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The sound of a cry can be heard inside a room. A new baby girl. A new life.

"She's so beautiful..." the mother of the baby said, looking at the baby in her husband's arms. "Indeed she is... she has your eyes..." the dad said. The baby looks up at them and smile.

"And she have your smile..." the mother added. The father nod his head. "Yeah, she's perfect... you have done an amazing job bringing her into this world..." he said, looking happily at the baby in his arms.

His eyes snap to his wife when he heard a beeping sound. "M/N?" He said. His sister walks towards him, taking the baby from his arms. He instantly went to her side.

"T-Take care of o-our daughter..." she stuttered out. "No... no no no... y-you c-can't... you can't leave me" he cried. "I-I'm sorry..." was all she said, as her eyes flutters close. Her husband chokes a sob as he place his forehead against his wife, not accepting the fact that she had passed away.


A funeral is health for a brave woman that sacrifice her life to bring another to the world.

The people around him is slowly walking away after they express their condolences towards him. He walks towards the tomb of his wife.

"D/N... you meant the world to me... and now you're not around anymore. But thank you for giving me this precious baby. I promise you... I will protect her with my life... and I thought I'd tell you her name. I have decided to name her L/N Y/N... she will be the most precious person to me as she held a piece of you. I love you... so much..." he said.

5 Years Later

"Daddy!!" Y/N yelled as the sight of her dad. Her dad laugh in happiness as he picks her up. "Hey my little princess... how are you?" He said, nudging his nose against her. "I'm doing great daddy..." she said with a soft giggle.

"I have someone I want you to meet..." he said, as he place her down. "Who?" She asked, looking at him in confusion. Then a knocking sound can be heard.

"Oh they're here..." he said. He heads towards the door and opens it, revealing a girl who looks a little older. Along with a man. "Who are they?" Y/N said, hiding behind her dad's leg. She's not really fond in meeting new people.

"He's my bestfriend... Charlie Swan... and his little daughter. Isabella Swan..." he said, crouching down as he smiles at the little girl. Who smiles shyly in return.

"Go on... talk to her... she can be your best-friend just like us..." he said, pushing his daughter towards Isabella.

"U-Um... I'm L/N Y/N... h-hello..." she stuttered out nervously. Isabella laugh and hugs her. "We will be the bestest friend!" She cheered, making Y/N froze slightly. Then she blinks and hugs her back.

"Aww... they're friends already..." Y/N's dad cooed, earning a laugh from Charlie. "I'm sure they will have a strong friendship like us..." he said, smiling at Y/N's dad, earning a nod from him.


Y/N is bawling her eyes out as she is being held in Charlie's arms. "Daddy..." she cried out. They just receive a news that Y/N's father was killed, but they couldn't find his body.

"I have n-no one now..." she said, sadly. "That's not true, Y/N... you have me and my dad..." Isabella said. "Yes... we will be your family... I'll take care of you, I promise..." Charlie said. "Really?" She said, looking at them with a sad smile. "Really..." they said together.

Charlie fills out an adoption form, making Y/N officially becomes his daughter. Isabella hugs Y/N. "You're my sister now! Now we can do everything together!" Isabella cheers. "We always do everything together, silly..." Y/N said, laughing but hugs her back nonetheless. Just like that... L/N Y/N name have changed into Y/N Swan. She is the adopted sister of Isabella Swan, Charlie's Swan adopted daughter.

What will happen next?

*to be continued*

A/N: This is my first Twilight fanfic. Most people writes about Edward or Jacob. As much as I like them both. Seth Clearwater is my fav! So... I decided to write my own version. I hope you like it! Thanks for reading and please support me!

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