Chapter 29

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Previously on Chapter 28

She relaxes once again, making me let out a sigh of relief to know that she's still asleep. I look at her face with a gentle stare in my eyes. I smile softly as I caress her cheek, being very gentle so I won't wake her. I'll always protect you, Y/N...

As you mean everything to me...

-Wedding Preparation-


About a week after my 'death' happened. Bella told me that she finally accepts Edward's proposal. She even showed me the ring Edward gave her. I am so excited for her. So we are all busy preparing Bella's wedding.

As for Bella... Alice makes it clear that she wants her to wear heals. I giggle as I stand next to Alice while watching Bella trying to walk on them.

"You're being so stiff, Bella..." I said, giggling softly at her. She pouts at me. "Stop teasing me, Y/N... you know that I'm not used to these kind of stuff. Heels... dresses... make ups. They are not my thing" she said, sulking slightly. I let out a sigh and walks towards her and place my hands on her shoulders. "You'll get used to it... trust me" I said. "Can't I just walk down the isle barefoot?" She said, trying to persuade us. But neither Alice nor I will give into her persuasion.

"Not a chance/absolutely not!" Me and Alice said together. She lets out a huff, which makes the two of us giggle.

"Where do you want me to place them, boss?" I hear Emmet said. "On either side of the isle" Alice said. Emmet looks confused as he looks back and forth. "What isle?" He said. "Don't you have imagination?" I said, while Alice just rolls her eyes.

Alice turns her attention to Bella. "Now go home and get some sleep. You need to have your beauty sleep. That's an order" Alice said with a stern voice. I walk towards Bella, giving her sneakers back.

She quickly removes the heels and puts them on. She jogs away after that. I let out a giggle at how relieved she looks for not wearing the heels anymore. I shake my head and squeak when someone suddenly wraps their arms around me.

I hear someone chuckling behind me. I turn my head to see Seth. I turn in his arms and flick his nose. He wince and rub his nose. "What did you do that for?" He said. "For scaring me" I said, pouting at him. He chuckles and peck my pouty lips. I can feel both of my cheeks warming up.

I just turn around, crossing my arms across my chest pretending to be angry. He starts showering my face with kisses, starting both of my cheeks. Then a soft one on my forehead. Eventually back to my lips.

"I'm sorry..." he said, pouting at me. I giggle softly as I wrap my arms around his neck. "You're lucky that I love you..." I said. "Indeed... I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as mine. I love you, baby" he cooed. I blushed and bury my face on the crook of his neck.

"I love you too..." I said, in quiet tone but enough for him to hear. "What's that? I can't hear you~" he said, purposely teasing me. I hit his chest and he laughs. I pull away and looks at him in the eyes.

"I love you too, Seth..." I said, louder this time. He grins at me and pulls me close for a kiss. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I can feel him smiling in between the kiss, making me smile as well. I run my hand through his hair softly.

"Ahem..." someone clears their throat. I pull away from the kiss and turn to look at the person. It was Jasper. "Hate to ruin the moment... but we have a lot of things to do for Bella's wedding... so uh... continue that later" he said, gesturing to the two of us. Seth and I burst out laughing at Jasper's awkward face.

Seth turns to me and smile. "Looks like we need to go back to work..." he said. I nod my head "yeah... we can continue kissing later..." I said. I pull away from him and was about to walk away, but he grabs my hand.

"What?" I said, looking at him in confusion. "One more kiss?" He said, giving me a puppy eyes. I roll my eyes and gently place a soft peck on his lips. He smiles, then starts pecking me again and again.

"Seth..." I said, giggling softly. "Alright! Alright..." he said. I pull away from him, only to be pulled back by him. "One more..." he said, giving me a soft and long kiss. I roll my eyes and respond to his kiss.

"Y/N!! Seth!!! Hurry up and get over here!! You can continue kissing later! We need to get this wedding preparation over with!" Jasper's voice can be heard. I want to answer Jasper, but Seth just cups both of my cheeks not letting me pull away. I hit his chest softly. He pulls back laughing. I laugh along with him and share one more peck. Then we head to where Jasper's at.

"Finally! Seriously you two..." Jasper said, crossing his arms across his chest. "What? You can't blame me... I just love her so much... one kiss won't be enough when it comes to kissing her..." Seth said, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I blush at what he just said. I mean... who am I to say something about that. I can't help myself too... I just want to kiss Seth every chances I can get. That's how much I'm in love with him.

"He's right, Jas... we are like that too... so leave these two lovebirds alone..." Alice said, appearing next to him. Jasper just lets out a sigh and chuckles to himself, knowing that he can't deny what Alice just said.

"Alright... lets get back to work... and try to focus you two" Jasper said, pointing at Seth and I. "I make no promise, bro..." Seth said. "Neither would I..." I said, laughing as we walk away from Jasper. I can hear him sighing behind us, knowing he's been defeated. I chuckle to myself as I grab Seth's hand. He laughs as he gently squeeze my hand in his.

*to be continued*

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