Sister from another Mister

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James Barnes could not be seen by anyone as he dragged the blonde soldier out of the dark river, more commonly known as Captain America. After he had seen the man fall into the water he jumped in to rescue him.

He didn't know exactly what urged him to do it. Or maybe he did but those feelings were wrapped up so deep down inside him, he didn't know the feeling anymore. Bucky was numb.

He wasted no time diving back into the water in search for the girl he did know. Even after his latest torture he remembered Allison clearly. He didn't want to hurt her. But if he didn't, they were going to hurt him.

He had a chance to escape. HYDRA had fallen once again. But he risked everything in order to save his two best friends. He swam around deep until he caught sight of golden locks floating up in the dark water.

He quickly grabbed onto her dark blue coat that he too seemed to remember now. She was wearing his old uniform. It almost made a ghost of a smile dance upon the Winter Soldier's lips. But it never did come to light.

Bucky dragged the girl onto the shore in his arms next to Steve. He watched them both carefully. Steve was slowly breathing as his chest rose and fell in pain. However, Bucky watched Allison intently as he had not yet seen her breath.

After only ten seconds he leaped into action and placed his hands onto her chest and started pumping up and down trying to revive her.
As he did memories of him and his best friend flashed before his eyes. He looked down at her face and then at the dog tags that still hung loosely around her neck. She never stopped caring about him. Tears rolled down his face as he tried harder and harder to bring her back to life.

Her skin was pale, almost blue and her cracked lips were slightly parted. This was all his fault, Bucky thought as he cried but he never gave up.

Three young mothers sat around their playful children. They spoke excitedly about future plans to make for when the three grew up. The three children were Steve, Bucky and Allison. Steve being the oldest and Ali being the youngest. The boys were teaching Ali how to play hide and seek.

After much squealing and running around Bucky started to chase Ali knowing she cheated. Her squeals of laughter danced around the room as she teased the young boy chasing her. Finally he caught up to her and body slammed her to the floor in order to stop her running.

Immediately Bucky heard gasps behind him and their mothers soon scooped the two up.
"Careful James! Allison's a lot smaller than you and you're a lot stronger. You have to be more careful." Bucky's beautiful mother told the young boy.
"I'm sorry Ali." Bucky sighed with a frown, mad at himself he nearly harmed the girl.

Instead he was met with small arms wrapping around his waist and a face pushed into his chest.
"It's ok Bucky." The young girl laughed as she hugged onto her brother.

"I just don't want to talk to him tonight." The young blonde huffed as she threw herself on her bed.
Bucky held back a laugh and followed her by crawling onto it himself and laying his head down on her chest, allowing her to stroke through his curls to calm the young girl down.
"I know that too. Promise me you'll talk to him tomorrow after our mission?" Bucky asked Allison.
"I promise. I'm worried about tomorrow." She admitted to the young soldier in her arms.
"Why?" He asked her.
"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling. Promise me you'll be ok and safe. Watch out for Steve?"
"I promise. I'll be back before you know it Ali."
"Can you stay with me tonight?" She pipes up after a long comforting pause.
"Of course I will. Just like old times huh?" The young man chuckled as he slowly dreamt off in his sister's arms for the last time.

"Come on Ali! Come on! Please. Pl-please don't leave me." Bucky choked out over his sobs. He plucked up enough courage and even did mouth to mouth.

He struggled to keep going but as if his miracle had been answered Ali took a deep breath. She immediately choked on the water in her lungs making Bucky roll her over quickly. She breathed out deeply once the oxygen hit the back of her lungs. She kept her eyes closed in exhaustion.

Bucky quickly let go and stood up frightened, knowing she was no awake. He didn't want to be there when they woke up. She was safe, that was all that mattered. Bucky saved her.

Bucky took one last look at his friends before wiping away his tears and walking off into the woods. Away from his siblings, away from HYDRA and away from the Winter Soldier.

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