An Explosion

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I stare baffled at the man now standing in the chamber in front of me.
That was not Steve Rogers.
I mean it was. But not as I knew him. He was now taller and by taller I mean over six foot. He would have given Bucky a run for his money. He had muscles so big I didn't even know they existed or could get that big.
I mean I liked Steve before all of this. If it wasn't obvious.
But I feel very guilty for saying he attracts me even more now.
I liked him before he got big. Before he had a purpose.
But I'm sure all the men in this lab swooned after seeing Steve come out the chamber like that.

I soon realised I had been staring far too long and rushed my way over to where Erskine and Stark were helping him out the chamber. He was breathing heavily and sweating. I cupped his face in my hands and let him focus on me.
"Steve?" I say softly.
He lets a big breath and slowly smiles at me.
"Hi Ali. When did you get so small?" He jokes making me smile and shake my head at him.
"How do you feel?" I ask again sincerely.
"Taller." He joked again not giving me a serious answer but I knew from the way he was joking he was ok.

"I did it." Steve breathed heavily.
"Yeah, yeah. I think we did it." Dr. Erskine says still supporting Steve from falling.
"We actually did it." Stark rejoiced looking over to me. I smile lightly at him.

"Doctor." A man from upstairs shakes hands with Erskine slightly barging past me.
"Thank you, sir." Erskine smiles.
All of a sudden a massive explosion goes off. I didn't even have time to think before big arms encased my small waist and pulled me down to the ground. I opened my eyes to see it was Steve who saved me as my body was encased by his.
Out of the corner of my eye I see one of the spectators steal the last of our serum. I push Steve off me and jump up.
"Stop him!" I yell as I chase after him but I stop as he fired bullets towards me. I duck and mange to miss them by some miracle and I see Peggy chasing after him.

I see Steve kneeling beside Erskine. I rush over to the two of them but he's already gone.
"Steve." I whisper.
"Are you ok?" He asks me seriously grabbing my arm so I can meet his eyes and he can check over me. I nod still numb to what just happened.
"Stay here!" He demands.
"Wait!" I call but he's already gone.

I sigh and crouch back beside Erskine I let a tear fall. He was the only man who gave me a chance. He believed in what I could be. I couldn't thank him enough.

I got to work cleaning the place up along with Howard. This experiment belonged to us now. Erskine was carried away by medics on a stretcher and I watched them go. Peggy came down later and I asked her if she was alright and checked her over. She was overwhelmed by my kindness but let me help her minor injuries.

"It's nice seeing another girl fighting for what she believes in." She spoke to me as I pulled out some glass from her arm.
"I feel the same way. There's too many men in this world thinking they can lead and underestimating women." I agree with her.
"I'm glad you feel the same way." We smile at each other and I start to bandage her up. My thoughts wonder to Steve, he isn't back yet.

"He'll be ok." She broke my thoughts and I looked at her again.
"Steve. He'll be ok. You should have seen him running just then outside, he was faster than the cars." I didn't reply and just let my mouth fall open. I knew what effects the serum would have on him but hearing them, well that was different.

"He speaks so highly of you." Peggy spoke again.
"Well we've been best friends for a long time." I reply.
"Just friends?" She asked.
I looked at her and raised my eyebrows but she quickly cut me off.
"Oh no, don't worry I'm not interested. I was just wondering if it's not to bold to say."
"No it's not. But yes, we're just friends." I chuckle finishing her bandages and cleaning up.
"It's just the way you look at each other. It's like the whole world is staring you in the face. It's beautiful." She smiled.
"Thank you." I blush not knowing what else to say.
She smirks at me and stands up.
"Thank you for helping me. I hope to see more of you Allison." She smiled.
"As do I Peggy." I watched as she left and I continued to tidy up waiting for Steve to return.

Only a few minutes later a familiar blonde came running back in.
"Steve!" I call rushing over to him.
He sighs at me in relief and wastes no time wrapping me up in his arms. I sigh and relax into them.
"I'm so glad your alright." He says.
"All thanks to you." I smile and pull back from him.

I study his face and smile. It hadn't changed one bit. I bring my hand up and stroke his cheek, he gladly leans into it.
"I missed you." I say softly.
"You have no idea how much I missed you." He said pulling me back into his chest and kissing my head.
"This feels weird. I never thought you'd be taller than me." I laugh.
"Hm. I look better right?" He joked but I pulled away again still in his arms.
"No. I mean, your taller yes, you have muscles now great! But you've always been my best friend Steve Rogers. I don't care what you look like, I'll always love you." I spoke.

Steve didn't say anything he just stared at me with a look I couldn't place. His eyes held a look of awe. I loved his eyes. He brought his hand up and tucked away some of my hair. He looked like he wanted to say something but Howard came in making me pull away from him.
"Hey sorry to be a bother. But I was wondering if we should run some tests on Rogers. Just double check everything's doing good and then hopefully we can use some to sample codes for the serum."

I look at Steve and he nods at me.
"Yes I agree. I'll take him down to the infirmary." I agree.
"Great." Howard says before walking off again.
"Come on." I say holding my hand out for him.

He smiled before taking it in his.
It felt perfect. Again that's one thing I noticed hadn't changed. His hands had always been larger than mine and even though they were even bigger, they still fit perfectly into mine. I walk him down the long hallway to a medic room.

I sit him down on the bed and get to work. I strap his arm up so I can get a good location of a vein before grabbing a needle.
"Since when did you become a nurse?" He joked.
"A lot can change in four months." I smirked.
"After all this has blown over. Will you tell me all about it?" He asks.
I look up and hold his gaze, it's sincere.
"About my nursing skills or?" I ask and he laughs lightly.
"About what you've been up to the last four months." He confirmed.
"Only if you tell me all about your training."
"Deal." He smiled but little did I realise I just agreed to my first date.

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