Whatever It Takes

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Later that night everyone had gone to bed except Tony, Nat, Bruce and I. We were sprawled out across the room surrounded by files, notes and paper. Tony sat on the table, while Bruce was laid across the floor. Nat and I led on the table. The Time Stone is up on the display as we try to figure it out, as none of us really had any connection with it.

"That Time Stone guy..." Nat begins to ask as she furiously writes down on her notepad while I just skim read over my notes.
"Doctor Strange." I answer for her.
"Yeah, what kind of doctor was he?" Nat asked me.
"Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit from a hat." Tony interrupted making us roll our eyes. It had been a long night.

"He was a neurosurgeon." I answer her honestly.
"Nice place in the village, though." Bruce says.
"Yeah. Sullivan Street." Tony agreed.
"Hmm... Bleecker." Bruce mumbled but then it hit me and I sat up quickly.

"Wait, he lived in New York?" I asked for confirmation.
"No. He lived in Toronto. Were you even paying attention?" Tony asks.

I look over to Nat and she nods in agreement.
"Guys, if you pick the right year, there are three stones in New York." Nat tells them.

There is a definite pause and then Bruce sits up in pure surprise.
"Shut the front door." He mumbled.

Our life just became a whole lot easier.

An hour later I crawled into bed with Steve and he automatically curled up beside me, his head on my chest and arms around my waist. I smiled and laid my head on top of his, wrapping my arms around him and playing with the ends of his hair that were growing again.

"I love you." I whisper seeing if he would wake up. When he didn't I smiled to myself.
"I love you Stephen Grant Rogers. I absolutely adore you. I always have and I always will. You are the best father to my children I could have ever asked for and I know you will do amazingly well raising one more. I can't wait to properly tell you. I hope they get your eyes like Natalie. After this I don't care what happens I am officially retiring." I chuckle to myself lightly not wanting to wake him up, enjoying this moment I was having like I was that giddy young girl back in 1945.

"I'm ready to spend my last forever with you." I say finally before closing my eyes and falling asleep to the sound of Steve's gentle breathing.

The next morning everyone was up bright and early and I actually hadn't thrown up yet! But I knew today was the day and I was absolutely terrified, I still had to find a way of getting out of time travelling without telling Steve I was pregnant because if that slips out today before he goes, he won't focus on his mission and I couldn't risk that. I might be being selfish but he needed to concentrate and I couldn't let myself be the reason we failed today.

We all had breakfast as one big, happy family talking and laughing to take our minds off the big elephant in the room. Then once we were all ready we met up in the conference room where holograms displaying the different locations of the stones were up. The Soul and Power Stones in space in 2014. The Reality Stone in Asgard, 2013 and the Space, Mind, and Time Stones in New York City, 2012.

We had devised a well thought out plan that we were all confident with and now was the talk about teams.

"Well someone has to stay behind and control the whole thing, beside we are one pym particle short. Banner?" Tony asks.
"I'll do it." I interrupt loudly making everyone face me in pure shock apart from Nat who gave me a knowing look.

"What? Sorry did I just hear you correctly. Because if I'm not mistaken, you just agreed to stay out of all the action." Tony stated.
"I know but Bruce said it himself this is more my field. I don't want anything to go wrong so if I feel more comfortable behind the panel controlling when you come back then, I have to do it." I say making up an excuse which wasn't a lie at the same time.

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