Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

Well... first day back in Forks. I found out Bella have a boyfriend... and he's a vampire. Hmm... what an interesting start.

-First Day: New School-



I'm walking around a beach. My hand is being held by someone. I turn my head to look at the person. I can feel myself smiling, as if I'm feeling happy with him around.

End of Dream

The sound of alarm wakes me up from my sleep. I reach over and turn it off. Then I lay on my back for a few seconds. "I've been having the same dream over and over again..." I said to myself, staring at the ceiling. I let out a sigh as move to get up and head out of my bedroom.

I make my way towards the bathroom. Then start my morning routine, by taking a quick shower. I relax under the water as I think about today.

I'll be a new student today. I'll be going to the same school Bella is going. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I think back to when I first find out that I'm a half vampire.


I'm walking in the school hall. It's kind of empty as everyone else have left. I had to stay behind for a project that needed to be submitted the next day.

Then out of no where, someone grabbed me and pushed me against the locker. I gasped in shock as I stare at the person wide eyed.

"Hello, baby... let's have some fun, shall we?" He said. He's a senior of mine, and he's been trying to get close to me. I pushed him off and glared at him.

"I've told you many times before! Stay away from me!" I spat at him. He looked at me in shock. Then his face turned into anger. He try to grab me again, but I pushed him. He got thrown far from me. I can see blood coming out from him. Then I feel the my throat tightening as I smell the blood, that smells sweet like candy.

I walked slowly towards him. He looked back at me in fear as he tried to back away. "Should've listen to me when I told you to keep your distance..." I said. "I'm sorry! I won't bother you again... I-I promise! Just please! S-Spare me!" He begged. I scoffed and grabbed him. I lift him up from the ground and bite his neck.

I dropped him to the floor and stared at my hand, which is shaking slightly. I quickly ran out from there.

I entered the bathroom in my house and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes widened even more when I saw the color of my eyes. They were blood red. The color of blood. That's when I know... I'm not a normal human being. But the sound of my heartbeat, lets me that I'm somehow alive.

End of Flashback

The sound of knocking snaps me out of my thought. "Y-Yeah?" I respond. "Hurry up, Y/N! It's your first day! You don't wanna be late, don't you? Edward is coming to pick us up" I heard Bella said. "Okay! I'm almost done" I said, using my speed I speed up the process of getting ready.

I walk out of the bathroom wearing my outfit. Then I walk towards the kitchen, where Bella is having her meal.

Bella looks up from her food as she saw me coming. "Good morning, Y/N..." she said. "Morning..." I said. "Come and eat... then we can go..." she said, pushing a plate towards me. I just nod my head and grab the plate. Then I start to eat.

I can hear honking sound. "Edward's here... let's go now?" She said, getting up from her spot. "Okay..." I said, getting up as well. I grab my backpack, then walk out of the house.

I sit in the back seat, as Bella sits next to Edward in the front seat. I let out a sigh as I stare out of the window.

"Are you nervous?" Bella said, turning to look at me. I turn my head to look at her. "Kinda... you know I'm not that good around new people. Now I'm going to a place where EVERYONE is new..." I said. "Well... you don't have to worry, Y/N... you have me there. You also have Edward... and you'll meet the rest of his family as well..." she said, smiling softly as she reach towards me and gently holds my hand.

Bella knows that I knew that Edward is a vampire. She's shocked at first, but then she said she's glad... because that means it'll be easier for me to get along with them. What she doesn't know is that I'm half-vampire.


We finally reach school. Edward is the first to exit the car. Bella turns to me. "Here we are... come on" she said, exiting the car. I just nod my head. Then I exit as well.

Bella wraps an arm around my shoulder as an way to give me comfort. "It's going to be okay... trust me..." she said. I just give her a small smile and nod my head.

I look forward to see a lot of people coming towards me. I gulp at the sight of them. Then they stop when they stand in front of me.

"Who's the new girl, Bella?" A guy said. Bella turns to look at me. But I just stay silent. Then she turns her attention back to them.

"She's Y/N Swan..." she said. Their eyes widened at what she said. "Another Swan? Who is she to you?" A girl with glasses said. "My little sister... she's 2 years younger than me..." Bella said. "How is that possible? I thought you're an only child... and she doesn't even look like you" a girl with round face said. As soon as I look at her... I can tell that she's an attention seeker.

"I'm adopted..." I finally speak. They stare at me in shock, not expecting me to start talking. "Wow... she can talk..." the girl said. I raise my eyebrow at her. I was right after all... she's a bit rude.

They smile at me and introduce themselves one by one. The girl with glass is Angela. The boy is Mike and the rude girl is Jessica.

I nod at each one of them. "I'm Y/N Swan... just like what Bella said. Nice to meet you..." I said. They all smiles at me, though Jessica's seems fake. I don't know what her problems was... and to be honest... I don't care at all.

*to be continued*

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