Chapter 27

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A/N: same thing as the previous chapter. "Italic" is reader's subconscious mind. Okay!


Previously on Chapter 26

"Y/N..." I hear someone calls out. I turn my head to see Bella. "Bella..." I said. "Y/N... you're my beloved sister. I'm s-so sorry that y-you have to lose your life b-because o-of me..." she said. "W-What a-are you t-talking about?" I said. Then she too disappear. I look around, trying to see anyone... only to realize I'm all alone.

What's going on?



I clutch my hair in frustration. What the heck is going on?? Why did Seth and Bella kept saying that as if I'm leaving them behind?? What's happening here!!

"You see how much they are hurting from losing you..." someone said behind me. I turn my head to see a woman. "Who are you?" I said. She smiles at me as she walks closer to me.

"Y/N... I am your mother..." she said. "M-My m-mother?" I stuttered out. That's why she looks familiar. I've seen her on the photo of my locket.

"Yes, my dear... I am your mother..." she said, with a soft smile. I tear up as I hug her tightly. "I miss you, mom... I've always wanted to meet you..." I said. She runs her hand through my hair as she hugs back. "I am sorry for not being able to be there for you..." she said.

Then I realize something. I pull away from the hug and looks at her. "If I'm here seeing you here... am I dead?" I said. She laughs and pinch my nose. "No, sweetie... you're just in a process of changing..." she said. "Changing? What do you mean changing?" I said, looking at her in confusion.

"Y/N... I'm pretty sure you are aware that you are half-human and half-hybrid..." she said. "Oh yeah... that I know... but what does it have to do with me?" I said, nodding my head. "Your human side are dying. Once the transformation is completed... you'll fully become a hybrid..." she said. "So, once I'm awake... I'm no longer a half human?" I said. "No, sweetie... you'll become a full grown hybrid..." she said. I just nod my head as a sign that I understand what she meant.

"One more thing..." she said. "What, mother?" I said. "There's one thing you need to do in order to be able to control both side of your blood..." she said. "What is it?" I said. I can see her lips moving, but there are no sound. I can make out a few words from her lips movements. "Both" "Accept" "Two" the rest remains unclear.

"What, mother? I can't hear you..." I said. She keeps moving her lips, but there's still no sound. Then her body slowly starts to fade. She looks at her body and smile sadly at me. The last thing I remember is her mouth moving again as she said something. Then my surrounding turns black. She said... "Remember, Y/N...

I'll always love you, my sweet little daughter


Carlisle P.O.V

I continue to stare at Y/N in confusion. Why is her neck not broken? My eyes widened when I see her hand moving slightly.

Her eyes slowly open and she looks around. "Y/N?" I said. She turns her head to look at me. "Carlisle..." she said in a weak voice. She moves to sit up and I help her.

"You're alive... h-how?" I said. She looks up at me and her eyes are different.

Her eyes changed from their usual e/c color to red with golden streaks in them

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Her eyes changed from their usual e/c color to red with golden streaks in them.


"How are you feeling?" He said. "Never better..." I said. I move and stand up from the bed. I turn to look at him to see him still looking at me with a shock expression.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I said. "Well... you just got back from the dead. How do you expect me to react?" He said. I just smile at him. "But I was not dead, Carlisle... I was... transforming..." I said. He looks at me in confusion. "Transforming?" He said. I nod my head.

"Care to explain?" He said. I open my mouth and start telling me everything I see when I was still in my subconscious mind. How I see Seth and Bella... to seeing my mother.

"So... if you die... you'll come back as a full grown hybrid?" He said. "Pretty much..." I said. "Even as a half hybrid you're already so powerful... I can't even imagine the amount of power you possess now..." he said. "We'll just wait and see... but I right now I have to see Bella and Seth..." I said. He nods his head in agreement.

"Yeah... they're in a very miserable state when they thought you were gone..." he said. I frown at the thought of them being sad because they thought that they are going to lose me.

"Where's Bella?" I said. "She's downstairs. Oh... and Charlie kept calling us... asking where you were..." he said. "Sh*t... he must be very upset. I am in so much trouble..." I said, face-palming. "Yeah... you certainly are..." he said, chuckling at me. I let out a sigh "hm... alright. I'll go down and meet Bella..." I said. He nod his head and pat my head. "Good to have you back, Y/N..." he said. I smile at him "good to be back..." I said. I turn around and head downstairs.

Bella is in Edward's arms, looking as if she's going to cry. I take a deep breath and take some slow steps towards them. Jasper is the first to notice me. His eyes widened as he lets out a gasps.

"Y-Y/N..." he stuttered out. Bella looks up and sees me. Her eyes widened as tears streams down her cheeks. She moves herself from Edward's arms and runs towards me. She throw herself to me and I hug her close.

"You're alive... I can't believe it... you're ALIVE!" She said. I can hear pure happiness in her voice. "Hey, Bella..." I said. She pulls away and glare at me. "Do not "hey Bella" me! You scared me to death! I really thought that I'm going to lose my little sister... y-you... y-you were d-dead... and I-I... I w-was so s-scared..." she cried out. I smile sadly as I look at her broken state.

"Oh Bella... come here..." I said, wrapping my arms around her. She clutch my shirt tightly as I feel my shoulder getting wet from her tears. "D-Don't do t-that to me..." she said. "I'm here Bella... I'm not dead... I'm just in a process of transforming..." I said, gently caressing her hair.

"Transforming?" She said, pulling away. I can see the look of confusion in her face. I nod my head and start explaining to her the same way as I did with Carlisle.

"Now... I'm going to Seth... where is he?" I said. "He's outside..." Edward said. I nod my head as a sign of gratitude. Then I turn around and leave the house.

Seth is sitting by the log, head in his arms. I can hear silent sobs coming from him. If my senses are sharp before... it increases 100x.

"Seth..." I said, as I stand in front of him. He looks up at me. "Y/N..." he said, looking at me in shock. I smile at him. "Hey..." I said. He stands up and move closer to me.

He slowly moves his hands slowly to my cheeks, but he stops as if he's afraid that I might disappear. I just smile softly. I grab his hands, gently placing them on my cheeks.

"I'm still here, Seth..." I said. His eyes widened even more as a tear manage to slip from his left eye. He choke a sob as he pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his torso. He buries his face in the crook of my neck. I can feel his whole body shaking violently as he cries.

*to be continued*

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