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A month had passed by since mine and Steve's wedding. We had taken two weeks off for our wonderful Honeymoon in the Caribbean. Nothing but white Sandy beaches and hot weather along with the perk of a shirtless Captain America.

Now we were fully back to do missions with the team. Wanda, Nat, Sam, Steve and I were in Lagos, we had heard that Rumlow the son of a bitch was still alive and had been hiding underground like a mole rat. Today was the day we get rid of him and his crimes once and for all.

Wanda and I were outside a coffee shop in disguise. We both wore baseball caps and regular clothing, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Steve and Sam were up above tracking the area. Nat was at a table by herself not too far away from us. Wanda was adding more sugar to her cup of coffee making me grimace. I hated sugar in tea or coffee. I had mine black. While she stirred it around we both had a good look around our surrounds. Nothing out of the usual day to day life was happening so far.

"All right, what do you see?" I heard Steve's voice in my ear.
"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda listed off, I nodded in agreement.
"There's an ATM in the south corner, which means . . ." Steve trailed off.
"Cameras. Both cross streets are one way." I replied.
"So, compromised escape routes." Wanda told me.
"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?" Steve asked.

Wanda and I casually turned to see it.
"Yeah, the red one? It's cute." Wanda smiled.
"It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us." Nat states.
"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda deadpans making me chuckle.
"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Nat reminded us, we were still training Sam and Wanda up.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asked.
"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" I could see Nat's smirk from here.
"Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him." Steve reminded us.

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us." I heard Sam say making me nod in agreement again.
"Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it." Steve orders.

I see Sam fly towards the direction Steve told him and soon he tells us what he can see.
"That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed."
"It's a battering ram." Natasha said.
"Go now." Steve ordered making Wanda look up to me for confirmation.
"What?" Wanda asks.
"He's not hitting the police." Steve told us making us quickly get up and run off, still trying to not look suspicious or blow our cover but it was hard.

I ran straight into the line of fire along with Steve. I immediately took out my gun I was hiding under my jacket in my waist band. I began to shoot the soldiers tactically, my gun was faster and more precise than theirs. Also, I swear these people can never get their line of fire right.

I hide behind one of their vehicles, using my heightened senses and brain stimulation to figure out their patterns and next moves, only coming out of hiding when I knew I had a clean shot.
"Body armor, AR-15's. I make seven hostiles." I hear Steve through my radio even though he wasn't that far away from me.
"I make 5. 4. Rumlow's on the third floor." I hear Sam say.

"Wanda, just like we practiced." I tell her as Sam, Steve and I regroup together.
"What about the gas?" She asks me, taking her stance.
"Get it out." Steve said.
Wanda uses her powers to lift Steve up and through the window. I see him grab a soldier and easily pull off their gas mask.

Wanda starts to use her powers to remove the gas from the building, she looks over to me for confirmation and I nod proudly telling her silently to keep it up. Sam is exchanging fire with several soldiers to keep them from harming Wanda as she performs with her powers, to eliminate the gas. I take care of the rest of the agents who will not doubt try to flee knowing we are now here.

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