A Big Suprise

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Steve immediately goes to let Scott inside the Compound and as soon as he is in the meeting room with us he is pacing worriedly up and down in front of us, almost making a crater in the ground that he's walking on. Steve is still on guard, as none of us can wrap our heads around why he's here and Nat and I are still keeping hold of the kids as James worriedly clutches onto my shirt, scared of the stranger in front of him.

"Scott. Are you okay?" I ask tentatively.
"Yeah. I'm fine." He mumbled not sounding that promising.

He seems like he is struggling to ask about something but he finally plucks up enough courage and just blurts it all out.

"Have you ever studied Quantum Physics?" He asks us all.
"Yes." I answer immediately.
"Only to make conversation." Nat continues while Steve just shakes his head.

"Alright. So... five years ago, right before Thanos, I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is like its own microscopic universe. To get in there, you have to be incredibly small. Hope, she's my... She was my...She was supposed to pull me out. And then Thanos happened, and I got stuck in there." Scott explains and I nod taking in every word he says.

"I'm sorry. That must've been a very long five years." Nat consuls him.
"Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was five hours." Scott admits making me brows raise in shock. But then I remembered time works differently in every realm.


Time works differently in every realm.

What if the people that have been blipped are just in another realm? Another multiverse?

It was crazy but not impossible.

I already knew where Scott was taking this and my mouth falls open in shock. It was possible!

"See, the rules of the Quantum Realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable. Is that anybody's sandwich? I'm starving." Scott blabs as he reaches for the snack making my stomach churn.

I hated peanut butter. Something about it made me want to gag. Too bad my kids absolutely adore it along with my husband. I swear we go through a jar of it a week in my house.

"Scott, what are you talking about?" Steve asks wanting to get more answers.

"What he's saying is, time works differently in the Quantum Realm." I tell both Nat and Steve making them look at me incredulously.
"Yes! The only problem is right now, we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it. What if, we could somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it? What if there was a way to enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point in time but then exit at another point in time? Like... Like before Thanos."

Everything Scott was saying made sense but I didn't want hope. I finally had everything I wanted and if we started meddling with time, what if that gets taken away from me? I knew as an Avenger I owed it to the world to try but for once in my life I just wanted to be selfish and hold onto everything I had.

"Wait, are you talking about a time machine?" Steve asks again, wanting to make sure he heard him properly.

"No. No, of course not. No, not a time machine. It's more like a... Yeah, a time machine. I know it's crazy. But I can't stop thinking about it. There's gotta be some way... There's gotta be...some w... it's crazy." Scott mumbles drawing off his conversation.

"It's not-it's not crazy, Scott." I tell him with a nod. I feel myself tense up at the idea and hug onto James harder.

"And Scott, I get e-mails from a raccoon, so nothing sounds crazy anymore." Nat tells him making the man's eyebrows raise in almost excitement.

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