Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

"Jake!" I heard someone said. I turn around to see a boy running our way. My eyes widened when I look at him. No way... he's... real?

-Seth Clearwater-


I stare at him wide-eyed. His face... his eyes... as well as his lips. Everything about him is exactly like the guy I saw in my dreams. I can't believe it... he's real?! Or this is just another dream.

"About time you got here... Paul's been eating all the grubs. But I save you some burgers..." he said, with a smile as he looks at Jacob. "Good looking out bro..." he said. Then he turns to look at Bella and I.

"So... Bella... Y/N... this is Seth Clearwater... newest member of the pack..." he said. "Newest... bestest... brightest..." he said.

"And slowest

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"And slowest..." Jake said, then hold him in a head lock. He squirms, trying to get away from Jake's hold. Someone whistle and Seth manage to get out of his hold. "Come on! It's about to start..." he said, looking excited. Then he runs to sit down. I just stand there, still in shock.

"Heyyy?" Bella said, waving her hand in front of my face. I snap out of my daze and turn to look at her. "Are you okay? You've been staring at him for quite a while now..." she said. I cover her mouth "shh! He'll hear you!" I said. Then I just walk and sit down near the bonfire.

Bella sits down next to me. "Sorry, sis... I'm just worried about you..." she said. "It's fine..." I said, smiling at her. I can feel eyes on me and turn my head. I make an eye-contact with Seth. he keeps on staring back at me, without blinking.

Seth P.O.V

I continue to stare at Y/N. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Her eyes flicker as she turns to look at me... but even so... I couldn't look away from her.

When our eyes met... I feel like everything around me disappear when I look at her. It's like the gravity underneath me disappear and nothing else matters but her. I want to be with her. I want to be her friend... her brother... her protector. I want to be someone she can fully rely on. I will do ANYTHING for her to keep her happy and safe.

I blink and look away from her. I look down, as I place my hand on my chest. I feel someone nudge my side. I turn my head to see Jacob.

"What's up with you?" He said. I lean closer to his ear. "I think I just imprinted..." I said. "With Y/N?" He said. I turn my head to look at Y/N and nod my head. "Yeah..." I breathe out. I can hear him laugh. I turn my head to look at him. "What?" I said, looking at him in confusion. He shakes his head and ruffle my hair. "Nothing... I'm just happy for you, bro. You just found your mate..." he said. I just look down, smiling to myself. I glance at Y/N once again to see her talking to her sister.


I turn my head to look at Billy as he begins to talk. "We have always had magic in our blood... which allow us to transform into a big and powerful wolf" he said. Then he go on and talks about how the village got a attack by a being that looks like a human, with a skin colder than ice.

I stare into the fire as if I can see images of what happened that time.


After the bonfire. We hang around for a bit. I just stay near the fire, deep in thought. Then I can feel someone sitting next to me.

I turn my head to see Seth. "Hey..." he said, smiling at me. "Hey..." I said, smiling softly. "How do you like the history?" He asked. "It was great... I've always love to hear histories... so to be able to hear something like that... it's a once in a lifetime chance" I said, smiling happily at him. He smiles brightly at me.

"I haven't properly introduce myself... my name is Y/N Swan. I'm Bella's younger sister..." I said, offering my hand to him. He smiles at me. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Jacob have said my name... but I'll say it again. My name is Seth Clearwater. Leah's brother..." he said, shaking hands with me. We smile at each other and continue to stare into each other's eyes.

A strand of hair falls on my face. He raise his hand, tucking it behind my ear. "You're so beautiful..." he said, smiling at me. I blush at what he said. I look away from him, trying to hide the redness on my cheeks.

"Y/N..." he said. "Yeah?" I said. "I ought to let you know... well..." he start, rubbing his neck. "What is it?" I said. "You know... how a shifter imprinted?" He said, nervously. "When they meet their soulmate? Yeah... I know..." I said, nodding my head. "I... uh... you... are my imprint Y/N..." he said. "I am?" I said. He nods his head.

"I'm not going to rush you... to be together with me. I figured you might need time to get used to it. But I just want to let you know..." he said, smiling shyly at me. I smile at him and move to lay my head on his shoulder. He froze for a few moment then relaxes.

"We'll take things slow... let's start from getting to know each other..." I said. I feel him nodding as he leans his head on mine. "I agree..." he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Y/N! Let's go home! It's starting to get late!" I hear Bella shouted. "Coming!" I said. I pull away from Seth and smile at him. "I'll see you around?" I said. "Sooner than your think, Y/N..." he said, smiling softly at me.

He places a soft kiss on my forehead. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer by his gentle gesture. I smile shyly at him and stand up. Then I walk away towards Bella, who is smirking at me.

"Someone's in love~" she said. "Don't tease me..." I said. "You tease me all the time. Now it's my turn... I'm not going to let this go to waste. So be prepare" she said. "Whatever..." I mumble. I turn to look at Seth one more time. He's standing by the bonfire, looking back at me. He smiles when he notice I'm looking at him. He waves at me. I smile and wave back at him.

"Aweee..." I hear Bella and Jacob cooed at me. I blush and quickly walk away. They chuckle and walks after me. I can't believe it...

The boy in my dream is real!

*to be continued*

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