Chapter 46

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Previously on Chapter 45

I start to feel tired from running and crying. I cuddle up closer to Seth and close my eyes. I let myself drift off into a deep sleep.

-Searching For Witnesses-


I open my eyes and the first thing I realize is I'm back at the Cullen's house. I'm laying on the couch in the living room. I move to sit up.

"Y/N..." I hear Bella said. I turn to look at her. She sits next to me and wrap her arms around me. I lean my head on her shoulder. "You're not mad? What I practically attacked Edward..." I said, remembering what I did to him before I ran off.

She pulls away and gently pat my head. "No... I am not mad... and neither Edward... in fact... we were all worried about you..." she said. Tears starts to build in my eyes. "Shh... it's okay..." she said, pulling me into a another hug. I clutch her shirt as I start to cry softly.

I hear footsteps coming to us. I turn my head to see Edward. I quickly stand up and bow at him. "I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt you" I said. "Why are you bowing at me? Y/N... it's okay... I'm fine..." he said. I stand straight and looks at him in guilt.

"But I still feel bad..." I said. He walks forward and pulls me into a hug. "Don't be... all is forgiven. You are Bella's little sister. Therefore you're mine too..." he said. I smile as I hug him back.

"I'm so happy to have a caring brother like you, Edward... I'm glad Bella chose you to be her lawful Husband..." I said. He chuckles and gently pat my head. "I'm glad you're okay, little one..." he said. I pout at him "I am not little!" I said. He burst out laughing and push my forehead with his fingers.

"Little as in younger... not little as in you're small... silly girl" he said, still laughing. "Oh..." I said. Then I start to laugh along with him. Bella walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. Edward joins in the hug, engulfing me in a group hug.

"Y/N!!" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Renesmee. She wraps her little arms around me. "I got so worried when you suddenly ran off..." she said, looking up at me. I frown and kneel down in front of her. "I'm sorry, honey..." I said. "You're okay! I'm glad.." she said, hugging me. I smile softly as I hug her back.

I feel so thankful to have them. They're like a real family for me... so if the Volturi wants to get rid of them, they're going to have to do through me... and I won't go down without a fight.


Edward suggested that we ask our relatives to help us. To act as witnesses that Renesmee isn't an immortal child... and that she's growing as time passed.

So that's what we're doing. I'm currently driving a car that Carlisle have given me.

Seth is sitting next to me

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Seth is sitting next to me. I don't know the direction so I'm following Bella's car.

Our surrounding is covered in snow. "Have you meet these people before?" Seth asked, after a while of silence. I turn my head to look at him, then focus my attention back to the road. "No... I haven't. Well... maybe I have... but the Cullen's have so many relatives. It's kinda confusing... I don't know who is who..." I said. He chuckles "yeah... I know how that feels..." he said.

Soon we pull up in front of a house. "You wanna get down? Or you wanna stay in the car?" I asked Seth. He looks out to see 4 people standing. "I think I'm going to stay here..." he said. "Since when are you scared of vampires?" I said. He scoff "I'm not scared. They're Cullen's cousins. I don't wanna attack them" he said. I giggle and leans over to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Whatever you say, champ" I said. Then I step out of the car and walks forward to stand next to Bella.

Bella smiles at me. "This is Y/N... my little sister..." she said. "Hey..." I said, waving at the two with a soft smile on my face. They smile back at me and told me their names.

"So... what brings you guys here?" Tanya said. "And why do you bring two wolves with you? I can smell them from here..." Kate said. "Just promise me you will act upon this with an open mind..." Edward said. "Of course..." Kate said. He turns to look at the car. Seth gets out from my car. Jacob and Renesmee gets out of Bella's.

They steps back in fear as they look at Renesmee. "The Volturi will come for us..." Tanya said. "This is a crime!!" Kate screams, running to attack her. My eyes widened. Edward grabs her hand, but she holds him by the neck. I can see electric surging through the palm of her hands. Bella runs towards them and throw Kate off of Edward. She stands up and runs to them again. This time I run forward and appear in front of her. I outstretch my hand, making her stop mid-way.

"She's not an immortal child. I am her biological father... Bella's her mother..." Edward said. Kate looks at him in shock. "If you don't believe what he said. Renesmee can show you..." I said. Jacob picks up Renesmee in his arms and walks towards us. He stops when he reaches in front of Kate.

Renesmee lift her hand. Kate looks at her in worry. "It's okay..." I said. "That's how she communicate" Bella said. She steps forward, letting Renesmee plane her hand on her cheek. Her eyes glaze over as she gets an image that Renesmee is showing her.

She gasp and turns towards her sister. "It's true... she's not an immortal..." she said. I smile softly at what she said, knowing we just find ourselves the first witnesses.

*to be continued*

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