Chapter 36

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Previously on Chapter 35

"It's working..." Esme said. "It's working!" I said too. Bella just smiles at me. Then she continue to take sips from the cup. I let out a happy laugh and hugs Seth. He chuckles and hugs me back.

-Going For A Hunt-


Carlisle calls for Edward and I. I walk behind him as he leads us upstairs. Jacob is there too. I furrow my eyebrow as I wait for Carlisle to tell us what's going on.

He walks towards us and he place a bag of blood on the counter. "This is all Bella can have now..." he said. "That's it?" I hear Jacob said. "She could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she have any chance of survival at all... then she's going to need more..." he said. "And you need to feed... you need to be at your strongest to go against them" Jacob said.

"We haven't hunt in a while, Carlisle..." Esme said, looking worried. "We need to hunt tonight... or we won't stand a chance against them..." Carlisle said. "Carlisle... it's too dangerous. You're the enemy now... Sam won't hesitate. You will be slaughtered" Jacob said, looking out the window.

"We'll do anything to help Bella..." Carlisle said. Jacob turns to look at him. "You're really ready to sacrifice yourself for her?" He said. "Of course... Bella is a part of our family now..." Esme said. "Yeah... this sure is a family. Unlike the ones I grew up with..." Jacob said. I frown, knowing what he meant.

"We'll take Emmet with us too..." Carlisle said. "It's not going to be enough..." Jacob said. Then he stay silent for a bit. "I have a plan..." he said, turning to look at Carlisle.

Suddenly I start to feel weak. I sway a little and drop on my knees. Seth instantly runs towards me and gently hold me in his arms. "Y/N? Baby... are you okay?" He said. "I feel so tired... I don't know why... but it's like my energy is drained out of my body..." I said. He frowns as he caress my hair softly.

I hear footsteps coming closer towards where we are. I turn my head to see Edward. He kneels down in front of me and stare into my eyes. "Your eyes turns color, Y/N..." he said. He grabs a mirror and hands it to me. I take it from him and stare at my reflection, more specifically my eyes.

My eyes are black, but there's a streak of red in them

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My eyes are black, but there's a streak of red in them.

"They never changed into this color before..." I said, turning to look at Edward. "What does it means?" I asked, looking at him for an explanation. "It means you're thirsty and you need to drink some blood" he said. I stay silent after he said that.

"When was the last time you drank blood?" He said. I think about it and shake my head. "Have you even had any... like ever?" He said. "No..." I said. His eyes widened as he stare at me in complete shock.

"Are you crazy? Now it makes sense why you're so weak. Y/N... you need to drink some blood tonight or you're not going to survive. You're going with Esme, Carlisle and Emmet..." he said. "But Bella..." I said. "I'll take care of her... don't worry. You need to look after yourself first..." he said. I just sigh and nod my head, knowing what he said is true.

"You really haven't had any blood?" I hear Seth said. "I didn't think I need it. You know... since I'm half-shifter... I don't wanna hurt human nor animal..." I said, looking down. "Yeah, but... you gonna need to. You look so pale, Y/N... paler than your natural skin color..." he said, looking at me in worry. I let out a sigh of defeat. "Alright..." I said, knowing I don't have much of a choice right now. I'm gonna need to hunt or I'm going to die.


Jacob P.O.V

I stand by the hill staring into the distance. I hear footsteps behind me. Leah and Seth comes into view. Leah joined us not long after Seth. She said she just wants to look after her brother but I know it's more than that. I just don't wanna mention it.

"Jake! We're coming" Seth said. "We need to phase, Jake... we can't protect ourselves like this" Leah said. "No... they'll see it as a threat..." I said. Then I turn my head to look at the woods.

"I wanna talk! It'll be nice if I can hear you too!" I said. Embry, Paul and Jared comes to view. "This isn't your territory anymore..." Paul said. "Are you done?" I said. "Are you coming home, Jake?" Embry said. "Not until I finish this..." I said. "What do you mean?" Jared said. "I want Sam to take back Seth and Leah" I said. "What/No way!!" The two of them said simultaneously. "Quiet!" I said, turning to them. I turn back to the others.

"I want them home... I want them safe... and I want this over with..." I said. They just stare at me. Then I can hear howling sound. I smirk to myself knowing the plan had worked.

"You betray us!" Paul screams. The other two just looks at me with a look of hurt. But I couldn't care less. They made it past the borders and that's all that matters.


We speed through the woods. I can feel them behind us. I jump high, turning my body around and use my power to push them back. Then I land on my feet and start running again.

I made it past the border. "I feel so bad... I hope they aren't hurt..." I said. "They'll be fine, Y/N... come on. We need to hunt" Carlisle said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod my head and turn around. I start to hunt for animal. In the end, I caught 2 dear and a mountain lion.

After I drank their blood, I can feel myself slowly regaining strength. I didn't think I'd need blood. I thought I'll be fine without it. Turns out I still need them, just not as much as the others. This makes me wonder... will I be able to control myself when Bella gives birth. But that didn't matter... I need to head back now. Bella will be giving birth any time soon.

*to be continued*

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