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Steve was watching Tony and I anxiously. I could feel the two's piercing gazes on us. All of a sudden as I squeeze Tony's hand he lets go and lunges towards Bucky, Steve stops him as I place my hand on his shoulders.

I knew how Tony felt but I didn't want him to do something he would regret.
"Tony. Tony." Steve spoke softly.

Tony turned to me with a heartbroken look which made my chest ache. I placed a hand on his face and held his hand with my other.
"I know. I know." I whisper comfortingly to him.
Consumed with grief and tears glistening in his eyes he turns and looks at Steve.
"Did you know?" He asks.

I also look to Steve with a fragile look. Steve couldn't have known, could he?
"I didn't know it was him." Steve said after a pause which told me the complete opposite making me let go of Tony.
"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" Tony raised his voice and I let him.

"Yes." Steve deadpanned making Tony step back, his chin jutting upwards twitchy in shock.

I just stand there numb. I didn't know what to do.

That was until Tony reengages the Iron Man helmet. He punches Steve to the floor and deflects gunfire from Bucky, disarming him.

I immediately then jump into action and grab Tony's hand that was raised towards Bucky.
"Tony stop! This won't bring them back. It wasn't him." I told my Godson.

I couldn't see Tony's reaction to what I just said but I'm guessing he was very hurt by my actions as he threw me full force to the side making me make contact with the solid concrete walls. I groan as I slam onto the floor. But I quickly stand up as I see Tony grab Bucky and fly across the chamber. He slams him onto the floor, then jumps on his arms.

I run over but Steve gets there first and he uses his shield to hit Tony, distracting him. Steve barges him backwards but Tony flies straight back towards him and pushes himself into Steve's shield making him fall to the floor and then Tony proceeds to shackle his ankles holding him there. Bucky punches Tony just as I get to the two but before I can split them apart Tony lifts Bucky and slams him against a machine.

I run over to Steve and lift his shield just as a rocket shoots out causing an explosion. I slice Steve's shackles and we are back on our feet as a towering structure of pipework collapses just where we were, causing me to let out a shaky breath.

However, a domino effect is then in place as more machinery begins to collapse overhead. Tony and Bucky are thrown down as Steve grabs me by the waist and rolls us out the way as twisted metal falls around us, showering sparks.

When the two of us stand up, we see Bucky stood up too. I notice Tony is being held down by a fallen structure so I nod to Steve.
"Get out of here!" Steve yells at Bucky.

He doesn't need to be told twice as he bolts for the door. I run over to help Tony but see he is back on his feet and trying to fire at Bucky.
"No!" I yell causing Bucky to skid and miss making me sigh in relief.

I nod for Steve to follow Bucky and he does reluctantly. I stand in front of Tony and the exit in which the boys left.

"It wasn't him, Tony. Hydra had control of his mind! I know more than anyone how you feel!" I tried to reason with my Godson.
"Move!" Was all Tony said icily as he stepped closer to me.

He suddenly took off into flight.
"It wasn't him!" I yelled again and grabbed his ankle in mid air and smashed it. I loved Tony but this was not the answer to his grief.

Tony still manages to fly off and as I go to follow he blocks me off by shooting down rubble.

I sigh and start to pry my way through the fallen rocks. Wincing when a couple cut my gloves open and blood slowly trickles down my palms. But with the high levels of anxiety, pain and adrenaline coursing through my body I hardly feel it.

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