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I walked back up to the control room and saw Steve and Sam along with Sharon in the glass room that was in the middle of the large room.

I walk in and all eyes go to me. Steve sighs in relief and comes over to encase me in a hug. I return it and squeeze him back.
"You ok?" I ask pulling to arms length.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm ok, are you? How's Bucky?" He asks me.
"I'm fine. Bucky's alright. He's coping. He told me to tell you thank you, for everything."

Steve smiles to this and kisses me lightly before guiding me down to sit at the table opposite Sam. He stands behind me and rubs my shoulders soothingly knowing I was still tense. Sharon was at the head of the table and watching around the room.

I watch the security footage of Bucky's cell that is back up and running after my little bug traveled through the system.

I see a therapist walk into Bucky's cell and it makes me nervous.
"The receipt for your gear." Sharon says as she fiddles through some paperwork and gives it us. We brief over it and I smirk at the names.


"'Bird costume'? Come on." Sam moans.
"I didn't write it." Sharon states.

I divert my gaze back to the security camera and Sharon follows mine and Steve's gaze before sighing and pushes a button which stops the restriction on the audio from Bucky's evaluation. I smile up at her in thanks and she returns it.
"I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James? I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James."

I was annoyed that the therapist was pushing Bucky for questions. This was wrong.
"My name is Bucky."

This made me smile a little.

I see Steve pick up and study the blurry photograph of the man who bombed the congress in Vienna. It was sitting in the pile of paperwork we had in the room.
"Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?" Steve asked.
"Get the word out." I state simply.
"Involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon adds questioningly.

"Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken." Steve listed.
"Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." I say referring to our conversation back in England.

"You're still saying someone framed him to find him." Sharon asked.
"Guys, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Sam agreed.
"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads." Steve says.
"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would-" Sharon's cuts herself off as her gaze falls on the evaluator in the screen, her eyes narrow.

I stiffen.
The therapist wasn't a therapist.
Bucky's framer was in the room with him now.
Steve frowns and looks around, knowing no one else knows what's going on.
"Yeah." He mutters.

"Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?" The therapist asks. This makes me stand up and ready to run down to Bucky.
"I don't want to talk about it." Bucky mutters.

He's in pain.
"You fear that... if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry. We only have to talk about one."

Just as I expected the lights go out. All coms and videos shut down. Nothing is working.

I waste no time slamming the door open and running down to Bucky's cell. Who knows what that man was doing or what his plan was. Hopefully I got there in time.

I jumped down to the area but see Bucky no where and several guards passed out. I was too late. Steve and Sam soon arrive outside the chamber just after me. Red emergency lights flash all around us.

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