Chapter 6

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Previously on Chapter 5

"What about Bella? Is she back yet?" I asked. "No... they're still looking for her..." he said, worried. I let out a sigh and turns to look into the woods.

I shouldn't have left her... Bella, I'm sorry...

-Bella's Heartbreak-


Dad is looking at a map that is laid out on top of a car. I stand next to him. Actually, I wanna go back inside the forest and help look for Bella. But dad isn't letting me.

"I'm going to call the Cullen's house again..." Dad said, taking a phone. I clench my hands into tight fists, knowing that they're the reasons Bella is missing right now.

"The Cullens have left the town..." Henry said. Dad turns to look at him in shock. "Where did they go?" He said. "We will find her, Charlie..." Harry said, as he place a comforting hand on his back.

My ear is picking up a sound. I turn around to see Bella is being carried by a guy, I'm guessing he's friends with Paul. But that's not important right now.

"Dad!" I said, pointing towards the approaching figures. He turns around, eyes following where I'm pointing. He instantly runs towards them. I run close behind him, making sure to not go too fast. I don't wanna make them to suspect me.

"She's alright..." he said. Dad picks her up in his arms. "I got her... thank you, Sam..." he said. So his name is Sam. Sam nods his head and turns to look at me.

"Thank you..." I said, as Dad walks inside the house. I smile at Sam one more time. Then I turn around and go after Dad. I run upstairs and enters Bella's room to see Dad laying her down on the bed. I walk towards her and take off her shoes. Then I pull the blanket up to her chest.

I turn my head to look at Dad. "Dad... you should rest... I'll look after her..." I said. "No... I'm okay..." he said, but yawn. "You're tired, Dad. Go ahead and get some rest..." I said. "Alright... I'll be downstairs then... call me when she needs something..." he said. I nod my head, smiling at him.

He smiles back and leans down to place a soft kiss on Bella's forehead. Then he did the same to me. "Don't scare me again... both of you" he said. I smile at him, feeling bad. "I won't, Dad..." I said. He nods his head and walks out of the room. I turn my attention to my sister who is still asleep.

"Bella... I'm so sorry I couldn't stop him. But after seeing your condition right now. It make me feels like shouldn't have left you in the woods to go chase after Edward, who clearly doesn't want to stay. I am such a bad sister, aren't I?" I said, looking down. I look up when Bella starts mumbling something in her sleep.

Out of no where, she starts screaming. I stand up and sits down next to her on the bed. "Bella! Wake up! It's okay! I'm here..." I said, shaking her awake. Her eyes snap open as she looks around in panic. I caress her hair softly as she turns to look at me.

"Edward?" She said, with a hopeful eyes. I shake my head "I'm sorry.... I couldn't stop him. He knocked me out. So I couldn't do anything to stop him from leaving" I said. I can see her eyes welling up in tears. She hugs her knees as she starts to cry.

"Bella..." I said, sadness is evident in my voice. I pull her into a hug. She clings onto me tightly as she start to cry harder.

The door to this room opens to reveal dad. He have a frown on his face as he sees Bella crying in my arms. He walks towards us and sit down on the other side of Bella. She pulls away from me and hugs dad, who hugs her back in a comforting manner.

Eventually she relaxes a little and falls back asleep. Dad lay her down gently and readjust the blanket. Then he looks at me.

"This going to take a while for her to get better. You need to accompany her at all cause, okay? Don't leave her alone... she needs our support more than anything in her current state..." he said. I nod my head "okay, Dad..." I said. He smiles and walks out of the room once again.


Ever since Edward and the others left. Bella haven't been herself. She always locked herself up, barely have any sleep... and refuses to eat. She's showing symptoms of depression and it's making me very worried.

I'm currently in the kitchen, cooking for dad, Bella and myself. Dad is sitting in the dining table behind me.

"How's Bella when I'm out?" Dad said. I turn to him for a moment, then shake my head. "Still the same... she didn't speak at all... I've never seen her like that before... between her and I... she's the one who is least likely to fall in love. But here she is... feeling heartbreak because Edward and the others left..." I said. I let out a sigh and continue to cook.

I place a plate of food in front of him. "I'm going to take this to Bella... and somehow persuade her to eat..." I said. Dad just nod his head. I smile at him and carry the tray of food upstairs.

I open the door to her room. She's still sitting on the bed, eyes empty. I let out a sigh as I enter the room. I place the tray of food on the study table and walk up to her.

"Hey Bel..." I said, sitting next to her. She didn't say anything. I look at her face to see any sign, but she's not showing any. I let out a sigh as I blink back my tears.

"I'm sorry... I should've tried harder to stop him... I'm such a bad sister, aren't I?" I said, looking away from her. I look down "I miss you so much Bella... you're here... but at the same time you're not. I miss talking to you... I miss seeing your smile. If I could do something to help you... I'd do it in a heart beat" I said. I let out a sigh when she didn't react. I move to stand up. I was about to walk out of the room.

"Y/N..." I heard her call out for me. I stop and turn around to look at her. "Bella..." I said. "Don't leave me alone..." she said, turning to look at me. Tears are streaming down her eyes.

My eyes soften at the sight of her. "I won't... I'll always be here with you..." I said, walking towards her. She hugs me tightly and I run my hands across her hair, as she lay her head on my chest. "Always..." I said. Then I hear soft snore coming from her. I smile sadly as I look at her. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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