Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

"Aweee..." I hear Bella and Jacob cooed at me. I blush and quickly walk away. They chuckle and walks after me. I can't believe it...

The boy in my dream is real!

-Spending Time With Seth-


We reach home. I head straight to my room and let myself fall on my bed. I stare at the ceiling, while smiling to myself. I just can't believe it... the boy I've been seeing in my dreams... he turned out to be real! He's Seth Clearwater. He's real!!

I turn to lay on my stomach and squeal with my face bury in my pillow out of happiness. Then I turn to lay on my side. I take my sketchbook and flip it to the page where I drew Seth. "I really can't believe you're real, Seth..." I said, smiling happily as I stare at his sketch.

"What? Am I a fantasy or something?" A voice said. I jump at the sudden voice. I turn my head to look at the window. Seth is sitting on the tree that's right next to my room, smiling at me. I quickly hide the book behind my back.

He swings his legs through the window. Then he enters the room. "W-What..." I stuttered, as he walks towards me making me take a few steps back. I keep walking backwards, until my back hits the wall. He traps me in between his arms.

I clear my throat. "What are you doing here?" I said. "I told you we'll see each other sooner than you thought, right?" He said, smiling at me. I nod my head "yeah... but I didn't expect you to be here..." I said, without looking at him as I feel nervous at the close proximity. He lower his head to meet my eyes. I blush and looks away from him.

"Oh what? Did I make you feel nervous?" He said, smirking at me. "U-Uh..." was all that comes out of my mouth. He chuckles at me. I gulp and place my hand on his chest. I push him softly, making him laugh more.

"Flirty much?" I said, in a much steady voice. "Only towards you..." he said, winking at me. I roll my eyes "weirdo..." I said, making him pout. "I take that as you don't like it... I'll just go then..." he said, turning around to leave. "Wait! Don't go..." I said, grabbing his hand. He smiles at me and walks towards me. I move to sit on the bed, he sits down next to me.

"So... tell me more about yourself..." he said. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "How about... lets start with something you love..." he said. I nod my head in agreement. We start to talk about random things... anything to help us know each other better.

I let out a yawn. "Are you sleepy?" He said. I turn to look at him and nod my head slowly. "It's getting kind of hard to keep my eyes open..." I said. "Well... don't hold it... just get some sleep... I'll take my leave now..." he said, getting up. He's about to leave when I grab his arm. "Wait!" I said. He turns to look at me. "Yeah?" He said. "Can you stay with me?" I said. He smiles softly and nod his head. "Alright..." he said. I smile softly at him.

I move to lay down on my bed. Seth lay himself next to me. He pulls the blanket, covering both of our bodies. Then he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I lean my head on his chest. I can feel a soft kiss on my forehead. "Good night, Y/N... I love you..." he said. I smile "I love you too, Seth..." I said. Then I let myself drift off too sleep.


The sun seeping through the gap of curtain in my room. I blink my eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepy feeling. I open my eyes slowly.

The first thing I notice is the feeling of arms wrapped around my waist, along with my head that is pressed against a broad chest. I smile to myself. I pull away slightly and observe his face. How can someone be so hot and cute at the same time?

"Take a picture... it'll last longer..." he suddenly said. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer. I bury my face back into his chest. I can feel it vibrating as he laugh.

I feel his hand running through my hair as he caress my head softly. "Y/N... come on. Get up... I wanna take you somewhere..." he said. "Where to?" I asked, pulling away from his chest to look at him.

He place a finger on his lips. "It's a secret..." he said, smiling as I pout at him. He nudge his nose against mine. "Gosh... you're adorable..." he said, biting his lips. I blush at what he just said.

"Get up and get ready... I'll wait outside. I'll go out through the window... wouldn't want your dad to know I've stayed the night..." he said. "Yeah... I agree with you. He's not going to be happy if I let a guy in my room..." I said, nodding my head. He chuckles and stand up. He offers his hand to me. I grab it and he pulls me up. I grab everything I need and head for the bathroom.

Seth P.O.V

I smile to myself. She's truly breathtaking. She's everything I need. I plan on asking her to be mine after the date later. Well... she is my imprint after all... so technically... she's already mine. But I want to be with her not because I have to... but because I want to, and I want to be with her... to be everything she needs.

I turn around and was about to jump out through the window when something caught my eyes. The book Y/N suddenly hid when she realized I'm here.

I bit my lips as curiosity starts building up in my chest. But before I could stop myself, I already sit on the bed, flipping through the pages. Seems like Y/N loves to draw... and she's really good at it.

She drew LaPush beach, she's been there? But... why haven't I seen her before? I shake my head, I wasn't in the pack until this year. So I wouldn't know or sense her there. The sketch after that is an image of a couple with their forehead's touching, but the guy's face is blurry... I flip to the next page and froze.

It's a sketch of me

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It's a sketch of me. Have she seen me before? No... Jacob said she's new in the town. So... how? How did she know me... and why she drew me?

Suddenly the door to her room opens, making me jump.


"Oh, Seth! You're still here... I thought-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw my sketchbook in his lap. It's currently open on the drawing of him.

I take it from him and close it. I hug it close to my chest and avoid eye-contact with him. Gosh! This is so embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks burning from the amount of embarrassment I'm currently feeling.

He didn't say anything. So I look turn to look at him. I jump when I realize he's standing right in front of me. When did he even moved? Okay... that didn't matter.

"Have we met? How can you draw a picture of me with a perfect description?" He said. "I... uhh... um..." I stuttered. He just stayed silent as he wait for me to tell him.

"F-From my d-dream..." I said. "Dream?" He said, in a questioning voice. I nod my head. "Care to explain it to me?" He said. I open my mouth and start to tell him. From the first dream about him. As well as the most recent where his face turned clear, so clear that I am able to draw him with perfect resemblance.

By the end of it, he looks speechless. "So... pretty much... I've seen you coming. Much like Alice who have visions about the future. I can do that too but through my dreams... now that I think about it... a lot of my dreams have turned into reality..." I said. "Wow... that's awesome... Y/N... you're truly are amazing..." he said, smiling brightly at me. I just smile shyly at him.

*to be continued*

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