Chapter 32

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Previously on Chapter 31

"I'm going to miss you, Bel..." I said, fighting back the tears. She smiles and caress my hair softly. "I'm going to miss you too, sis... I'll love you... forever..." she said, pulling me into a hug. I hug her back. She walks to dad and hugs him. She smiles at both of us, then get inside the car. I wave as I watch the car drives away.

Until next time, Bella...

-Something Is Wrong With Bella-


Bella and Edward has been off to honeymoon for the past 14 days. Bella and would call once in a while. She would tell me how her days has been there. She told me Edward wouldn't touch her. Apparently, after the first night... Edward leaves bruises on her body. I told her that he was just scared to hurt her.

When I'm not with Seth, I would hang around the Cullens. Seth been busy with the pack. Even though the conflict caused my Victoria have ended a while ago. They still need to patrol around the place. Just to make sure there are no vampire trespassing their territory.

I'm currently just sitting by in the couch. I'm reading a book, but for some reasons... I can't seem to keep my mind on it, as it keeps wondering off to Bella. I keep getting a bad feeling ever since I wake up this morning. This makes me worried for my sister. I'm worried that something bad might happen to her.

I let out a sigh and close the book, knowing I can't even get 1 paragraph done. I stand up and head up to my room. I flop myself on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

I can hear my phone ringing. I stand up and grab it from the bedside table. I press answer and place it on my ear.

"Hello?" I said. "Y/N..." the person said. "Bella? Are you okay? You sound horrible..." I said. "I'm okay..." she said. "Don't lie to me... something happened to you, am I right?" I said. I can hear her sighing on the other side.

"Listen, Y/N... I know that it's impossible... but I'm pregnant..." she said. "Are you serious?" I said, not believing what I just heard. "Yes, Y/N... it's been 14 days... but I still haven't gotten my period yet... and..." she paused. I start to feel worry gnawing out inside me.

"And? Bella... what's going on?" I said. "I swear Y/N... I feel something moved inside me..." she said. "You better not be joking... where are you?" I said. "We're heading back to Cullen's house... we'll be there by noon..." she said. "I'll see you there..." I said. "Okay... oh and Y/N?" She said. "Yeah?" I said. "Don't tell Charlie..." she said. "But..." I try to say, but she cuts me off. "Please... I can't... I don't want him to worry..." she said. I let out a sigh "alright..." I said. We said byes and the call ends.

I run my hand through my hair. The bad feeling just comes to reality. Bella's in danger. I call Seth and tell him to meet me at the Cullen's. He agrees and I grab my bag.

"Dad! I'm going to the Cullen's..." I said. "Hold on... before you go... do you get any news from Bella?" He said. "No..." I feel so bad for lying. But Bella told me not to tell him. He just nods his head. I let out a sigh and hugs him. "Don't worry, dad... I'm sure she will be fine..." I said, biting my lips to stop myself from crying in front of him, because if he notice... he will instantly knows that I'm lying and that Bella is not okay.

I pull away and kiss his cheek. "Bye dad!" I said. He just smiles and wave at me. I wave back and leave the house. I get inside the truck and drive towards the Cullen.


I'm sitting nervously. Seth is sitting next to me. He's trying his best to keep me calm. "I'm sure she'll be fine, baby..." he said. I nod my head "hopefully..." I said. He place a soft kiss on the side of my head and pulls me closer to his side.

I can hear car pulling up. Then I can smell Bella's scent. I quickly stand up and run towards the door. I open it to see Bella. I pull her into a hug.

"Hey, sis..." she said. "Don't "hey, sis" me! Look at you! You look horrible..." I said, pulling away and glare at her. I look down at her stomach to see it's growing.

"You really are pregnant... I have no idea that it's possible..." I said. "Yeah... me neither... but I'm so happy. I'm going to be a mother... but... Edward is not happy about it. He wants to get rid of the baby. Y/N... please... tell me that you're going to support me. That you'll always be by my side... supporting my choice to keep this baby?" she said. "Bella..." I said. "Please?" She said, pleadingly. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

I help her upstairs and she sits down on the couch. Not long after that, I can hear motorcycle. In an instant I know that it's Jacob. He's not going to be happy, knowing Bella is pregnant.

"Jake? Is that you?" Bella said. Soon enough he comes upstairs. Rosalie stands in front of Bella, blocking her from Jacob's view.

"It's good to see you, Jake..." she said. Jacob looks at her, then he walks forward. "Close enough..." Rosalie said. "What's your problem?" Jacob said, looking at her in annoyance. "Rose... it's okay..." she said. Rose looks at her and sigh, moving out of the way.

Jacob walks forward and kneels down in front of her. "You look terrible, Bel..." he said. Bella lets out a soft giggle. "Yeah... it's nice to see you too..." she said. I just sit down next to Bella.

"Are you going to tell me what happens to you?" He said. "Y/N... will you help me stand up?" She said. I nod my head and stand up, offering her my hand. She grabs my hand and I help her up. Jacob face falls when he saw her pregnant belly.

He turns to Edward and speeds towards him. "YOU! You did this!" He growled. "Jake stop!" I said. "Can't you do something? What about you, Y/N? She's your sister. Why are you so calm about this? You know that thing isn't good for her, but you support her? You don't care about Bella" Jacob said. His face turns side ways. Hand print appears on his cheek.

He turns his head to look at me in disbelieve. "Don't you dare... DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE SAY THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT BELLA!! This is her choice! As a sister... all I can do is support what she wants!" I scream at him. "But you know that thing isn't good for her!" He yelled back. "The fetus isn't good for Bella!" Alice said. "Baby! Say it... it's just a little baby..." Rosalie said, turning to look at her.

Jacob ignores them and turns to look at Carlisle. "You have to do something..." he said. "No!" Bella finally said. We all turns to look at her. "Y/N is right... this is my choice. Not any of yours..." Bella said. Jacob looks at everyone in disbelief. Then he growls and turns around. He runs out of the house.

Seth froze as if he just heard something and turns to look at me. "Baby... I have to go... Jacob is calling the pack" he said. I nod my head and he runs out of the house too.

*to be continued*

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