Chapter 35

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Previously on Chapter 34

Rosalie notices the tears in my eyes. She place her hand on my shoulder and give it a light squeeze. I just smile sadly at her. Then I continue to wash up my sister's body.

-Edward's Acceptance-


After I calm down, I stand up and enters the house. With Seth following behind me. I search for Bella and sees her in the living room. She appear to be on the phone. I can hear Dad's voice on the other side of the phone.

Bella told Dad to visualize that she's there with him, while eating a box of pizza... which is something she used to do. Then she ended the call. I can see how sad she looks.

I was about to approach her when Edward walks up to her. He kneels down in front of him. I debate myself whether I should approach them or not. But I choose to just observe them.

"What was that?" I hear Edward said. Bella looks at her in confusion. "What was what?" She said. "I thought I hear..." he said, then he leans forward and place a hand on Bella's belly. "Say something again?" He said. "Like what? Edward what's going on?" She said. He lets out a laugh as he smiles softly.

"He likes the sound of my voice... yours too..." he said. "You can hear him?" Bella said. "In my head... I thought he's like me... but no... he's like you. He's kind... pure... he's happy, Bella..." he said. Bella lets out a laugh. She looks down at her belly with a happy smile. "Of course you are... how can you not. I love you so much... what did you hear now?" She said. "He loves you Bella..." Edward said. She smiles happily. Edward sits in front of her on the couch and leans down to place a soft kiss on her belly.

I smile softly at the sight. Edward is accepting the baby. I'm happy to see it. I feel someone else in the room and turn my head to see Jacob. He have a sad look in his eyes and he turns around to walk out of the house. I feel bad for him... but I hope he can move on soon.


Bella is sitting on the couch. I sit on the arm rest so she can lean on me.

I can see her pulling her sleeve. "Are you cold?" I said, looking at her in worry. She nods her head. I was about to grab the blanket, when Seth take it for me. He hands it over to Bella. "Thanks..." she said. Seth smiles at her and stands next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smile at him and lean my head on his side.

Even with the blanket on, Bella still looks cold. "Still cold?" I said. "Yeah..." she said. "I got this..." Jacob said, scooting closer. Bella smiles in content as she feels his warmth. Seeing her smiling makes a smile appear on my face. Jacob just smile as Bella smiles at him.

"Don't do that..." he said, turning to look at her. "Do what?" Bella said. "Smile like I'm your most favorite person in the world..." he said. "You're one of them. It's perfect with you here, Jake..." Bella said. Jacob just smile, looking away from her.

Then Bella hunch forward, looking as if she wants to throw up. Edward rush forward with a bucket. I rub her back trying to ease her pain. But nothing comes out.

She leans her back on the couch. I pull the blanket and massage her neck softly. "We need to think of a way to get food into her system..." I hear Esme said. "Yeah... she's getting weaker by the seconds..." I said, nodding my head in agreement.

"If only I could see it..." Alice said, but got cut off by Rosalie. "Baby..." she said. "If only I could see what he wants!" She said, completely ignoring Rosalie. I let out a sigh and looks down.

"Maybe you're right... Jacob just got an idea..." I hear Edward said. I turn to look at him, then at Jacob. He lets out a chuckle. "It's not an idea... more like snide comment..." he said. "Do tell us, Jake..." I said. He turns to look at me. "It's probably just looking for someone to sink it's teeth to..." he said. Carlisle nod his head at the idea. Bella looks at Jacob, then the rest of us. "He's thirsty..." she said.

"Yeah... I know the feeling..." Emmet said. "If it's craving then it's not gonna want animal blood..." Edward said. "I have some O negative laid aside for Bella..." Carlisle said. Then he stand up and walk away.

"Walk with me?" Alice said, pulling Jasper along. Emmet looks at Rosalie who nods her head. He soon leave the room.

Carlisle walks back behind the counter. He's pouring some blood into a glass. The scent of blood is very sweet. But it never really bothered me. I can control my thirst well.

Jacob's eyes widened at the sight. "Wait wait wait... you're gonna make her drink that?" Jacob said. "It's the fastest way to test the theory..." Carlisle said. I can see Jacob getting grossed out.

"Only if you're comfortable with it..." Edward said to Bella. "I'll try anything..." she said. "Alright... hold on..." Edward said, standing up. "I think I'm going to be sick..." Jacob said, scooting away. I just giggle at him, making him rolls his eyes. I turn my head to see Edward pouring the blood into a plastic cup, along with a straw. He walks to Bella and kneel down in front of her. Jacob scoots even further from Bella.

I help Bella to sit straighter. She reaches out and grab the cup from Edward. She looks at everyone. Then she take a sip. I can see her taking a big gulp. "Taste..." she said. We just stare, waiting for her reaction.

"Good..." she said. Then she takes another sip. I just smile softly. Carlisle sits down next to her and check her pulse. "Your pulse are already getting stronger" he said, smiling happily.

"It's working..." Esme said. "It's working!" I said too. Bella just smiles at me. Then she continue to take sips from the cup. I let out a happy laugh and hugs Seth. He chuckles and hugs me back.

*to be continued*

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