Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37

I shake my head and stand up. I run out of the room. I walk out of the house, crying harder. Seth saw me and hurried over to me. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me close. I wrap my arms around his torso and cried into his chest.

Bella... you can't leave me...

-Jacob Imprinted-


I hear growling behind me. I turn my head to see Jacob with determination in his eyes. My eyes widen as I realize what he wants to do.

"I have to stop him..." I said. Seth lets me go and I run inside the house. I can see Jacob approaching Rosalie who's carrying Renesmee in her arms. "Jake! Do-" I try to say, but he stops in his track as he stare at Renesmee who is looking back at him.

Jacob P.O.V

I look up as I feel anger surging through my vein. I get up and enter the house. I know Y/N is behind me and she'll try to stop me. I'll fight her if I have to. I'm going to kill that thing for killing Bella.

I walk up behind Rosalie as she lift that thing. She turns her eyes to look at me. That's when I feel my surrounding stops as I stare into her eyes.

Gravity... suddenly it's not important anymore. All that matters is her. I want to be everything she needs. Best friend... brother... protector. I will do anything to keep her safe and happy.

I went down on my knee as I can't believe what had happen.


He have that look in his eyes. In an instant I can tell what's happening. Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing he won't do a thing to harm her.

Then I can hear growling from outside. Sam's pack... they're coming! They will try to hurt Renesmee. I'm not going to let that happen. Renesmee is all I have from Bella.

"Alice! Jasper! Y/N!" I hear Edward called out for us. I turn around and runs out of the house. I stand next to the others.

I can see the pack coming into view. There's a lot of them. "We're outnumbered... by a lot" I hear Alice said. "I won't let them hurt my sister and niece" I said, glaring at the pack of shifters. "Neither would I... I won't let them hurt my family" Edward said.

They growl at us and advance. I jump up and attack them. Carlisle, Esme and Emmet comes. They join the fight. I hear help behind me. I turn around to see Alice struggling. I growl and runs towards her. I push whoever it is off of her.

He growls at me and runs towards me, teeth blaring ready to bite me. I brace myself for the attack. Seth appear in front of me and push him off. Seth lets out a growl as he stands in front of me protectively.

Seth got thrown back and hurt his back against the tree. I can feel anger surging through my body. I turn and growl. I jump up and phase into a silver wolf.

I attack him and starts biting him. I push him away. He gets back up and growl at me. I growl back and glare at him.

"Stop!" I hear Jacob said. He stands in front of us. Sam tries to go pass him to attack us. "It's over! If you kill her you kill me!" He said. Sam throws him and Jacob phase in the air. He growls and walks up to him slowly.

"Jacob imprinted..." I hear Edward said. The others looks at him in shock. "Whoever they imprinted on can't be harm... it's their most absolute law..." he said. Sam growl at him and turn around. The others follow in suit.


I help Carlisle clean Bella's body. I notice that she have bite marks all over her body. Edward must be the one who did this. He's trying to get his venom spread faster.

I put the dress on her body and stare at her. I raise my hand and place it on her head. "Now I know what you feel when you thought I was dead, Bel... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I'm not strong enough. If only I could do something to help you stay alive I would..." I said. I choke a sob as tears stream down my cheeks.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Bel... you are and always will be the best sister. No one'll be able to replace that... you'll always be in a special place in my heart..." I cried out. I kiss her cheek and stand straight. I wipe the tears that has fallen on her cheek. I smile sadly and turn around. I walk out of the room.

Seth stands there, looking at me. He opens his arms for me. I choke a sob and speed walk towards him. He pulls me into a hug and I clutch his shirt. I cry into his chest as he just stay silent and caress my hair softly.

Seth P.O.V

I can feel my heart clenches painfully in my chest as I listen to her cries. It breaks me when I thought she was gone. But now she's here with me... and now she have to lose someone important to her. Her own older sister.

I know exactly the pain she's going through. I wish I could do something to erase the pain. Even though I possess magic and power to shift into a wolf... I can't do a thing about this and it makes me feel helpless.

I can feel Y/N slowly relaxing. I pull back slightly to see Y/N asleep. I turn my head to look at Esme who is looking at us this whole time.

"She's asleep... I'm going to take her to her room..." I said. She nods her head and smiles at me. She points towards the direction where I can place Y/N. "Thank you..." I said. Then I pick her up in my arms. I head upstairs to her room.

I gently lay her down on the bed. I try to stand up, but her hand still clutch on the front of shirt and she's showing no sign of letting me go. So I just lay down next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pulls her closer, placing her head against my chest.

*to be continued*

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