A turn of events

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We get up to the lounge and see the rest of the Avengers plus Dr. Cho and Maria Hill sitting around a coffee table with Thor's hammer sitting on it between them.

Steve sits down on the couch and pulls me with him so I can sit on his lap. I get comfortable and lean into his chest.
Everyone was laughing and joking around making me smile until I heard Clint's loud voice from beneath my feet where he was sitting; back against the couch fiddling with some drum sticks.

"But, it's a trick!" He exclaimed, referring to Thor's hammer.

"Oh, no. It's much more than that." Thor argued.
"Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint fired back with his best Thor impression making me burst into a fit of laughter making him smile proudly.

"Well please, be my guest." Thor offers making me go silent again.
We all look towards the pair. Thor never let anyone touch his hammer before and I was quite intrigued to see how this would play out.

"Come on." Tony cheered.
"Really?" Clint asked.
"Yeah!" Thor exclaims happily as Clint stands up.

"Oh this is gonna be beautiful." Rhodey says.
"I agree with that statement." I say as I turn to him.
"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Tony tells the young man making us laugh again.

Clint shakes and sizes himself up as he walks confidently over to the hammer.
"You know I've seen this before, right?" He grabs the hammer and after a lot of trying he can't lift it.
"I still don't know how you do it." He laughs.

"Smell the silent judgment?" Tony says.
"Please, Stark, by all means." Clint offers.

Tony then gets up making me sit up straighter in Steve's lap earning a groan from him. I look down and he has a pleading look on his face making me smirk and turn away like nothing happened causing him to squeeze my hips harder.

"Oh, here we go." Nat says.
"Now this is going to be good." I tell everyone earning agreements from everyone.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Tony says with a smile as he too gets in front of the hammer.
"Get after it." Clint playfully yells.

"It's physics." Tony deadpans.
"Physics!" Bruce yells outraged making me laugh again.

I watch as Tony grasps Thor's hammer.
"Right, so, if I lift it, I...I then rule Asgard?" Tony asks before he lifts it up...well tries too.
"Yes, of course." Thor says with a smirk knowing Tony can't lift it.

"I will be re-instituting Prima Nocta." Tony grunts as he tries to lift it. When he realised he failed he takes his hand off and looks back up to us.
"I'll be right back." He says.
Soon he is wearing his armored hand and tries to lift the hammer again but fails.
Now, both wearing their armored hands, Tony and Rhodey both try to lift Thor's hammer.

"Are you even pulling?" Rhodey asks.
"Are you on my team?" Tony argues.
"Just represent! Pull!"
"Alright, let's go!"
They both still pull as hard as they can but they cannot lift it. They both sit down with a pout.

Bruce is next and when he tried to lift the hammer, he roared as though pretending to change into the Hulk. My eyes widened and everyone either looked at him warily or with a small smile. He just awkwardly smiled and laughed before sitting down again.

"I believe it's your turn Captain." I smirk down to Steve who returns my expression and lifts me effortlessly off his lap and back down onto the couch while he walks over.

"Let's go, Steve, no pressure." Tony says.
"Come on, Cap." I cheer making Steve wink over to me.

Steve starts pulling on the hammer and manages to budge it a little. I don't think anyone noticed this due to their intoxication but mine and Thor's eyes widened and Thor looks a little alarmed. My mouth falls open slightly but Steve still fails to lift it. I close my mouth and give him an encouraging smile while Thor laughs with relief.

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