Chapter 37

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Previously on Chapter 36

After I drank their blood, I can feel myself slowly regaining strength. I didn't think I'd need blood. I thought I'll be fine without it. Turns out I still need them, just not as much as the others. This makes me wonder... will I be able to control myself when Bella gives birth. But that didn't matter... I need to head back now. Bella will be giving birth any time soon.

-It's Finally Time-


I hurried back to the Cullen's. I enter the house and make my way upstairs. Bella is sitting on the couch. I went over and sits next to her.

"Hey Bel..." I said. "Hey... Edward told me what happened... did you feed?" She said. I nod my head "yeah... I did..." I said. "Why haven't you drink any?" She asked. "I don't wanna hurt animal... you know... I've always been an animal lover since I was a kid... and plus... I didn't think I'd need blood..." I said. "But it turned out you do need them... just not as regular as the others it seems..." she said. I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah... that's what I think too..." I said, smiling at her.

I hear footsteps. I look up to see Jacob and Edward. Seth enters the room not long after them. I smile at him and stand up. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm glad you guys made it..." he said, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Stop... that tickles..." I said, giggling softly. He chuckles and pulls away to look at me. I wrap my arms around his neck. He lift his hand to cup my cheek, caressing my skin softly.

"Don't forget that you need to feed too... you really had me worried when you suddenly collapse..." he said. "I'm sorry that I worried you..." I said, smiling apologetically at him. "You're okay... that's what matters now..." he said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on my lips. I tilt my head and deepen the kiss.

He pulls away and place a soft kiss on my cheek. I hold his hand and walk back to where Bella is. Seth wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"Why don't you tell them what you decide?" Alice said. "What now?" Jacob said, looking worried. Bella just smiles and turns to look at Rosalie. "I've decided what to name this baby..." she said. "Okay... tell us..." I said.

"If it's a boy... E.J... Edward Jacob..." she said. I nod my head "it's cute and unique..." I said. "Okay... it's not that bad..." Rosalie said. I turn to look at her in confusion. "She's trying to convince me to change the boy's name..." she said, noticing my expression. "Oh..." I said, giggling softly. "Why don't you tell them the girl's name?" Rosalie said. Bella smiles at her and turns to look at us.

"I'm playing around with mom's names... Rene and Esme... so I was thinking... Renesmee..." she said. I grin at the name. "It's beautiful, Bella... it have a nice ring to it..." I said. "It's unique..." Edward said. "I agree... it's perfect for the situation we're in..." Jacob said, smiling at her.

Rosalie grabs the cup for Bella. Bella smiles at her and went to grab the cup. But suddenly her body bent in an abnormal way. I can hear a sickening crack. Then she falls on her knees. Edward rushes forward and catch her before she hits the ground.

Edward picks her up and rush towards the clinic room. The rest of us following behind him. He places her on the bed. I rush to her side and grab her hand.

"Bella..." I said, tears cloud my eyes. Alice is on the phone with Carlisle. "He will be here as soon as he can..." she said. Rosalie grabs a syringe and jab it on Bella's thigh.

Rosalie then grabs a knife. Edward grabs her hand. "Wait for morphin to work!" He said. "There's no time. He's dying..." she said. "Get him out! Now!" Bella screams.

"Bella look at me..." I said, placing my hand on her cheek. Rosalie then cut her belly open. She starts screaming in pain. I squeeze my eyes shut at the sound of her scream.

"Rosalie don't!" I hear Jacob said. I turn my head to see him tackling her to the floor. I move away from Bella and pulls Rosalie out of the room. "Y/N!!" I hear Bella called out.

I keep hearing her screaming. Then I hear the sound of baby crying. I look at Rosalie for a moment. Then I turn around and walks back to her.

Edward is holding a baby in his arms. Bella looks weak, blood is soaking her shirt. I have to hold back at the scent of her blood. I have to control myself. I can't hurt her.

"It's Renesmee..." Edward said. "She's beautiful..." Bella said. Edward places the baby on Bella's arms. She smiles as she stares at her baby. Then she wince in pain. The baby starts crying as Edward take her from Bella's arms.

Edward away the baby, trying to calm her down. I smile at the sight. I'm glad Edward can love his child now. I turn my head to look at Bella. She's smiling happily. Then her eyes turns dull.

"Bella?" I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. Jacob walks towards me and starts pumping Bella's chest, trying to get it to beat again. Edward turns to look at her. "Jacob take her..." Edward said, trying to ask Jacob to carry the baby. "Keep that thing away from me!" Jacob said, his voice is lacing with hatred.

"I'll take her, Edward..." Rosalie said, entering the room. Edward looks at her in hesitant. "I promise I can control it..." Rosalie said. Edward hands her the baby. He turns to Bella. "Bella..." he said. Then he opens a drawer and grab a bigger syringe. He jabs it on Bella's chest.

"What is that?" Jacob said. "It's my venom..." he said, pressing on it. Then he pulls it out and stare at Bella. But nothing happen.

"No no no... it's suppose to work..." he said, then he starts doing CPR on Bella. My lips starts to tremble as Bella's eyes remain lifeless. "Bella please..." I said, tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

Jacob chokes a sob as he looks at Edward. "I'm not going to kill you... it'll be too easy. You deserve to live with this..." he said. Then he turns around and walks out of the room. I walk backward and leans my back against the wall. I slid down and start crying harder.

I shake my head and stand up. I run out of the room. I walk out of the house, crying harder. Seth saw me and hurried over to me. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me close. I wrap my arms around his torso and cried into his chest.

Bella... you can't leave me...

*to be continued*

A/N: this scene is one of the saddest in the series. I'm trying my best not to cry as I'm currently fasting.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy this book. Love ya~ 💜💜💜

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