases and I begun to pack clothes into them. He sat on the bed admiring me.
"This feels exactly like the moment in 1946 when you helped me pack to go to London." I admit.
"I know. Have you seen anymore of the world?" He asked me.
"Yes. So much. I never realised how beautiful it could be." I sighed in content.
"Maybe you can show me one day." He said.
"Maybe." I smile over at him.

I soon finish packing and lay our suitcases by the front door for tomorrow. I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. I lean back in Steve's embrace. He kisses my cheek before trailing them down to my jaw, then my ear and finally my neck. I let out a deep breath and lean my neck to the side giving him better access.
He soon spins me round and wastes no time connecting our lips. I play with his hair while his arms are around my waist.

Our kiss soon goes from innocent to more desperate and fast. He picks me up in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to our bedroom. He throws me on to the bed and I laugh. He returns my laugh and crawls on top of me. He leans back down to kiss my neck again making me give off a light moan as he lingers on a certain spot. I lift his chin back up to connect our lips again. We continue this for a while until I finally pull away to gaze at him.

He smiles down at me.
"Your goofy." I joke.
"And your beautiful." He says before leaning in to kiss me again. I chuckle into his lips as I feel his smile against mine. He leans up to my ear.
"And your all mine." He whispers seductively as his hands begin to travel from my waist to under my shirt.
I let out a slow breath. A new feeling erupted in my stomach.
"Steve." I whisper. He connects our lips again.
"Yeah." He says against my lips.
"I want you." I tell him.

He pulls away to look at me.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I just want you." I confirm.
He smiles down at me and kisses me with so much passion and love. I easily return it letting my arms hang round his neck.

Now I don't want to get into it. I mean I wasn't a virgin. C'mon, I'm 93 not dead. I've been alive for nearly nighty years and I never once really gave sex a thought. Mainly because none of the men were Steve. Sure I had flings but when you truly love someone, that feeling never goes away and with my job you're kind of in the wrong business for relationships. The love of my life went into ice and that was it for me. I just focused on my work. I wouldn't mind guys showing me attention but nothing ever happened. I knew Steve wasn't a virgin too but I mean, he had an excuse being in the ice for seventy years.

But I just enjoyed the moment we shared together. He undressed me with so much love and I returned every ounce he gave me. That night we truly became one. Just him and I.

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