Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I push myself away from the computer after shutting it down. I turn around and walk to my bed. I let my body fall to the bed and close my eyes. At least... I know why I'm able to phase into a wolf. But that would mean... I'm a Hybrid.

-The Boy In My Dream-


I'm in Cullen's house along with Bella, who of course is hanging out with Edward. I mean... why else she's here?

"So... you're saying that you finally figure out why you phase despite being a half vampire?" Carlisle said. "Yeah..." I said. "Do tell us, Y/N..." Esme said. The others just stay silent as they stare at me.

I can hear footsteps and Bella appears, along with Edward. "Edward said you know what's going on... I wanna hear too..." she said, walking towards me and take a seat next to me.

"Alright... the reason why... is because my dad... my biological dad... was a vampire. As for my mother... she belongs to a tribe. Where there's shifter..." I said, making their eyes widened as they stare at me in shock.

"So you're saying... your dad... who is someone from OUR kind... married someone that has a relation with a mutt??" Rosalie said. I stare at her with tears in my eyes. "Rose!" I hear Esme said. Bella wraps an arm around my shoulder. I look down as I clench my hands into a tight fist. "It wasn't my choice to be born like this, okay! So don't you dare made fun of my mother! I'm... I'm going home..." I yelled at her, and whisper the last sentence as I storm out of the house. I ignore Bella, who's trying to call out for me.

I barge into the house, alerting my dad. "Y/N? What happened? Why are you crying?" He said. I shake my head. "I'm sorry, dad... I'm just not feeling very well. I'm going to my room and get some sleep" I said. He just nods his head and I smile weakly at him.

I turn around and walks towards my room. I let myself fall onto the bed and close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.


I'm in a beach. It's much clearer this time. I look around the beach, to see how beautiful it looks. The white sand... the beautiful sky.

I hear someone calling out my name. I turn around to see a boy my age. He smiles at me and gently grab my hand. "I love you, Y/N... so much..." he said. I feel a smile on my face. "I love you too..." I said.

His face turns clear. I finally see his face. He have a cute baby face. He have a pair of brown eyes. He's quite tall, like about 6 feet tall. He have gangly build for a body. He was truly handsome.

End of Dream

I open my eyes. Who was that boy? The previous dreams I had before this were all hazy and blurry. So why is it clear now? His face... his voice... is very soothing. Why am I feeling this way towards a boy that doesn't even exists?

I let out a sigh and stand up from my bed. I lean my back against the headboard. I reach over and grab a sketchbook, along with a pencil. This is something I have always loved to do aside from reading, drawing.

I sketch a portrait of him. His eyes, his nose, his lips. Everything about him. I make sure to add the details as well.

After about over an hour, I've finally finish with the sketch. I place my pencil down. I stare at the drawing of the boy in my dreams.

I have been dreaming about the same boy over and over again. But the dream I had this time was very clear... as if I've seen him in real life.

"Who are you? Are you even real? Why do I feel this longing feelings? Why do I feel as if you're close to me?" I said to the picture. But of course, I didn't get any reply.

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