Chapter 26

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A/N: just a short notice. The words in "italic" is reader's subconscious mind. Now let's get to the story!


Previously on Chapter 25

As soon as they are out of sight. I burst into tears again. Edward hugs me closer to him as I cried into his chest. My little sister is gone... she's gone...

And it's all my fault

-What's Going On?-

Seth P.O.V

I stay with Y/N. Not wanting to leave... and certainly not ready to say goodbye... no... I don't wanna say goodbye. I can't... she's everything to me. I just can't let her go.

"Y/N... please... I know you're not dead. You're just sleeping... p-please show m-me a sign t-that you're s-still with me... I need you, Y/N... please... d-don't l-leave me. Come back to me..." I cried out, as I hold onto Y/N's cold hand.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Jacob. "Come on, man... you gotta let her go... let her rest peacefully..." he said. I stand up and grab him by his collar.

"She's not dead! She's just asleep!! She will wake up! I know she will..." I scream at him. My hand loosen up and I drop to the floor on my knees. "S-She's n-not dead... she's not dead... my baby w-won't l-leave me..." I cried out. Jacob kneels down in front of me and pulls me in his arms. I cried onto his shoulder.

"You have to let her go..." he said. I push him away from me. "What about you, huh?! What if it's Bella that's laying there now! Would you able to let go!!" I scream in anger. He looks at me in sadness. I can see the hurt look in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't m-mean to lash o-out o-on you... I just c-can't deal w-with the fact that Y/N i-is gone..." I said. I feel his hand on my head. "I know how you feel, buddy... but you gotta let her go..." he said.

Tears keeps streaming down my cheeks. I wipe them away with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. Then I look up at him and nod my head. He's right... I gotta let go. Y/N won't be in peace if she sees me like this.

I stand up and turns to Y/N. I lean down and place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Rest in peace, baby... I'll always love you. There's no other girl in this world that could replace you in my heart... you've always have been... and always will be... my everything" I said, leaning my forehead against her shoulder. I place a soft kiss on her cold lips. Then I stand up and runs out of the house.

I stop by a log and take a seat on the ground, leaning my back against the log. I hug my knees close to my chest as I burst into more tears. I know that I said I will let her go... but deep inside my heart... I know that I'll never able to.

Carlisle P.O.V

I saw Seth running out of the house. I let out a sigh as I feel bad for him. But most importantly... I feel bad for Bella. She just lost her beloved little sister. I can't imagine the pain she's going through. I feel sadness too... as I've considered Y/N as my own daughter.

Bella is sitting on the couch, Edward is trying to give her as much comfort as he can. But I can tell that it's not doing much, there are still tears streaming down from her eyes.

The house phone rings. I turn my head to the sound. "It must be Charlie... he's been searching for Y/N. I don't know what I should tell him..." Bella said. "He deserve to know the truth... we can't keep him in the dark forever. He has to know soon or later..." I said. She just looks down as more tears streams down her eyes.

I pat her head gently. "This too shall pass... we have to move on for Y/N..." I said. She just stay silent. I give her a small smile.

"I have to go and clean Y/N up. Then we need to tell Charlie... after all that... we can hold a proper burial for her..." I said. They just nod her heads, nod saying a word. I turn around and head upstairs.

I walk towards Y/N with a bucket of water. I rinse the cloth and gently wipe her body. But I notice something strange happening. Her neck... it's not broken anymore.

Author P.O.V

A girl is walking around by the lake. Her h/l h/c is flowing gently from the softness of the breeze. She feels free... as if all her life problem just disappear. But she can't help but feel lonely.

"Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel as if I'm missing something..." she said to herself as she stare into the water. She hear someone calls out her name and turns around.


"Y/N..." someone calls out my name. "Seth..." I said. "Don't leave me, Y/N..." he said. "But I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere..." I said, looking at him in confusion. "I need you, Y/N..." he said, tears starts to stream down his eyes.

"Seth... I'm right here... what are you talking about?" I said, reaching out to him. But my hand just went through his body. I stare into my hand in confusion. I look back up at him to see him slowly disappearing.

"You're everything to me..." he said, smiling softly at me with tears still streaming down his eyes. I blink my eyes and he's not around anymore.

"Seth? Where are you, Seth?" I said, looking around to search for him. "Seth!!!" I screamed. But no matter how hard I try to look for him. He's not there.

"Y/N..." I hear someone calls out. I turn my head to see Bella. "Bella..." I said. "Y/N... you're my beloved sister. I'm s-so sorry that y-you have to lose your life b-because o-of me..." she said. "W-What a-are you t-talking about?" I said. Then she too disappear. I look around, trying to see anyone... only to realize I'm all alone.

What's going on?

*to be continued*

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