Chapter 53

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Previously on Chapter 52

Bella runs forward and break his neck, pulling his head away from his body. Then she grabs a torch and lit him up in flames.

-We're Safe-


He gasp as he snaps out of Alice's vision. He turns to look at us in shock... there's a hint of fear in his eyes. I wonder what he saw in Alice's vision. I'm going to have to ask her later.

"Now you know. THAT is YOUR future... unless you decide on other course" Alice said, taking a few steps back. "We can't move back now. The kid could be a threat to our world" Caius said.

"What if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world. Could we live in peace?" Edward said. "Of course... but that cannot be known" Caius said, turning to look at Edward. "Actually it can..." he said, smiling softly. Then I can feel someone walking behind us. I turn my head to see a guy and a woman.

"I've been searching for witness of my own. Among the Taccuna tribe in Brazil" Alice said. "We have enough witness!" Caius tried to say. "Let him speak!" Aro said, cutting him off. He's probably still shaken up by whatever he saw in Alice's vision.

"I'm half human... half vampire. Like the child..." the guy said. He's just like Renesmee. "Vampire seduced my mother. She died... giving birth to me... my aunt took me in and raised me as her own. I made her immortal" he said. I look down, knowing the same thing happened to my mom when she gave birth to me.

I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to see my dad. He gives me a soft smile, knowing well what I'm thinking. I return him with a small smile.

"How old are you?" Bella said. He turns to look at her. "150 years old" he said. "At what age do you reach maturity?" Aro asked. "I have became full grown 7 years after my birth... I've stayed that way ever since" he said. I can see the look of relief on her face, making me smile. I'm glad... Renesmee is going to be with us for a long time.

"And your diet?" Aro asked. "Blood. Human food... I can survive with both" he said. "The child. Is much like us" Marcus said, looking Renesmee in awe. "But there's no guarantee that she won't pose a threat to us. They have been hanging around shifters! Our sworn enemy! Heck... that girl is born in both world!" Caius said, pointing his finger at me. Aro just looks at me in the eyes. I can see the distaste look in his eyes. But then he turns around and look at his allies.

"Dear ones... there is no danger here. We will not fight... today" he said. His allies looks surprise. But they turn and leave. Aro runs along with them. But before he's completely out of sight, he turns to look at us. "Such a prize" he said. Then he turns around and leave with the rest of them.

We break into cheers. I turn and hug my dad tightly. He picks me up and twirl us around happily. I pull away from him and turn to Seth. I wrap my arms around his furry neck softly.

"We're safe..." I said, smiling happily. He snuggle closer to me, I giggle and caress his fur softly. I'm happy, baby... we're safe... he said.

"We have them on the run now's the time to attack" hear Vladimir said. But no one respond to him. "You are all fools! The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive... what happened here" Stephan said. Then the two of them turns around and leave.


I stand in front of dad. I stare at him with tears in my eyes. "Do you really have to go?" I asked. He smiles sadly at me. He wipes away the tears in my eyes. "You know it's for the best, sweetie..." he said. "But you promised you'd never leave me... but now you're leaving..." I said, crying softly. His eyes glisten and pulls me into a hug.

"I know, honey... I know. I'll come back someday. Don't worry... I'm not going to disappear forever. It's just that... everyone knew I was dead. I can't risk them seeing me... I promise I'll come back..." he said. I nod my head slowly.

He pulls away and hold me by the shoulders. "Now... smile for me..." he said. I smile softly at him. "That's my princess..." he said. He pulls me into another hug "I'm going to miss you, my pumpkin..." he said. "I'll miss you too, daddy" I said, leaning my head against his chest. He place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he leaves with Benjamin. It turns out... he's been staying with Benjamin.

I feel arms snaking around my waist from behind. I turn my head to see Seth. He gives me a soft smile. I turn in his arms and hugs him softly. He caress my hair softly.

"He's going to come back, Y/N... don't worry..." he said. I just nod my head. I know dad will come back. But I'm going to miss him so much while he's gone.

We pull away from the hug. He place his hands on my cheeks. "I love you..." he said. "I love you too..." I said. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, kissing him back.

I pull away from the kiss. Then we walk towards Jacob and Edward. I stand next to them as I watch Renesmee saying goodbyes to the others.

"I'm glad she has you, Jacob" Edward said. "Should I start calling you dad?" Jacob said, jokingly. I let out a laugh at what he said. Edward chuckles softly and shake his head. "No..." he said. Renesmee walks to us and smile. Bella gently holds her hand, she place Renesmee's hand on her cheek. "Yeah... we're going to be together now..." she said, smiling at her child. I smile and lean my head against Seth's shoulder. I let out a happy sigh. Finally...

We're safe...

*to be continued*

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