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That night the whole camp got onto planes to fly to London. We would all be safer at HQ. Steve fell asleep on the plane I didn't blame him.
I was sat between him and Bucky.

Bucky leaned over me to see if he was asleep before turning to me.
"So what's going on between the two of you?" He asked.

I almost coughed up a lung.
"What?" I turned to him bewildered.
He just smirked at me and crossed his legs.
"I may have been gone for almost a year Allison but I still know you better than anyone else. You two are head over heels for each other." He smirked.

I stared at him blankly.
"N-No, no, no. You got it all wrong Steve and I are just friends." I stuttered still wide eyed.
"Sure. Listen Allison. Even a fool would be able to tell there was something going on between the two of you before all this happened. And now he's looking that great, well...I don't blame you."
"Bucky!" I tried to keep my voice down but I was getting embarrassed and flustered. Bucky laughed at me.
"Allison. I don't blame you. If anything I'm over the moon for you. You two deserve each other. He's liked you since we were old enough to talk. Why do you think he was never interested in any girls I brought for him. Because he had you sitting in front of him the whole time!" Bucky explained.

I wanted to believe it was true with my whole heart. But something pulled me away from that reality. I wanted to wake him up right now and confess my love but I just couldn't.
I sighed and fell back in my chair.
"He doesn't like me like that Buck." I mumbled.
"Your joking right? Your joking? Oh my God your not-Allison Roslyn Smith! Are you really that blind?" He demanded now fully facing me in his seat.
"Bucky do you really have to talk that loud?!" I ask turning to see Steve sighing in relief seeing he was still fast asleep.
"Allison listen to me. Steve is in love with you. He always has been, always will be."
"You don't know that Buck."
"Allison! I've known you both straight out the womb. Look, all I'm saying is tell him. He feels the same way. Don't wait too late Allison. You'll regret it." Bucky kissed my cheek before sitting back in his seat yawning and pulling his blanket over him.

I sighed and pondered over Bucky's words. I wanted to tell him. Really bad. I look over at Steve's sleeping body. I shake my head and curl up in my seat, grabbing Bucky's hand in my own and leaning on Steve's shoulder. For the first time in years I slept the whole night through with happy dreams and it was all because I had both my boys next to me.

The next day we had all made our way into HQ and we were sitting at a round table discussing our plans for HYDRA.
"The fifth one was here in Poland, right near the Baltic." Steve spoke. I marked it on a map exactly where he was pointing for him.
"And the sixth one was... about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line." Steve continued.
A soldier came to take the map away as I sat back on my chair.
"I just got a quick look." Steve said making me look at him incredulously.
"Well, nobody's perfect." Peggy spoke as the three of us walk over to Phillips and another map.
"These are the weapon factories we know about. Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map." Steve told us.
"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base." Chester told her.
"What about us?" I ask him.
"We are gonna set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass. What do you say, Rogers? It's your map, you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?" Chester asked.
"Yes, sir. I'll need a team." Steve asked.
"We're already putting together the best men." He replied.
"With all due respect, sir. So am I." Steve spoke with a smile. I looked at him with curious eyes but he smirked at me and walked away.

That night Peggy had almost dragged me to the bar where all the soldiers would be. She wanted to talk to Stark and she convinced me to come with her. She didn't want to go alone so I did it for her, no one else. The thing that shocked me even more was she got me in a dress. I know...
It was a simple red dress that had quarter-length sleeves and a tight fitting waist before flowing out to just above my knees. My hair was curled and to the side which it never had been before and I had makeup on for the second time in my life with bright bred lips.

I didn't even recognise my reflection. I was nervous. I kept fiddling with my skirt and when we arrived Peggy slapped my hand. She looked beautiful too. Her hair was pinned up in curls and she too had red lipstick on. She had a black dress on that had short sleeved was not as tight as mine and little longer. She linked our arms before we walked in together. All eyes immediately went to us and I fidgeted nervously. But she dragged me in along with her and we came to the bar where I discovered my two best friends. Both with their moves hanging open, practically on the floor.

I look over to Peggy nervously and she only smirked and stopped once in front of them both.
"Captain." Peggy greeted while I only gave off a shy smile.
"A-Agent Carter." Steve stuttered still looking at me.
"Ma'am. Ali. You both look beautiful." Bucky smiled.
"Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?" Peggy said.
"S-Sounds g-good." Steve spoke again his eyes were burning into me. I looked down nervously.
"I see your top squad is prepping for duty." Peggy spoke, I followed her eyes to the loudest table in the bar. I raised my eyebrows at the team before gazing at Steve smiling.
"You don't like music?" Bucky asked Peggy.
"I do, actually. I might even, when this is all over, go dancing." Peggy smiled turning to look at me. I looked at her confused.
"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky smiled standing up.
"The right partner. 0800, Captain. See you later Al." Peggy smiled at me and then at Steve before leaving.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll be there." Steve told her before she walked out.
"I'm invisible. I'm...I'm turning into you Ali. It's like some horrible dream." Bucky joked making me lightly hit his shoulder and laugh alongside Steve.
"Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend." Steve chuckled. His gaze then found mine again and he smiled fondly swallowing hard.

"Ali you look..." He wondered off.
"Weird." I joked.
"Beautiful." He finished breathing out slowly.
Bucky chuckled making me glare at him. He caught my gaze and winked.
"He's right Ali. You look stunning."
"Yeah? Well don't get used to it, I'll be back in my trousers tomorrow morning." I told them, making them both chuckle again.
"Wouldn't think any less of you. Now if you two don't mind. I'm going dancing." I watch him walk off as he patted my shoulder finding a girl to dance with.

I smile after him and turn back to face Steve. I sit down in Bucky's seat next to him.
"He'll never change will he." I smile.
"Nope." He spoke quietly gazing at me still. I blush and chuckle.
"Why are you staring at me Steve."
I felt two fingers under my chin and I let him tilt my head up to face him. I stared deep in his blue eyes.
"Because your beautiful." He whispered.

I could see him gazing at my red lips. I couldn't help but look at his but before he could get any closer loud laughs from his team table startled me. He chuckled lowly and stood up.
"Where are you going?" I ask him confused.
"Dancing." He spoke.

I tried to hide my disappointment but I think I let it slip slightly.
"Oh, well I'm sure you'll have fun." I put on a smile and turn back to the bar.
"Ali." I heard him laugh.

I turned back to face him to see his hand outstretched towards me.
"Come on." He spoke excitedly.
"Steve...I can't dance." I whisper embarrassed.
"Neither can I. Don't worry. I'll lead you." He insisted.

I sighed and slowly slipped my hand into his. He held it in his and helped me up. He led me to where everyone was dancing. As soon as we found a way in. I looked around at everyone not knowing what to do. Steve chuckled once more and pulled me into him making me gasp and place a hand on his chest. He smiled down at me lovingly and grabbed one of my hands putting it on his shoulder and he took the other one in his.
He swayed me slowly as "It's been a long long time" played.
I soon relaxed into his hold and leaned into his chest. He kept his arm around my waist tightly and leaned his head on top of mine.

"I love you." I spoke quietly.
"I love you too."

I wanted nothing more than to admit I meant it another way but I couldn't allow myself. I blinked back tears and just enjoyed the feeling of him against me as we danced. I don't think I had ever been happier.

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