Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

He caress my hair softly, trying his best to comfort me. Soon the exhaustion starts to consume me. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep in his arms.

-Bella's Getting Worse-


I told dad that the Cullens wants me to stay over for a bit. He asked me why... I just told him that they are helping me learning something new. Of course he asked me what I'm learning and since Carlisle is a doctor. I told him that he wants to teach me a thing or two about treating sick people. Well... it's not exactly a lie... I am learning how to take care of sick people... by sick... I mean Bella.

Even though she's not sick, but pregnant. She looks like a sick person. Her body is very skinny to the point I can see her bones.

I'm standing next to Bella as Carlisle did an X-Ray to her. "Your back bone is cracked..." he said, turning to look at Bella after checking the result. Edward turns to look at Bella. "He's killing you, Bella..." he said. Bella just holds my hand for comfort. I just stay silent, not knowing what to say.

"Carlisle... tell her what you told me..." he said. Bella turns to Carlisle, who looks hesitant. "It's okay... I can take it..." she said, but she's squeezing my hand. I can feel the nervousness radiating from her.

"Your body is shutting down, Bella... you won't make it until the delivery..." he said. I bit back a gasp at what I hear from him. I have to be strong for Bella. But the thought that Bella won't even hold on when she's giving birth to the baby.

"Then I'll try to hold on for as long as I can..." Bella said, still trying to be strong. "There are things that even venom can help..." Carlisle said. I just look down, knowing what he meant. No matter how hard Bella is trying to hold on... she won't make it. Along with the fact that she can't get any food into her system, makes her condition worsen.

Bella looks pressured at what he just said. Carlisle just give her a soft smile, then he turns around and walks out of the room.

Bella turns her head to look at Edward. "Edward... I'm sorry..." she said. "I can't live without you..." he said, turning to look out the window. "But you will have a piece of me..." Bella said. "Do you honestly thing I could love it or even tolerate it if it kills you?" Edward said. "It's not his fault... you have to accept what it is" she said. "BECAUSE YOU'RE GIVING ME NO CHOICE!" He screamed. Bella looks taken aback at him.

"Bella we're suppose to be partners remember. But you decide this on your own... you decided to leave me..." he said. "Don't... see it that way..." Bella tried to say, but Edward cuts her off. "Well I have no other way to see it... because it means I'll lose you... and I don't choose that" he said, looking sad and angry. He shakes his head. "I don't choose that" he said again, then he turns around and walks away. He walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. But not too hard to break it.

Bella looks down and tears starts to stream down her eyes. I wrap my arms around her. "Shh... it's going to be okay..." I said, softly. She sobs into my shoulder. I bit my lips as I try my best not to cry.

I pull away from the hug and looks away from her. I turn around and was about to leave. "Y/N... don't l-leave m-me too..." she said. "I'm not leaving, Bella... I'm just going outside for some fresh air. I'll be right back..." I said, smiling at her. I turn around as a tear escape my eyes, I bit my lips to not make a sound.

I make it to the balcony. I lean my back against the wall and slides down. Tears starts streaming down my cheeks as I start to cry softly. I'm sure everyone in the house knows that I'm crying. Well... what do I expect? Everyone in this house have super hearing. There are no privacy in this house.

The door slides open to reveal Seth. He smiles sadly at me and walks towards me. He opens his arms for me. I move closer to him and hugs him. I bury my face into the crook of his neck as I cry.

I've been crying a lot for the past few days. But I can't help it... the thought that I'm going to lose my sister is like a pure torture. I can't lose her... I don't wanna lose my sister.

Seth P.O.V

I tighten my arms around her. It breaks my heart to see her crying like this. But I can't do anything. The least I could do is be there for her.

"I can't lose her, Seth... she's the only family I have beside my dad..." she said. "That's not true, baby... you have me... the Cullens... the pack... we all care for you..." I said. She just keeps crying as she clutch the front of my shirt. I caress her hair softly, trying my best to calm her down.



I'm adjusting the water for Bella to take a shower. I turn my head to look at her. She's a lot skinnier now. I can see her ribs. I feel someone standing by the door and turn my head.

Edward is standing there, looking at Bella. Bella seem to notice him too, as she covers her body with the bathrobe. I stand up and smile softly at him. He gives me a small smile, then I slide the door close. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Bella.

I help her to stand up. She takes off her robe again. Then I help her get inside the bathtub. She sits down and leans her back. I grab a sponge and squeeze some water to her head, caressing her hair softly.

I can feel my lips trembling as I continue to wash her. I try my best to not make a sound, as tears streams down my cheeks. It hurts to see my sister in such condition. She's getting weaker each passing days. I will do anything to help her if I could... but there's nothing I could do and it's frustrating.

Rosalie notices the tears in my eyes. She place her hand on my shoulder and give it a light squeeze. I just smile sadly at her. Then I continue to wash up my sister's body.

*to be continued*

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