Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

We spend the entire evening talking and laughing. I slowly ease up and join their conversation once in a while. As we talk... I slowly feel like I've fit in. This makes me feel like I belong.

-Bella's Birthday and Discovery-


Dad and I are currently standing in front of Bella's room. "Are you ready?" Dad said, turning to look at me. "Ready!" I said, grinning. "Okay... on 3. 1... 2... 3!" He said, opening the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" We yelled together. Bella wakes up in shock. Then she looks at us and sigh. "Don't remind me..." she said. I giggle and walks towards her. "It's not a bad thing to celebrate your b'day, Bel... it's a sign of gratitude that you're still alive up until now..." I said, smiling at her. She just smiles at me.

"So... happy birthday?" I said. She lets out a laugh and nods her head. "Thank you, Y/N..." she said. I lean over and hugs her softly. I pull away and hand her a gift.

"You don't have to..." she said. "I want to... now open it!" I said, clapping my hands excitedly. She smiles at me and start unwrapping her gift.

"Wow... half a heart with "big sis" written on it..." she said. "Yupp... and look... I'm wearing the other half with "lil sis" on it..." I said, showing her the necklace I'm wearing.

"Do you

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"Do you... like it?" I said. "I love it... it's beautiful... thanks" she said, standing up and pulls me into a hug. "You're welcome, Bel... thank you for being the best sister for me..." I said, smiling as I hug her back.

She pulls away from the hug. "You're going to make me cry..." she pouts, wiping her eyes. I giggle softly and pulls her into another hug. "But it's true! I don't want anyone else to be my sister but you..." I said. "Thank you, sis..." she said, caressing my hair softly.

"Okay... now it's my turn... here you go, Bel..." dad said, handing her a gift. "Thanks dad..." she said. "I need to get ready for school now... you should too... or we're going to get late..." I said. Bella nods her head "okay..." she said. I hug her one more time and walks out of her room.

I'm sitting in the living room as dad have left for his job as the town's chief. Edward is sitting across from me in the couch as we wait for Bella.

"I see you haven't told Bella..." Edward said. I look at him and lets out a sigh. "Look... I want to okay? I'm just scared of how she might react. Her and dad are the only ones who's been there for me when no one else have. I'm scared to lose that..." I said, looking down.

"I'm sorry..." he said. "It's okay... I also hate hiding things from my sister. I will tell her soon or later, Kay? Just don't rush me..." I said. "Okay... just take your time..." he said. I just nod my head in return.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn my head to see Bella. "Are you ready now, birthday girl?" I said. "Yeah..." she said, nodding her head. I get up along with Edward. Then we walks out of the house and gets on Edward's car. He starts the engine and begin driving to school.

Bella is instantly getting swarmed by the others as soon as she steps off of the car. All of them wishing her a happy birthday. I just giggle when she looks awkward. She turns to look at me with a 'help me' look. I raise my hand in surrender manner, making her glare at me. I just laugh even more seeing her face.

Soon they starts walking away. I walk towards her and smile. "Looks like Ms. Birthday Girl is popular today..." I said, giggling. She glares at me and hits my shoulder.

"Ow..." she said. My eyes widened when she clutch her hand. "Are you okay? You shouldn't have hit me if you don't wanna crush your hand..." I said. "Why does it hurts me instead?" She said, still clutching her hand.

Because I'm a half-vampire... I wish I could tell her that. But I'm still scared of what she might think about me. I just shrug my shoulders at her question.

Edward walks towards me and looks at her. "What happened?" He said. "I hit Y/N's shoulder but it hurts me instead..." she said. Edward turns to look at me with "you better tell her soon" face. I roll my eyes at him.

Don't rush me... I'm gathering my courage. You're really not helping if you rush me... I said in my head, knowing he can hear me. He just let out a sigh.


We are now inside the Cullen's house. They holds a birthday party for Bella.

As everyone is wishing Bella a happy birthday. A flash can be seen. We turn our heads to see Alice, holding a camera.

"I found it in your bag... do you mind?" She said. Bella just shakes her head, staring she's okay with it. Alice push Edward to Bella. "Show me the love..." she said, in a cheerful voice.

Bella starts to unwrap her gifts. Starting with Rose's gift. "It's a necklace... Alice picked it out..." she said. "Thanks..." Bella said, smiling at her. She just nods her head.

She's opening the last gift. "Ow... paper cut..." she said, looking at her now bleeding finger. I turn my head to look at Jasper. Who's still having a hard time to control his thirst. Edward is doing the same.

He push Bella out of the way as Jasper runs towards her, sending him across the room. "Bella!" I yelled in panic. I turn my head to see Jasper still trying to run after Bella.

Emmet and Carlisle tries to stop him but he manage to slip through them. I stand in front of him with my hand outstretched. He stops mid-way. But he's still struggling.

They all looks at me in shock. Alice is the first to snap out of her shock and move to stand in front of Jasper.

"Jas... Jas... shh... it's just a little..." she stops as she turns around. I turn around as well while still holding Jasper back with my telekinesis ability. Bella is sitting on the ground. Blood is dripping down her arm.

"Blood..." she finished. Carlisle speed towards Bella, kneeling down. "I need to stitch this up... get Jasper out of here..." he said. Emmet pulls Jasper out of the room, after I put my arm down to release him. I turn around to look at Bella. She's looking back at me in confusion.

We are now in the clinic room. Bella is sitting on a stool as Carlisle is stitching up her arms. I just look down as I stand in front of Bella.

"How did you do that?" She asked. "I... it's... um..." I stuttered out. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" She asked again. "I want to... but I'm scared of what you might think about me..." I said, trying to fight back the tears.

"You know you can tell me anything, Y/N... we're sisters. You don't have to hide anything from me" she said. I just nod my head, nod answering her.

"Are you going to tell me now?" She said. I gulped at what she said. "I'm... I'm a half-vampire, Bella... I'm not a normal human like you think I was..." I said, looking at her. She's looking at me in shock at what I just said.

I look down as tears finally stream down my cheeks. "I'm s-so sorry... I-I didn't mean t-to hide it f-from you. Y-You... dad... and mom... are the only ones I have when I had no one else there for me... I-I'm scared t-that you m-might hate me..." I said. I can hear a creaking sound. Then I can feel myself getting embrace.

"Why would you think I hate you? Have you forget? Edward and the others are vampires... it's okay..." she said in a soft tone. I choke a sob as I hug her back, crying to her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Bella... I'm so sorry..." I cried. "It's okay... don't cry... you're my little sister. You always will be. I love you, sis..." she said, pulling away as she wipe my tears. "I love you too, Bella..." I said, pulling her into another hug. She caress my hair softly.

*to be continued*

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