Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

Edward don't waste anymore time and pull Bella out of the room, while Alice pulls me. There's a line of people walking towards the throne room. Soon a chorus of screams can be heard. I try to turn around, but Alice stops me. "Keep walking..." she said. I just stay silent and keep walking just like what she said. But there's only one thought bothering my mind.

What is happening to me?

-I'm a... What?-


We are currently at the Cullens house. They have decided to come back after what happened with Bella and Edward.

Currently, Edward is learning against a wall at the staircase. I sit on a couch, while Bella is standing in the middle of us.

"You all know what I want..." she said. "You don't know what you're doing..." Edward said. Bella turns to look at him. "Shut up..." she said. I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing at him. She turns to look at us again.

"Alice..." she said, looking expectantly at her. "I've already considered you my sister..." she said, pulling Bella into a hug. She smiles and turns to Rosalie.

"Jasper?" She said. "Yes. It'll be nice for not wanting to kill you all the time" he said, smiling at her. I just laugh nervously at what he just said, knowing fully well that he's still having difficulties to control his thirst. Bella just nod in agreement at what he said.

"Rose?" Bella said, turning to look at Rosalie. "This isn't a life I would choose for myself... and I wish someone would vote no for me... so no..." she said. Bella looks a little disappointed, but she nods as a sign that she respects her choice.

"Emmet?" She said, turning to the buff guy. "I vote hell yeah..." he said, picking Bella up and twirl her around. Bella turns to look at Esme, the mother of the family. "I already consider you as part of the family... yes..." she said, smiling softly at Bella.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Edward said. "I think you know what this means, Edward... seeing that you don't want to live without her... I won't lose my son" Carlisle said. Bella smile at what he said. Then she turns to look at me.

"Y/N?" She said. "I want you to be happy Bella. If this is the life you wish to have... then I'll support you..." I said, smiling at her. She walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you, Sis..." she said. I smile and hugs her back softly.

"Now... that's not the only thing we need to discuss" Carlisle said as he turns to look at me. "I heard from Edward that you phased..." he said. "Yeah... seems like it..." I said. "So you're not just a vampire, Y/N... you're also a shifter... do you have any idea how or why that happened?" He said. I look down "I don't know..." I said. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see him looking at me with a smile. "We'll figure something out, okay?" He said. "You don't hate me?" I said, looking around and everyone in the room.

"Of course not... you're a part of the family now..." Esme said. I let out a sigh of relief. Then I let out a nervous laugh. "D-Does that m-mean... I stink?" I said, earning a laugh from them. "Now that I think about it. No... you don't... you smell like a normal human... but without the sweet scent..." Jasper said. I let out a sigh of relief, earning more laugh from them. I start to laugh along with them.

The entire evening is filled with chatter and laughter. Until it's starting to get late and Edward drives us home.


I run towards Bella's room when I hear her scream. I open the door to her room and see Edward sitting next to her. I smile at him and leave the room, as I know that he'll be able to handle it.

I meet Dad in the hallway. "She's okay, Dad..." I said. He just nods his head. "You two just love to make me feel worried, huh?" He said. "I'm sorry, dad..." I said, looking down. Then I feel myself getting pulled into a hug.

"Don't scare me again... I don't wanna lose any of you... I can't..." he said. I just stay silent and hug him back. "Both of your are grounded... for the rest of your life" he said, with a stern face after pulling away from the hug. I just sigh and nod my head. I head to my room and lay down.

I stare at the ceiling deep in thought. I let out a sigh and turn to lay on my side. I look at my dad's picture in the nightstand. My real father. I move to sit up and grab it.

"Daddy... what's happening to me? How can I turn into a wolf while being a half-vampire?" I said to myself. I let out a sigh and hug the picture.

I remember when I was a kid, he used to tell me that I was special... that something is different in my blood. I already knew that he was a vampire... as well as me being a half-vampire. So that can't be it. Did he meant I was special because he knew I can phase into a wolf? Then my mind drift off to mom. I take my locket off and open it to reveal a picture of my biological mother. This picture looks like a centuries old. She's wearing a traditional tribe clothes.

Wait... tribe? I thought to myself. I stand up and walk towards my study desk. I turn on my laptop and begin searching up. I stare at my locket and notice there's a wolf design on it.

I search wolf locket and begin scrolling to find the one that looks like mine

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I search wolf locket and begin scrolling to find the one that looks like mine. After a while I found it.

Turns out my necklace have relation to a tribe. It didn't say which tribe it belongs to. It only said it belongs to a shifter's tribe.

Then I begin looking up at the people their clothes. It's exactly like the one my mom wore in the picture in my locket.

"That means.... my mom's a descendant of a shifter's tribe. That's why I'm able to phase into a wolf..." I said to myself. So... this is what my dad meant by I have special bloodline.

But... my fur is silver that never happened before. Dad said it's rare for a shifter to have a silver fur. Why do I have silver fur?

I try looking up for anything about silver wolf, but there's nothing. Either no one really knows about it... or it's too rare that no one studies about it. I let out a frustrated groan and ruffle my hair. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

I push myself away from the computer after shutting it down. I turn around and walk to my bed. I let my body fall to the bed and close my eyes. At least... I know why I'm able to phase into a wolf. But that would mean... I'm a Hybrid.

*to be continued*

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