Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

"Are you sure? You're burning up!" Bella said as she place a hand on her forehead. He just shake his head and runs away. Bella just stands there not knowing what's happening, while I know exactly what happen to Jacob.

He's phasing... he's going to be a shifter

-Bella's Getting Reckless-


"We should go home now, Bella..." I said. She turns to me and nod her head. "Yeah..." she said, smiling at me. Then we start walking to her truck.

"Hey sweet-cheeks!" Someone called out. We turn our head to see a group of people. They seem to be a rider. "Come and have a ride with us!" The same person said. Bella looks at me, then she walks to them. I grab her hand.

"Are you being serious right now? Bella... riding a motorcycle are dangerous!" I said. She just looks at them to see the guy still staring at us expectantly. She turns to look at me and smile. "It won't hurt to try new..." she said. I look at her in disbelief. "Bella. Something new? That could cause your life!" I said. She just pulls her hand away from me. I can't hold it any tighter or I'm going to shatter her hand.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I watch her go to them. But I can see how she's stopping every step as if she saw something. What was she even thinking?! What did she saw? Gosh... sometimes I wish I can read her mind. Well... that'll be useless... even Edward can't.

She gets on the bike. "What about you, beautiful? Wanna ride? We can race them..." another offers me. I look at him, then at Bella. "Come on, Y/N... it'll be fun..." she said. Unlike Bella... I'm half immortal, so it's not going to hurt me. I turn my head to the guy that offers me, to see him looking at me still waiting for my answer. I let out a soft sigh and smile at him. "Sure... why not?" I said, walking towards him and get on the bike. "Ready?" He said. "I'm born ready" I said. He smirk at my confidence. Then they start to speed away.

Being half-vampire, I'm able to run just as fast as full vampire. If not, maybe even faster. I'm a lot stronger than them, because human blood is still flowing in my vein.

"You're not scared?" The guy said, more like scream. He didn't know that I can hear him without him having to strain his vocal cord, but whatever. "Nope! I'm used to it..." I shout back. "You're a brave girl, aren't ya?" He said, laughing in amazement.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!!" I heard Bella said. I tap his shoulder "okay stop! I think my sister had enough" I said. He instantly stops. I get off the bike and smile "thanks for the ride..." I said. Then I jog to where Bella is.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I said. She holds my shoulders. "I know it might sound crazy... but I saw him Y/N... or... his silhouette. But he was there!" She said. "What are you talking about?" I said, as I stare at him in confusion. "I saw Edward..." she said again.

My eyes widened "that's why you kept on stopping every steps when you walk towards them? Because you saw him?" I said. She nods her head with a wide smile.

"But how is that possible?" I said. "He told me not to be reckless. So, I'll see him every time I act reckless" she said. My eyes widened at what she said. "Bella... y-you don't m-mean..." I stuttered. She smiles at me. "Y/N... let's get ourselves a bike..." she said. "You're kidding, right?" I said.


She was not kidding... because here we are, standing in front of Jacob's house. I lean against the truck. As Bella keeps looking around for any sign of Jacob. He walks towards us.

"Hey Bel... sorry for snapping at you the other day..." he said. "It's fine... but can you help me?" She said. "With what?" He said, looking confused. Bella walks towards the back of the truck and pulls the sheet.

Three motorcycles is revealed. "I... wow... didn't know you're into this..." he said, looking at them in shock. "So... are you going to help us?" Bella said. He turns to look at us. "I mean... sure. But the parts will be pricey..." he said. "Don't worry about that..." she said, grinning brightly. Then we start to work on the bike.

It takes weeks to get everything done. But we finally finished. I'm sitting on top of my bike. While Jacob is explaining everything to Bella.

"Now... try it..." Jacob said. Bella try it, only to have the bike jerk forward. I get up on instinct in case she needs help. I can see the shock on her face, but she just laugh. "Okay... slower this time..." Jacob said. But Bella just speeds away.

"Bella! Slow down!!" I scream. I start my bike and speeds after her. "Bella! You're going to get hurt! Slow down!!" I scream again. But she just ignore me and continue. But I can see her getting distracted for a few seconds before she got thrown off the bike.

I stop my bike and runs towards her. I kneel down next to her. "Bella... Are you okay?" I said. She just nods her head, looking in daze. I let out a sigh "just what are you thinking..." I said. I can hear Jacob catching up with us on his bike.

He stops and runs towards us. "How can you be so reckless, Bella? What if something happen to you?" He said. I smell something sweet and instantly know what it was. I search her face to see the side of her head is bleeding.

"Bella... you're bleeding..." I said. Jacob takes off his shirt and press it against her head. Bella stares at Jacob's face. "You're beautiful..." she said. "Okay... I think we need to take her to the hospital..." I said, feeling worried.

"I wanna go again..." she said, standing up. But I stop her from getting any closer to the bike. "No... no more bike... that's not your thing, Bella. So forget it" I said, in a stern voice. She just sighs at what I just said. "Party pooper..." she said. I glare at her. "I'm just keeping you safe! You're making me worried by the way you were acting ever since..." I stop. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes, she knows well what I was trying to say.

I let out a sigh and pulls her into a hug. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to raise my voice at you... I just worried about you, Bel... you're my sister... I don't want you to get hurt..." I said. She caress my hair "I'm sorry, sis..." she said. Oh... what can I do to help you, Bella?

*to be continued*

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