Chapter 55

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Previously on Chapter 54

I let out a gleeful sound. He places me back on my feet and gently cups my cheeks. "You have no idea how happy I am right now... I love you so much..." he said. "I love you too" I said. He leans down and kiss me passionately. I can't believe it...

I'm getting married!!

-Wedding Day-


I'm sitting in front of the dresser. Alice, Bella and Rosalie is helping me get ready for my big day.

"It feels like it's just yesterday I'm helping you get ready for your wedding, Bel... now you're the one helping me..." I said, looking at her through the mirror.

She giggle and nod her head. "Yeah... time sure flies so fast..." she said. I giggle softly. "Uh huh... it sure does... especially when the times are frozen for us" I said. She nods her head in agreement.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens to reveal mom. "Oh... you're so beautiful, Y/N!! First Bella... now my youngest daughter..." she said, wiping away her tears. I giggle softly.

"Now... time for the dress" Alice said, excitedly. I smile at her and stand up. I head to the dressing room. Bella helps me get the dress on. I look at myself in the mirror.


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"Wow... is that... really me?" I said. "Of course, silly. Who else would that be?" Bella said, giggling softly. "I feel beautiful..." I said. "Oh honey... you always are" mom said. I smile at them. "Thank you mom... Bella..." I said. They give me a hug. I smile and hug them back.

I walk out of the dressing room. Alice and Rosalie gasp when they look at me. "Oh, Y/N... you look like a real princess!!" Alice said. "Thank you, Alice..." I said. "Seth is going to fall harder for you. You're so beautiful..." Rosalie said, making me blush. Then I hear another knock.

"It's almost time..." dad said, popping his head in the room. His eyes widened when he looks at me. "Hello, Dad..." I said. "W-Wow..." he said. "Do I look good?" I said. "More than good... you're beautiful..." he said, smiling at me. I smile happily at him.

I loop my hand on his arm. "Oh I'm not the one to walk you down the aisle..." he said. I look at him in confusion. "Who will?" I said. He glance behind me. I follow his eyes and my eyes widened.

"Daddy?? But... I thought..." I said, turning to look at dad. "I know everything... I know that he's still alive. I've always known..." he said. My eyes widened in shock, after hearing what he said.

Dad walks towards me. "You're beautiful, honey..." he said. "Thanks, Daddy..." I said. He offers his hand to me. I loop my hand through his. Then we walk out of the room.

Everyone stands up when they turn to look at me. I let out a nervous sigh. "Relax... they're just in awe..." dad whispers to my ear. I just nod my head. I turn my head and make eye-contact with Seth. His eyes is wide as he stare at me with his mouth slightly agape.

Dad stops walking and offers my hand to Seth, who accepts it with the most brightest smile I could ever see. "Take care of my daughter, Seth..." dad said. "I will, Mr. L/N... with my life..." Seth said, placing a hand on his chest while bowing slightly. Dad smiles in satisfaction. Then he walks to join the crowd.

Seth and I turn to look at the priest. He nods his head at us. I turn to look at Seth as he did the same. He offers his hands to me and I place mine on his.

"Y/N Swan/L/N..." he said, awkwardly making me giggle knowing he's feeling confused because I have 2 fathers. He lets out a nervous chuckle. He takes a deep breath and continue.

"You have given me everything I could ever wish to have. Love... home... a soulmate. You've always been there for me. We have faced a lot of obstacle. But we still manage to break through them. I love you... now and forever. I promise to take care of you... I'll make sure no tears would ever leave your eyes. I'll make you happy. Sickness and Health" he said. I smile at him softly. Now it's my turn to say my vow.

"Seth Clearwater... I've always find it hard to trust due to what happened to me in the past. But you're the only one that manage to break through my wall and become someone important to me. I promise... to always treasure you... because you are everything to me..." I said. He smiles at me with tears in his eyes.

"Do you... Seth Clearwater... take Y/N... as your lawfully wedded wife... to love each other through sickness and health?" The priest said. "I do..." Seth said. The priest nod his head. Then he turns to me.

"Do you Y/N Swan/L/N... take Seth Clearwater... as your lawfully wedded husband? To stay loyal to each other... till death do you apart?" He said. I grin as I look at Seth. "I do..." I said, without missing a beat.

"Then congratulation. I pronounce you... husband and wife..." he said. He turns to look at Seth. "You may kiss the bride..." he said. Seth takes a step closer to me. He gently cups my cheeks in his hand and place a soft kiss on my lips. I turn my head and deepen the kiss.


We are now in a wedding reception. I'm dancing in Seth's arms as we gently sway our body to the song. I smile at him as he smiles back.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn my head to see Dad. "Mind if I interrupt?" He said. "Go ahead, Mr. L/N" Seth said. I turn to dad and start to dance with him.

"Is this all you've been dreaming?" He said. "Oh it is, Daddy" I said, hugging him. He smiles and caress my hair softly. "Are you going to stay now?" I said. "Of course... I will never leave again..." he said. I grin happily.

He pulls away and gently kisses my forehead. "Now it's time to return you to your husband..." he said. I smile at him. Seth walks towards us and take me in his arms. Dad smiles softly, then he walks away.

Seth turn to look at me. "Finally... you have become Y/N Clearwater... my wife..." he said. I smile shyly at him. "I love you, Seth... my husband..." I said. "And I love you too, baby...

You're Everything To Me

The End

A/N: and that's a wrap!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you SO much for spending your precious time to read my book. I really REALLY appreciate each second you spend for my writing.

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