Chapter 39

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Previously on Chapter 38

I gently lay her down on the bed. I try to stand up, but her hand still clutch on the front of shirt and she's showing no sign of letting me go. So I just lay down next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pulls her closer, placing her head against my chest.



I open my eyes and realize I'm inside a room. The best thing I realize is I'm laying against a chest. I pull back slightly to see Seth. He must have carried me here.

Tear begin to cloud my eyes again as reality came crashing down on me. My older sister is gone. I start to sob softly. But Seth still heard it. He wakes up and looks at me.

"Baby..." he said, pulling me closer. He turns to lay on his back, so I'm laying on top of him. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. He caress my hair softly.

After I calmed down. I get up from the bed. Seth gets up as well. He cups my cheeks softly and place a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he gently holds my hand. We start making our way out of the room.

Esme is the first to notice me. She gets up from her seat and walks over to me. She gives me a sad smile and hugs me. I fight back the tears as I hug her back.

Edward P.O.V

"She shouldn't be this still..." I said, looking down. "It's the morphine" Carlisle said. "Maybe I was too late..." I said. "No, Edward... listen to her heart..." Carlisle said, placing a hand on my shoulder.


Author P.O.V

Bella is laying on a bed. Her wounds are slowly healing. The broken bones in her back are slowly healing, along with all the bite wounds.

Soon, her eyes opens to reveal a pair of blood red eyes.

Bella P.O.V

My whole body was burning. I feel like I was on fire. But as soon as it comes, it disappear. I feel amazing. I feel a lot stronger... like never before.

I open my eyes and looks around the room. I can see even the smallest particles in the room. Then I look straight forward to see someone standing in front of me. My eyes slowly starts to focus. The person is my husband, Edward.

He offers his hand to me. I look down at my hand for a moment. Then I place it on his hand. I slide my hand upward and place it on his chest, as his went to my cheek.

"You're beautiful, Bella..." he said. I look up at him and smile. He leads me to the mirror and I stare at myself.

My skin are a lot paler than before. My body shape are more prominent. But the most noticeable change are my eyes. They're in a deep shade of blood red, the perfect resemblance of blood.

I turn around and look at Edward. I wrap my arms around him and pulls him towards me. I can hear him wincing slightly.

"Um... Bella... you're a lot stronger than I am right now..." he said. I pull away and looks at him. "It's your turn not to crush me..." he said, chuckling. I pull him closer. "I love you..." I said. "I love you..." he said back. Then he leans in and place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

We pull away and I smile at him. "Renesmee..." I said. "She's wonderful..." he said. "I have to see her" I said, turning to leave. "Hold on... you need to get your thirst under control first..." he said. As soon as he said that, I can feel my throat dry. I lift my hand and place it on my neck. "Yeah... you need to hunt" he said. We jump out of the house and runs through the woods.

I can run faster than Edward now. I look around and see flowers blooming. It's truly breathtaking. I jump over a cliff, letting out a sound of delight. I run up the hill and meet Edward. He catches me in his arms.

"Close your eyes..." he said. I close my eyes, just like he asked. I feel him turning my body around. "What do you hear?" He said. I can hear various sounds of animals. I hear an elk. I open my eyes and looks at Edward. He nods his head at me. I smile at him and we slowly move up the rock.

The wind blows and I smell something sweeter than the animal blood. I look into the distance to see a human. I can feel the thirst growing. The human slips and blood starts gushing out of the wound in his ankle. "Bella don't!" Edward said. But I ignore him and run towards the human.

I climb up the rock wall. "Bella stop!" Edward said, just as I was about to climb further. I look up at the human and look back at him, trying to control my thirst. "I have to get out of here..." I said. "Yeah... I can help you..." he said. I just run forward and jumps down from the cliff. "Or not..." I hear him say.

I found another elk. But then I hear a mountain lion. It jumps towards the elk and I jump forward. I pin it down and bite onto its neck, drinking its blood.



I heard that Bella is back. She's a vampire now and is currently going for a hunt with Edward with her. I feel so relieved. I didn't lose my sister.

I'm sitting on the couch, with Seth next to me. I wait anxiously for them to come back so I can hold Bella, I was so scared when I thought I'm going to lose her.

I hear footsteps coming from the forest and instantly stands up. I hear chuckle behind me and knows it's Seth. I ignore him and runs out of the house. Bella is walking towards the house with Edward next to her.

Her eyes lit up seeing me. "Bella!" I yelled, happily. I run towards her and she opens her arms for me. I hug her tightly. I don't have to worry about crushing her, since she's a vampire now.

"I was so scared... I-I thought t-that I w-won't able to see you again..." I said, crying on her shoulder. "Well I'm here now, aren't I? I'll always be here... forever. I'm sorry that I scared you..." she said. I pull away and smile at her. "Looks like we're even. Now I know how you feel when you thought I was gone..." I said. She giggles and nods her head. I'm so happy...

I got my sister back...

*to be continued*

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