Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

"Bella... Go! Hurry!" I said. She nods her head and run through the fountain to Bella. She reaches him in time and push him inside. I let out a sigh of relief. But it soon turn into worry as I realize a few of these people have seen Edward and his crystal like skin.

Oh no... this is bad...

-The Volturi and Shocking Discovery-


I walk inside the building to stand near Bella. I can see a girl in cloak walking towards us. I can tell that she's a vampire due to her cold demeanor.

"Aro wishes to see you... come with me..." she said. Alice finally reach here. "I'm... I'm sorry... it's just a misunderstanding..." she tried to say. But she just ignore her and told us to follow her.

Is she a member of the Volturi... I thought to myself. I turn to Edward, knowing he can hear what I think. He gives me a curt nod. I gulp nervously and keep on walking, following the girl.

She leads us to a lift. 2 more vampires is standing there. Then we are told to get inside the lift. 2 of them stand behind us. Alice, Edward and me stand in circle around Bella, to shield her from the 3 vampire in the lift.

I can feel eyes on me. I turn my head to see the girl. I can see the look of curiosity in her eyes. But I ignore it and look down at the floor. Then we are led to a room. A throne room.

A guy standing up in front of the throne, looking at us in anger. He's definitely not pleased with what Edward had done.

I hear gasp behind me and turn around to see one of the guard holding Alice. I was about to go to her, but stop when she shakes her head. The guard just stare at me. I take a deep breath, trying to control myself.

I turn my head to look at the guy. He take Edward's hand and his eyes glaze over. I furrow my eyebrow. It seems like he have a similar ability as I am. But I think he can only see when he hold the hand. But I can see from anything belong to my subject.

My gift is also known as Psychometry. I can see and show someone's past by simply touching a belonging or a person's body. Just like what I did to Harry and Bella... as well as how I show Bella what I saw in Harry's memories.

Aro then turns to look at Bella. "How interesting... it seems he can't read your mind. Can you perhaps let me try and see if there's an exception to my gift?" He said, offering Bella his hand. Bella hesitated for a few seconds, then place her hand on top of Aro's.

"Hah... interesting... I see nothing... you're going to make an exception newborn... perhaps I could do you the honor..." he said. Edward push him away from Bella. I grab her hand and push her behind me.

Aro turns to look at me. "Interesting... I can hear your heartbeat... yet... I can see immortality in your face... what are you?" he said. I just stay silent and glare at him. "Hmm... I see no fear in your eyes... I wonder why... I guess you don't know who we are" he said.

"I'm not scared to die... I'm just protecting someone important to me..." I said, holding Bella protectively. "Hmm... how interesting... Jane..." he said. The girl escorting us steps forward. "No!" Edward screams. She turns to look at Edward. "Pain" she said. This cause Edward to drop on the ground, groaning in pain.

Bella P.O.V

"No... no no no! Stop!!" I said. She stops and turns to me. She was about to do the same thing, but stops when we all hear a menacing growl.

I turn my head to look at Y/N. She's looking at Jane with so much hatred in her eyes. But that's not what shocked me. Her facial feature is changing... almost as if... she's... phasing.

But that's impossible

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But that's impossible... she's a half-vampire! How can she phase??

Then her whole body transform into a wolf, as she growl menacingly at Jane who's looking at her in complete shock.


"Don't. Touch. Bella" I said. Red... all I see is red. I can feel anger surging through my body as I glare at Jane. I know for a fact that my eyes have changed.

Then the next thing I know is I have turned into a silver wolf

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Then the next thing I know is I have turned into a silver wolf. I growl at her.

"Calm her, Bella... you're the only one she'll listen to. She can't lose control or she's going to attack us all. This is the first time she phased..." Edward said.

Bella stands in front of me. "Y/N... calm down, sis..." she said. I slowly start to calm down, as I slowly turn into my human form. Edward instantly takes off his robe. He speeds towards me, wrapping the robe on my body before the fur disappear completely. I grip the robe, wrapping it better around my body.

The Volturi stares at me in confusion. "What just happen? She shows signs that she's a one of our kind. Yet she turns into a filthy mutt" Aro said. Bella just stand in front of me, trying to shield me from the Volturi.

Edward and Alice who manage to break free from the Guard's hold stands in front of her. "This is truly a weird evening for us all..." he added. In the end, he lets us leave on one condition... Bella has to turn into a vampire. While they decide on what to do with me. In the meantime... they'll let us go.

Edward don't waste anymore time and pull Bella out of the room, while Alice pulls me. There's a line of people walking towards the throne room. Soon a chorus of screams can be heard. I try to turn around, but Alice stops me. "Keep walking..." she said. I just stay silent and keep walking just like what she said. But there's only one thought bothering my mind.

What is happening to me?

*to be continued*

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