Chapter 50

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Previously on Chapter 49

"It was not my intention, Y/N... please... can we just... start over? Let me explain everything to you... please listen..." he said. My eyes soften a little, but I shake my head and glare at him. "I don't need to hear anything from you... you're my father. But you'll never be my dad..." I spat angrily. I grab Seth's hand and leave the room, away from him.

-Story Before War-


I'm still pretty much hurting over the fact that he's actually alive... but he never came back to me. He only shows up because of this whole thing. I didn't even know he knew the Cullens. Well... maybe all vampires knows each other at some point. But still, that doesn't explain why he never came back.

Well... he did want to explain his reason to me... I'm the one who doesn't give him the chance to... and that was because I'm scared. I'm scared to know the truth. I'm scared to know the secret he have kept hidden from me... scared to hear that he never actually wanted me in the first place, so he just chose to give me up and abandoned me... only to regret it now that he sees me.

Today is the last day... tomorrow is the day of the battle against the Volturi. So to enjoy our last time of moment of calmness... we decided to do a bonfire.

Jacob walks towards us holding woods. He throw them to the pile in the middle of us. Then he looks at Benjamin, who's standing across from him. Seems like Benjamin is being playful, he lift up two fire-lit fingers.

"Oh come on..." Jacob said. Benjamin just grins and lift up two more fingers. Jacob nodded his head in satisfaction. "Now that's more like it..." he said. Then Benjamin lit the wood, forming a bonfire.

Of course, I'll be sitting next to Seth. He have an arm wrapped securely around my shoulder. While I lean my head on his shoulder. He rubs my shoulder softly earning a soft hum of appreciation from me.

I don't have to worry about dad to worry about us being gone for a while. Edward and Bella have given him a ticket for fishing trip for a few days as a gift for Christmas. I smile to myself as I recall his reaction.


We are gathering at his house. Seth and Leah are eating on the couches. They are such a big eater.

"Baby! Come on... it tastes delicious" he said. I just walk towards him and sits next to him. "You just love to eat, huh?" I said, giggling softly. He just shrugs his shoulder in return.

"Seth! Leah! Stop eating! It's time to open the gifts" dad said. Seth just pout, while I giggle and pulls on his hand. "Come on!" I said. "Okay! Okay! Coming" he said, chuckling. We gather around the Christmas tree.

I watch as Renesmee opens a gift from Jacob. It's a bracelet.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful... you wanna put it on?" Bella said. She nods her head and Bella helps her put it on. She smiles as she looks at her bracelet. She showed it to me. "Y/N! What do you think?" She said. "It's lovely, sweetie..." I said. She smiles happily.

"Baby... here" Seth said, handing me a small box. I take it from him and opens it. It's a necklace.

It has a wolf pendant on it

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It has a wolf pendant on it. I smile and turn to look at Seth. "It's beautiful... thanks..." I said. "Let me put it on you?" He said, taking the necklace from me. I turn around and move my hair. Then he placed the necklace on my me, clasping it behind my neck.

Then it's dad's turn. Bella hands his gift. Dad opens the gift. "It's a fishing trip..." he said. I smile softly, knowing how much he loves to go fishing.

"I don't know... I have things to do..." he said. s
Sue Clearwater, Seth's mom... his girlfriend walks towards him and smile. "I have everything under control" she said, smiling at him. "Are you all trying to get rid of me?" Dad said. This makes Bella, Edward and I exchange nervous glances.

"Cause it's working!" He said, laughing happily. I let out a sigh of relief. At least he'll be away and safe from the Volturi.

End of Flashback

"What are you smiling for?" Seth said, nudging me softly. "Oh... just remember dad's reaction to the gift" I said. He smiles at me, and place a soft kiss on the side of my head.

Everyone starts gathering around the fire. "Name any big war... I was there" Gareth said. I don't know much war, so I just stay silent and listen.

"How about you, F/N? Do you have any story you want to share to us?" Carlisle said. "I don't have any story... but I do have regret. The biggest regret I have... is letting go of someone precious to me..." he said, glancing at me. I just look away from him.

"Do tell us..." Carlisle said. F/N takes a deep breath. "She was 5 years old when I left... I thought the best thing to do is to leave. So she could have normal life. I was also scared that the Volturi might know about her... so I have no choice but to leave her in the care of someone I know I could trust. But now... when I finally found her... she resent me... the look of hurt and hatred in her eyes... would haunt me for years to come... or maybe even forever" he said, looking sad.

"Who was she to you?" Jasper asked. "My precious little daughter..." he said. "She will understand... no kids that doesn't love their parents..." Carlisle said. I look down, knowing it's true. No matter how much his act hurts me... deep inside my heart... I know that I still love him.

"That's what I hope..." he said, turning to look at me. I bit my lips as I look down, tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I take a deep breath and looks up at him.

"Daddy..." I said. He looks at me in shock. "Y-Y/N..." he stuttered. "I-I miss you, daddy... I-I'm so s-sorry I never l-let you explain y-your part of the story..." I said, crying softly.

His eyes soften as he stands up and opens his arms for me. I choke a sob as I stand up and speeds over towards him. I hug him tightly. He hugs me back just as tight.

"Oh, Y/N... oh how I longed to hold you like this... I miss you too, darling. I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you..." he said. I nod my head "I forgive you, dad... don't leave me again..." I said. "Never... from now on... I'll always be with you..." he said, making me smile and snuggle closer to his chest.

*to be continued*

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