Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

Billy's P.O.V

My eyes widened when Y/N transform into a silver wolf. "Impossible..." I said, staring at her in shock. She turns to look at me, her eyes is sapphire blue.

Yeah... there is no mistaken it...

-My Mom's Tribe-


"Okay Y/N... you can transform back..." Sam said. I just stare at him in the eyes. He seems to realize what I'm trying to tell him. "Oh right... can someone lend her a clothes?" He said, looking at the rest of the pack.

Seth runs off and comes back with a set of clothes in his hand. He walks towards me and offers it to me. I take it from him using my mouth, then runs off and hide behind a tree. I take a deep breath to calm down and feel myself turning into my human form. Then I put on the clothes Seth gave to me.

It's pretty big on me, considering Seth is a lot taller than I am. I walk out from behind the tree and jog over to them.

"You can't always count on anger to phase Y/N. You need to learn how to control it... so you can phase at will..." Sam said. I just let out a huff at what he said. He chuckles and ruffles my hair. "Don't worry kiddo. We'll help you with that..." he said. "Hey! Quit it! My hair will get all tangled up and ugly!" I said, causing him to laugh.

I hear someone calling out for me. I turn my head to see Billy. I jog over to him. "Yes, Uncle?" I said. He gestures me to sit down in front of him. Then he do the same with the Quileute pack. We all sits in front of him.

"Y/N... do you know what it means?" He said. I look at him in confusion. "What it means? What do you mean?" I said. "Silver wolf... you know that you turn into a silver wolf when you phase?" he said. I nod my head at his question. "Yes... I'm aware that I phased into a silver wolf... what about it, uncle?" I said. "Y/N... you are no ordinary shifter..." he said. I look at him in confusion.

"Okay? What do you mean?" I said. "You belong to The Golden Mist Tribe... the first tribe to ever develop this ability to turn into a mighty wolf..." he said. "The first?" I said. "The first... we all know how a kingdom works. The first will always be the highest rank. This means you belong to a royal family... and silver wolf is very rare... only the next ruler of the said clan will phase into a silver wolf... you are... the strongest shifter that will exists... your highness..." he said, bowing at me. I stare at him wide-eyed.

"That means... my mother is..." I tried to say, but no words manage to come out of my mouth. But Billy knows what I'm trying to say. "Your mother was a descendant of that tribe..." he said.

"Okay... let me get this straight. So... my mother belongs to a tribe... where this magic to shift first found? Which makes the tribe my mom came from earn the highest rank in a shifter's world. So what? I'm some type of Princess or something?" I said. "Pretty much..." he said. I let out a shaky breath. "This is too much... t-to much i-info in one d-day... I... I g-gotta go..." I said. I turn around and run off to my house.


I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I can't believe it. I've been trying SO hard to try and find out about how I possess the ability to phase. But I would have never expected it to be like this! I'm... a princess? I'll be the strongest shifter to ever exist? That's what he said... that's what Billy said. That's what I'm suppose to be? Some kind of legendary silver wolf?!

I move to sit up. Then I stand up and start walking back and forth. "Why is this keep getting weirder and weirder... I'm already confused enough to choose which side I belong. Which side I am. Vampires or Shifter! Now I find out I'm in the highest position among all shifters?! That I'm the right ruler! This is crazy..." I said to myself. I run my hand through my hair, trying to calm my nerve.

"Y/N... are you okay?" I heard someone said. I turn my head to see Seth by the window. I walk towards him and opens the door to let him inside. He enters my room and pulls me into a hug.

"Baby... do you wanna talk about it?" He whispered in a soft voice. I let out a sigh as I relax in his arms. I lean my head against his chest. "I'm just confused..." I said. "About what?" He said. "About everything... it was hard enough for me when I found out I'm was a half-vampire. Now I'm a shifter too..." I said. "Don't think too much about it, baby... soon you'll know the answer..." he said, pulling away from the hug as he hold my by the shoulder.

"And no matter what you choose... you'll always be my Y/N... I love you, baby..." he said. I smile at him. He always knows how to calm me down. "I love you too, Seth..." I said. He cups my cheeks gently and leans down to place a soft and tender kiss on my lips. My hands want up to his arms, to his shoulders, and around his neck.

He pulls away from the kiss, only to place another soft kiss on my forehead. He picks me up and lay me down on the bed. He tucks himself in. Then he pulls me close. "You should get some sleep... it'll help calm your nerve. We have a big battle coming..." he said. I just nod my head. I snuggle closer to his chest and close my eyes. I feel a gentle kiss on the side of my head. Then I slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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