Chapter 51

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Previously on Chapter 50

"Oh, Y/N... oh how I longed to hold you like this... I miss you too, darling. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you..." he said. I nod my head "I forgive you, dad... don't leave me again..." I said. "Never... from now on... I'll always be with you..." he said, making me smile and snuggle closer to his chest.

-They're Here-


The snow has fallen. The Volturi is going to be here soon. It's time for the day. The day we all dreaded the most.

We are now standing in groups. Seth is standing next to me in his wolf form. I run my hand through his hair softly. "I really hope no one is going to die today..." I said. He nudge me with his head.

It's going to be okay, Y/N... don't worry... his voice echoed in my head. Yeah... I've developed a new ability and that is to communicate with shifter in their mind. It didn't matter which pack they belong to... I'll still able to hear their thoughts.

Dad is standing next to me. He have found out that I'm a hybrid. He was shocked at first. But he told me he kind of expected it, since he knew mom was from a tribe.

Dad pat my head. "Nothing is going to happen... I'm going to protect you..." he said, smiling softly at me. I turn to look at him and smile. "I believe you, dad..." I said.

I feel something coming. "They're coming..." I said, turning to look at the distance. Soon enough, they come into view.

I look at Aro, he's looking at each one of us. "Aro is looking for Alice..." Edward said. Then Aro's eyes make contact with mine. I can hear the look of hate in his eyes. This reminds me of the vision I saw in Alice's memory.

"I see the dirty creature is still alive..." he said. His voice is filled with resent towards me. I clench my hands into tight fists.

"It was much better when she was dead. Why is she still alive?" He said. I can hear growling next to me. I run my hand through Seth's fur, trying my best to calm him down. "She doesn't belong in our world..." he said again. I look down at what he said.

You belong in both world, Y/N... you're special. Seth's voice echoed in my mind. The exact words he said when I had a mental break down a few days ago.

They start to talk. Then Aro wants to see for himself. So Edward walks forward. I glance at Bella as she tries to cover him with her shield. But it didn't reach him. I can hear her soft gasp as the shield retracted back to her.

I can feel worry in my chest. Edward is among the enemies and he's unprotected. At time like this... makes me wish I can phase into a wolf at will. So I can protect everyone I care for.

I can see Aro holding Edward's hand. I can see his eyes glaze over, as he looks into Edward's mind. He smiles as he still looks in daze. "I'd like to meet her" he said, looking at Renesmee.

Bella walks toward, along with Jacob. Renesmee is walking in between them. Bella turns her head to look at Emmet and I. I nod my head and walk along with her.

Y/N... I hear Seth's voice. I turn and smile softly at him, to let him know that I'll be okay. I can see the worry in his eyes. I look forward and walk along next to Bella.

We stand in front of Aro. He looks at Bella and smile evilly at her. "Ah... young Bella. Finally.. immortality becomes you" he said. Then he looks down to where Renesmee is standing.

He starts to laugh as he points at Renesmee. "I hear strange heart..." he said. Then he leans down and offers her hand to Renesmee. Renesmee looks up at Bella, who nods her head. Then she walks forward.

"Hello, Aro..." she said. She looks down at Aro's hand. Then she lift her hand and place it on Aro's cheek instead. His eyes glaze over as Renesmee shows him a memory of hers. To let him know that she's not an immortal child.

"Magnifico..." he said. Then he stands straight with a straight face. Though I can see the look of amaze in his eyes. "Half mortal... half immortal. Conceived and carried... by this newborn. While she was still a human" he said, turning to look at his people.

"Impossible" I hear Alec said. Aro turns to look at him with unamused expression. "You think they fool me, brother?" He said. Alec looks away from him. I hear Jacob growling at him. Bella, Renesmee and Jacob walks back to the others. I turn around and was about to walk away.

"Hold on..." I hear Aro said. I stop walking and turn to look at him. "What?" I said, showing no hint of fear towards him. "I wanna see yours too..." he said. I turn to look at dad. He looks at me in fear. Bella and Edward looks worried, along with Seth.

I look back at Aro, who's waiting for me. I look at his hand as he outstretch it to me. I let out a sigh and walk towards him, placing my hand on top of his. His eyes glaze over as he look through my memories.

He turns to look at Dad, who's still standing with the others. "Interesting... is this... why you disappear, F/N? You have created this... filthy being. By falling in love with a woman who came from our sworn enemy kind. A bloody shifter" he said, pointing his finger at me.

I turn around to look at Dad. I can see anger flashing in my dad's eyes. He walks forward as if ready to attack. But Carlisle outstretch his arm to stop him.

"It's okay, Dad... don't let his words gets to you..." I said. His eyes soften as he looks at me. But he glares once again as he turns to look at Aro, who's standing in front of me with a smirk.


*to be continued*

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