Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"Do you mind telling me how you're alive? I have a vision of you that you jumped off a cliff! Why would you do that??" She said. "I was just... having fun..." Bella said. "Having fun my a**... you nearly died..." I said, earning a glare from her. Alice just looks at her with a stern expression. "Now... I want you to tell me what REALLY happened..." she said. "Well...

-Going to Italy to Save Edward-


Bella and Alice sits in front of each other as Bella told her what happened. "I'm just glad you're okay" Alice said. Then she take a sniff and scrunch up her nose.

"Bella... what is that awful wet dog smell?" She said in disgust. "Oh... that's probably me.  Um... Jacob... he's kinda... a werewolf" Bella said. Alice looks at her in disbelief. "Bella! A werewolf isn't a good company to have!" She said.

"Speak for yourself..." someone said. We all turn our heads to see Jacob. Alice instantly stands up and move a good distance away from him. "What are you doing here?" Bella said. "I had to see you safe..." he said. "I thought you can't protect here..." I said. "I guess I'm breaking it anyway..." he said. "Well... I'M not going to hurt her..." Alice said, looking offended.

"Yeah... you're just a harmless little Cullen... I'm talking about the other bloodsuckers..." he said. "Victoria?" Alice said, turning to look at Bella, who nods her head. "I didn't... see her. I didn't see you getting out of the water either..." she said.

"Okay... hold up! Hold up... time out! Just who the heck is Victoria?" I said. "The red haired girl you saw..." Jacob said, looking at me. I turn to look at Bella. "She's Victoria..." she said, nodding her head.

"Well... why... w-what? W-Why is s-she targeting you? Why is she targeting dad??" I said. She opens her mouth, but I raise my hand "I'll see it myself..." I said. I raise my hand and place my hand on her shoulder.

In Vision

I see an open field. Bella is standing next to Edward who's shielding her from something. I turn my head towards the direction they're staring at. To see 3 people... no... vampires.

The blonde guy keeps staring at Bella. Then the wind blows. He smells the air. "You brought a snack" he said. The others stands protectively in front of Bella. Carlisle send them away saying Bella is with them.

The Vision Change

They take Bella to safety. But the guy I know as James chase after them. He lured Bella to a ballet studio. I can see Bella getting badly injured and he bit her hand.

The others torn James into shreds and burned him into ash. I hear something and turn my head. Not far from where I am, I can see a flash of red. I snap my finger and everything stops. I walk towards the person to see the same girl I've saw underwater and in Harry's memory.


End of Vision

I gasps when I see it. I turn to look at Bella who is looking at me in confusion. I look down at her wrist and that's when I realize the bite mark.

"So that's why she's after you? Because Edward killed her fiancé?" I said. Bella just nods her head. I run my hand through my hair, feeling worry building up inside my chest. My sister is in danger.

Jacob and Bella looks at each other. Alice turns to look at me. "Walk with me?" She said. I nod my head and we walk out. "Wait!" Bella said. Alice turns to look at her. "You're not leaving again, are you?" She said.

"I'll make sure she doesn't..." I said. She looks a little worried. "I'll come back after you get rid of the dog" she said. Then she grabs my hand and we walk out.

Bella P.O.V

The phone rings. Jacob went over and pick it up. I just sit down. "Not here..." Jacob said. I got confused why he said that. Then he hung up.

"Who is it?" I said. Alice suddenly enters the house. "Bella... it's Edward. He thinks you're dead! Now he's trying to kill himself..." she said. I turn to look at Jacob in anger. "Why didn't you let me speak to him!" I yelled. "He didn't ask for you..." he said. "I don't care!" I yelled again. Y/N appears and stops me from lunging towards Jacob.


"It's not worth it... we have to go and stop Edward from getting himself killed" I said. She glares at Jacob, then nod her head. Alice, Bella and I went to Alice's car.

Alice is about to drive, but Jacob stops her. "Bella don't go. Just please... stay... for Charlie... if not... for me..." he said, pleadingly. "I'm sorry I have to go..." she said. Then Alice starts to drive.


Apparently Edward asked the Volturi to kill him, but they refuses. So Edward decided to expose himself to the crowd. Knowing his skin is different when it gets expose to sunlight.

We reach Italy. The car can't get through because of how crowded it is. "You're going to have to go, Bella. I'll come after I've park this car..." Alice said. "I'll go with her... I can sense there's a lot of vampires in this place..." I said. "Put on your hoodie, Y/N..." she said. "My skin is just like human... it won't show" I said. "Just wear it in case!" She said. "Okay!!" I said. I put on my hoodie and leave the car.

Bella and I run through the crowd, trying to reach the clock tower as soon as possible. I can run as fast as a vampire, but I can't just leave Bella. So I make sure I'm running in a same pace as her.

We stop near a fountain. Bella's eyes widened when she sees Edward walking out of the building. He's taking off his shirt as he walks out into the opening.

"Bella... Go! Hurry!" I said. She nods her head and run through the fountain to Bella. She reaches him in time and push him inside. I let out a sigh of relief. But it soon turn into worry as I realize a few of these people have seen Edward and his crystal like skin.

Oh no... this is bad...

*to be continued*

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