Chapter 45

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Previously on Chapter 44

In an instant, I can see flashing images coming in my mind. Everything is just like how Alice described to us earlier. Just as I thought that it was all... another image appears...

-Sadness and Comfort-



It appears to be a memory. I can see a mountain of body being burn in the fire. It must be the newborns we fought that day. Then I can see a people wearing cloak standing there. Upon closer look... I recognize them as the Volturi.

"Where's the other Swan?" Jane asked, looking at Bella. I can see her fighting back the tears. At first I was confused, but then I remember that was when I was 'dead.'

"Hmm... she's dead, huh? Makes it easier for us... we don't have to waste our time to get rid of her" she said. They... wanted me dead?

Vision Changes

We are in an open field. Standing in front of us.. are the Volturi. There's a lot of them. I can see the look of hatred in their eyes.

"That filthy blood needs die! She's not worth being alive in this world. She's better of remain dead. Why is she still alive? That's just brought trouble to all of us" Aro said, looking straight at me with so much hatred in his eyes. The others Volturi nods their heads as a sign of agreement.

End of Vision

I gasp in shock as I snap out of it. I turn to look at Alice. Negative thoughts starts filling up inside my head. I start to find it hard to breathe.

They wanted me dead? They were happy when they though I was gone back when we have that battle against the newborns.

"Y/N... calm down..." Edward said, knowing what's going on inside my head. "Y/N... nothing's going to hap- argh!!" Edward groans in pain. "Stay. Out. Of. My. Head!" I growled each words, my eyes turning blood red. Edward holds his head in pain.

"Y/N! Enough! You're going to kill him" Seth said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I snap out of it and stare at Edward, who's on his knees.

Heavy tears are streaming down my cheeks. "I-I'm s-sorry..." I said. Then I turn around and runs out of the room. I ignore Seth, who's asking me to stop. I run out of the house and stop by the lake. I sit down and starts crying.

Seth P.O.V

"Are you okay, Edward?" Bella asked. "Yeah... I'm okay... but Y/N isn't... her mind is a mess" he said. Bella turns her head to look at the direction where Y/N have ran off. I can see the worry in her eyes.

"It's okay... I got this..." I said. "Please take care of her..." she said. I nod my head, smiling at her and everyone in the room. Then I turn around and runs after Y/N.

I try to look around for Y/N. But I can't find her anywhere. I can feel the worry slowly building up inside me. I take a deep breath.

'Okay... calm down, Seth. Think... where would Y/N go when she feels upset?' I thought to myself. Where is the place Y/N always go. Then I remember. I turn towards the direction and start running.


I can hear footsteps coming close behind me. I know who it is by his scent. "I wanna be alone..." I said, not looking at him. He just sits next to me. He place a hand around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side.

"Well... I know for a fact that it's a lie... anyone who's upset would want to have someone near... and so are you, baby. I am that someone for you, Y/N... and I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you in this state. I will be a bad boyfriend if I do..." he said. I choke a sob as I bury my face in the crook of his neck. He just stay silent and caress my hair softly.

After a while, I finally calm down. "Do you want to talk about it?" He said. I pull away from him and stare into the water. "I saw the Volturi in Alice's mind... they were happy to know that I was dead... that day at the battle against the newborns... then... they express how angry they were when they found out that I'm still alive... they said I don't deserve to live in this world. Part of me kinda believe that... I look like a human, but I'm not. I'm not a vampire nor a shifter. I don't belong in any of these group... I'm nothing but a freak" I said, wiping the tears that are streaming down my cheeks.

"Y/N... no. That's not true... you're not a vampire or a shifter because you're both. You're special, Y/N..." Seth said. "But everyone hates me! The Cullens only welcomes me because I'm Bella's younger sister... your pack accepted me because I'm your imprint! I don't belong where I am... the Volturi was right... I'm better of d-" I was cut off by a pair of lips. More tears streams down my cheeks when he pulls away.

"Don't finish that sentence... you have no idea how much pain it brought me when I thought you were gone, Y/N..." he said. "Seth..." I said, choking a sob. He pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you... so please... don't say something like that again..." he said. I can feel the sadness radiating from him. I just broke down in his arms as he holds me close, trying his best to give me the comfort. The comfort that only HE can give.

He pulls away from the hug after I calmed down. "I love you... so much. Promise me you won't think that way again? I can't lose you, Y/N... I can't..." he said, cupping my cheeks. I can see the tears in his eyes. I lift my hand and gently wipe the tears that escaped his eyes. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you feel sad... I love you too, Seth... I won't think that way again..." I said. "Promise?" He said. I nod my head, smiling at him. "I promise..." I said. He smiles softly and pulls me into a kiss. Then he just keeps me in his embrace.

I start to feel tired from running and crying. I cuddle up closer to Seth and close my eyes. I let myself drift off into a deep sleep.

*to be continued*

A/N: I visualized the lake scene in my head. I feel so much emotion while writing this. Me and my wild imagination.. haha.. but I gotta be thankful about that, because without my imagination... I wouldn't be able to write any of my story that you guys enjoy. Thank you SO much for reading. I'll see you guys... in my next chapters. Byee~

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