Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

I can feel my neck cracking. Then he drops me on the ground. I breathe heavily, and it slowed. Until eventually... I take my last breath.


Seth P.O.V

I wake up and looks around. I notice someone laying on the ground. My eyes widened when I realize who it is.

"Y-Y/N..." I said. I stand up and runs towards her. I kneel down and pulls her closer. I place my hand on her neck, trying to feel her pulse. But I feel her neck broken instead... and there were no pulse.

Tears streams down my cheeks. "Stay with me... Y-Y/N..." I cried out. "stay with me... stay with me... p-please... you c-can't l-leave me like this..." I said as I let out a sob.

"Y/N..." I hear someone said. I know it's Bella. But I don't turn around. I just keep crying as I hold her close.

Bella P.O.V

Y/N... is gone... no. She can't just die! My sister is stronger than this! She can't just... no...

"Y/N!!" I scream as I drop on my knees, next to them. Tears streams down my cheeks as I cried for my fallen sister.

My sister died trying to protect me. I knew... I just knew that we will lose a life in this battle. But why her... why is it have to be my sister! Why can't it just be those monsters!

"Bella... we have to go. Alice wants us... the Volturi is coming..." Edward said, as he place his hand on my shoulder. Seth turns to look at him. "Her sister is gone! Are you a stone or what?" He screams. "As much as I tried to cry! We don't have tears! It's just my nature, Seth..." Edward said. I can hear sadness in his voice. Y/N is like his sister too... he loves her as much as I do.

"He's right, Seth..." I said, trying to fight back the tears. He just looks back at Y/N. "Take care of her until we come back..." I said. He just nods his head, not looking at me. I turn to Edward. He picks me up and runs towards the others.

He place me down on my feet when we get there. Esme turns to look at me. "Bella... thank goodness you're okay... but... where's your sister?" She said. I blink my eyes as tears are threatening to spill from my eyes. She got the message and pulls me into a hug.

"She wants nothing but to keep you safe... she will be in peace now knowing you are safe..." she whispered, I can feel sadness in her voice. The Cullens loves Y/N like she's always have been a part of them. I choke a sob as I clutch her shirt. It's not fair... Y/N is such a good girl. Why does the world chose to take her this quick.

"Leah don't!" I hear Edward said. I turn my head to see Leah attacking a remaining newborn. Jacob runs towards them and tear the newborn off of Leah's back. The newborn got his arms around Jacob's arm. He lets Jacob go and he groans in pain.

"Jacob!!" I scream. "Bella..." he said. "I'm here... I'm right here..." I said, kneeling down next to him. He keeps groaning in pain. Edward walks towards him. "Carlisle will fix you up..." he said. Carlisle walks to him and check his arm. "His whole upper arm is completely shattered. I need to fix his bone before the healing acceleration kicks in. It's already starting..." he said.

"Take him back to Billy..." Sam said. "I'll be there as soon as I can..." Carlisle said. They nod their heads and slowly picks him up. I choke a sob and Edward pulls me into a hug. Another one got hurt because of me. First my sister... now Jacob.

"They're here..." Alice said. I pull away from the hug and wipe my tears. I put on an emotionless face as I watch the Volturi coming towards us.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven survive an attack of a magnitude..." Jane said. "We were lucky" Carlisle said. "I doubt that" she said. "It seems we missed an entertaining fight" Alec said. "Yeah... it's not often we've rendered unnecessary" Jane said. "If you arrive half an hour ago you wouldn't miss it..." Carlisle said. "Pity..." she said, glaring at him. Her eyes shifted and smile. "You missed one..." she said. I turn my head and notice one newborn. Why are they sparing her life? Y/N is gone... Jacob got hurt and it was all because of them!

"We'll take responsibility of her. We've offered her a home..." Esme said. "That wasn't your choice to decide..." Jane said. She use her ability to the newborn, making her scream in pain. "Why did you come? You created you?" Jane start asking question.

"You don't have to do that... she'll tell you anything" Esme said. "I know..." Jane said. "I don't know... R-Riley wouldn't t-tell us. He said our thought weren't safe..." she said. "She doesn't know what she's doing" Esme said. "Give her a chance..." Carlisle said, trying to convince them.

"The Volturi doesn't give second chances... keep that in mind. Caius would be so interested to know she's still a human... and where's the other girl?" she said, smirking at me. "The date is set... and Y/N is..." I trailed off, trying to fight the urge to cry again.

"Hmm... so she's dead huh... makes it much easier for us..." she said. I clench my hands into a tight fists at her heartless words. She just smirk even more.

She turns to look at Felix. "Felix, you can take care of that. I'd like to go home..." she said. I turn away as Felix walks to the newborn. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear her scream as he torn her apart. Then they leave.

As soon as they are out of sight. I burst into tears again. Edward hugs me closer to him as I cried into his chest. My little sister is gone... she's gone...

And it's all my fault

*to be continued*

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