Chapter 48

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Previously on Chapter 47

That nightmare really has me shaken up. I am so scared that it might become reality. That I'm going to lose Seth. I can't... he's everything to me and I can't imagine the world without him.

-Bella's Training-


We are currently talking about Bella's shield ability. "But I can't use to to fight..." she said. "But you can use it to defend others..." I said. "What?" She asked, looking at me in confusion.

"Use it to protect someone other than yourself..." Eleazar said. "Is that possible?" Bella said. "The first time I can only emit my ability in my palm... but now I can radiate it all over my body..." Kate said. "How do you do it?" Bella said, looking excited. "Um..." Kate start. "Tell me!" Bella said, holding onto her hand. "Ow..." She said. We head outside and Kate stands up in front of Bella.

"Picture the shape... what color it is... will it to go beyond you..." Kate said. I lean against Seth as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

Bella tries to focus. I can see it emitting from her. But it didn't take long before it went back to her. She lets out a frustrated sigh. "Calm down, Bella... I'm sure you'll master it..." I said. She tries again, and failed.

"Maybe you need some motivation?" Kate said. I was about to walk forward. But Seth stops me. I turn to look at him and open my mouth, but he give me a stern look.

"Don't you even think about it... like hell I'm going to let you volunteer to be electrocuted. You're going to get hurt" he said. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Bella. "Sorry, Bel... I can't help you on this one..." I said. She just smiles at me. Eventually Edward steps forward.

"Edward... no..." she said. "It's okay, I can take it..." he said. "He said that now..." Gareth said. I giggle to myself as I recall Gareth getting electrocuted.


Kate appeared and grabbed Bella's hand. I could hear sizzling sound. "Oh she's a shield alright... otherwise, she would have passed out..." Kate said. "Maybe your power was a little too exaggeration" Gareth said.

Kate turned to look at him. She showed her palm towards him. "Maybe it only works for the weak" she said. Gareth just stared at her for a few seconds, then he lifted his hand.

"Gareth, I wouldn't..." Carlisle said. Eventually his finger made contact with Kate's palm. He wince as electric surged through his body, and he fell on his knees. He chuckled as he looked up at Kate. "You... are amazing woman..." he said... and that's how the two of them fall in love.

End of Flashback

I giggle again, making Seth turn to look at me in confusion. "What's so funny, baby?" He said. I turn to him and whispered it into his ear. He chuckles to himself and nod his head. "Yeah... that was funny..." he said. Gareth rolls his eyes knowing exactly what we are talking about. I just smile innocently at him.

Edward outstretch his arm. "Edward I'm not ready to do this!" Bella said. "Argh!!!" Edward yelled as Kate electrocuted him. Edward turns to look at her. "I'm sorry! I already said that I wasn't ready!" She said, trying to defend herself. They try again it, but Bella still failed.

"Dude! You're not motivating her!" Emmet said. Edward turns to look at him. "You wanna try?" He said. Emmet just raised his hand, to let Edward know he don't want to.

"Maybe you need more motivation? Should I see if Renesmee is awake?" Kate said. "Are you crazy?" Bella said, angrily. Kate instantly stops from taking another steps.

"I'll do it..." I said. "Y/N... no..." Bella said. "No way, babe" Seth said. "It's okay..." I said. Seth lets out a sigh as he knows he can't win the argument. I walk forward and outstretch my hand.

"Alright... this one is on full power..." Kate said. This makes me gulp nervously. "Y/N..." Seth said, looking at me with worry. I smile reassuringly at me... even though I'm completely terrified on the inside.

"Focus, Bella... or they're going to get hurt..." Emmet said. Bella focus hard. Kate place her hands on us. I close my eyes tightly. But all I feel is just a tingling sensation. I let out a laugh. Kate pulls her hand away.

I turn to look at Bella. "It's painful..." Edward said. "But it's bearable..." I finished. Bella grins happily, looking excited at her accomplishment. "Okay, we should go again..." she said. "Emmet?" Edward and I said together. Emmet look startled "um... I'm good" he said. I giggle at his reaction. Then turn to look at Seth.

I walk towards him and he instantly pulls me into a hug. "Gosh! You had me worried..." he said. I just giggle softly and wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm a strong girl! You don't need to worry..." I said. He nudge his nose against mine.

"I'll always be worry when it comes to you... I don't ever want to see you get hurt. You're everything to me... I love you, baby... so much..." he said. "Aww... my boyfriend is being a softie~" I cooed. He pouts at me. "Babyyyy" he whined.

I let out a laugh "okay okay... I love you too, baby..." I said. He grins at me and pulls me into a kiss. I giggle in between the kiss and tilt my head slightly to kiss him back, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. He snakes his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to his body.


It's currently night time... and I'm sitting on the bed. I can't sleep. Now that I'm all alone... my mind drift back to the nightmare I had the other day.

I let out a sigh and stand up from the bed. Then walk out of the room. I make my way to the living room. I take a seat on the couch. I lean my head back against the cushion, staring up at the ceiling.

"Can't sleep?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Edward. "Yeah..." I said. He walks towards me and take a seat next to me. "You're still thinking about the dream?" He said. "You just read my mind..." I said. "Sorry... that's the easier way for me to know what's bothering you..." he said. I just smile at him. Then I look down.

"I'm just scared... I'm scared that it might come true and I'm going to lose Seth..." I said. "Just have faith, Y/N... he's a strong shifter. He won't just go down without a fight..." he said, patting my shoulder softly. I smile back at him.

I hear someone knocking at the door. "Who could that be?" I said. "We have one more witness... he's a little late because he needs to deal with something" he said, getting up. He walks towards the front door and I can hear it opens.

"I'm sorry for being so late..." the person said. I froze slightly as I hear his voice. I walk towards the front door. The person turns his head to look at me. I can see his eyes widening. "Y/N?" He said. My eyes widened as I stare at him in shock. "N-No way...


*to be continued*

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