You know me

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I counted down in my head slowly. There was about ten seconds left. It was now or never. I groaned as I leaned up and placed the chip in its slot.
"Charlie locked." I groaned out.

"Okay, Cap, Ali, get out of there." I hear Maria through my ear still.
"Fire now." Steve grunts still holding off Bucky.
"But, Steve..." Maria whispers.
"He's right. Do it! Do it now!" I say.

Maria does as she's told because I hear the explosions go off and feel the ship shake as it's hit. I use the railing to keep me standing as I slowly stand up and move myself.
I cover my head with my arms as the Helicarrier begins to fall apart but I look back up at the sound of a scream.

It sounded painful. I look down to see Bucky trapped under a large piece of heavy metal and Steve just next to him but free from it making me sigh out in relief.

The Helicarriers were beginning to fall down out of the air. I made a spilt decision to go down and help Steve free Bucky. I yelled out as I used all my last remaining strength to pull him out. Once I knew Bucky was free, I sighed out and fell back down. When I thought the fighting would stop it took me by surprise and didn't.

"You know me." Steve said.
"You know us Buck." I whisper softly from where I laying down in defeat, clutching my abdomen in pain.

Bucky lashes out at Steve in anger and throws him down next to me. He straddles the both of us.
"No, I don't!" He screamed.
"Bucky, you've known me, us your whole life." I choke out, feeling blood at the back of my throat.
Bucky stares at me but punches Steve in rage.
"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes." Steve continues choosing not to fight.
Bucky hits Steve again, causing me to reach out and try to hold back his hand but in one swift movement he breaks my left wrist clean making me scream out in pain again.

I bite hard down on my lip tasting more blood as I try to suppress me tears.
"Shut up!" Bucky yells.
Steve's mask falls off and Bucky now gets a good look at his old friend's face along with my own, making something flash across his eyes for a second. A split second.

"I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend." Steve says as he fully let's go of his shield and I watch as it falls out the carrier.
"You're my mission." Bucky yells menacingly as he punches Steve repeatedly across the face. I cry out slightly in pain for Steve and use my strength to hold Bucky's hand again.
"You're both my mission!" Buck repeated again now turning to me and punching me in the stomach where my bullet wound was, making me full cry out again and tears cascaded down my face.

"Then finish it." Steve spoke.
Bucky hesitated this time. Holding his fist up. I noticed my dog tags had fallen out from beneath my jacket and Bucky was staring intently at them.
"Cause I'm with you to the end of the line."I whisper finishing it off for him.

I could now fully see a change in Bucky. He looks as if the cogs finally started turning again and he remembered his two best friends. The three musketeers.
However, I couldn't hold on to the moment because the bottom of the Helicarrier we were on falls sending Steve and I straight down into the river below. It was hundreds of a feet of a drop and when I hit the river it felt like I was hitting concrete and I never even got to cast a look at my blue eyed soldier before my eyes closed and I was consumed by darkness.

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