The Winter Soldier

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Rumlow steps in to the elevator with two STRIKE agents. I again secretly link my pinkie with Steve's in comfort.
"Keep all STRIKE personnel on site." Rumlow spoke.
"Yes, sir."
They replied.

"Forensics." Rumlow asked the computer.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far.

"Cap. Allison." Rumlow greeted.
"Rumlow." Steve and I both said as the elevator doors close and we start riding down.
"Evidence Response found some fibres on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac-team ready?" The tall dark-haired man asked me.
"No, lets wait and see what it is first." Steve answers for me.
"Right." Rumlow says not expecting that answer.

I study the other two agents, noticing Rumlow was trying to pick up conversation. I notice one of the agents touching his weapon suspiciously.
I squeeze Steve's pinkie and nod discreetly in their direction hoping he would catch on.
When I felt a tight squeeze back I know he did.

The elevator stops and more SHIELD and STRIKE agents enter. I think Steve and I both knew what was going on. Steve carefully looked in my direction and I think my eyes said it all. They were thinking of eliminating us faster than we expected. We needed to get out.

"What's the status so far?"
"Administrations level."
"Excuse me."

Steve had to brake away from my hold and I got shoved into the back corner. I knew how they were playing us. Steve and I were stronger as a team and they were trying to split us up as much as possible. I could see Steve visibly stiffen when he couldn't feel my hand anymore.
I prayed he didn't turn around and I let out a steady breath when he didn't.

I study the agents in the elevator and I notice a couple of them are sweating, due to stress. The others are holding onto their weapons.
This was it.
The elevator then stops again and even more agents enter. It was fully cramped now, almost impossible to move around.

My breathing picked up slightly but I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" I hear Steve's voice speak up.
I grew nervous when I could only see the very top part of his blonde hair, as the agents around me were all significantly taller than me.

There's a moment's pause before suddenly everything turns to chaos.
I am immediately pushed into the back wall by three strong men. But I kick my legs out at the man with the of electric rod trying to shock me.
I manage to get my left hand free and punch the man holding my right.
I slap onto my arc in my suit and turn on the vitals.
I flick my wrists out and shock some agents in front of me but I then get grabbed by the waist and hoisted up. I push all my weight onto my back and take him into the wall with me, wrapping my legs around his neck and making a harsh turn, allowing me to hear the crack underneath me and he soon falls into a heap on the floor, allowing me to land on my feet.
I see Steve is still stuck to the back wall because of the magnetic cuffs so I help him get them off while jumping up and kicking a agent in the head trying to get to me from behind.

There was soon a pile of agents on the floor of the elevator, making it even harder to move and try not to slip.
Steve and I stand up together and take a defensive stance just as Rumlow comes forward being the only one left standing.

"Whoa, Blondie, big guy. I just want you to know, this ain't personal." He yelled before going in to attack with his electric rod. Steve doges the blow and I grab his arm and twist it but he manages to graze my side with the rod making me yelp and my legs fall beneath me.

However, Steve defends me and knocks Rumlow out.
"It kind of feels personal." Steve gasps for breath as he helps me up and then picks up his shield.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"Are you ok?" He asks me, checking me over.
I nod in response. Steve walks forward to open the elevator doors but we're faced by a team of STRIKE agents pointing their weapons at us.

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