Chapter 30

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Previously on Chapter 29

"Alright... lets get back to work... and try to focus you two" Jasper said, pointing at Seth and I. "I make no promise, bro..." Seth said. "Neither would I..." I said, laughing as we walk away from Jasper. I can hear him sighing behind us, knowing he's been defeated. I chuckle to myself as I grab Seth's hand. He laughs as he gently squeeze my hand in his.

-Bella's Wedding Day-


A sound of gasping can be heard. A normal human won't be able to hear that. But I'm not normal. So I can hear it loud and clear. I furrow my eyebrow as I focus on my hearing. I can hear heavy breathing and it comes from Bella's room.

I stand up from the bed and head towards her room. I open the door to see her sitting up in her bed. "Are you okay?" I said. She turns to look at me in shock. By looking at her face, I can tell something is wrong with her. I walk towards her and take a seat on the side of the bed across from her.

"Well? What happened?" I said. "Just a nightmare..." she said. I turn to her bed. I touch the dream catcher that's hanging on her bed post. "Sometimes I wonder if this thing actually works..." I said. She shrugs her shoulders.

"What's the nightmare about? Can I see?" I said, with my hand raise. She nods her head. I place my hand on her shoulder.

I blink when it ended. I let out a sigh as I turn to look at her. "You know you don't have to worry about it... you said it yourself that you're going to wait... once you turn... you won't be in Forks anymore. So you won't kill anyone..." I said. She just nods her head, smiling weakly at me. I pull her into a hug and she hugs me back.

I pull away and stands up from the bed. I smile softly at Bella. "Try to get some more sleep, Bella... or Alice gonna scold you..." I said, in a warning tone. She lets out a soft giggle, making me smile. I turn around and start walking to the door.

"Y/N... wait..." I hear her calling out. "Yeah?" I said, turning to look at her. "Can you stay with me... at least until I fall asleep..." she said. "Sure..." I said, walking towards her. I sit down next to her. She moves to lay down on the bed. Her hand clutching mine. "Thank you, sis..." she said, with her eyes closed.

I smile sadly as a tear escape my eye. I think about when the time comes... when Bella finally turns into a vampire. She won't be around anymore. She would have to leave Forks... because the Cullen would tell people that she passed away. When that happens... I won't be able to see my sister anymore.

Tears begin to stream down my cheeks as I try my best to not let out a sound. I can't let her know that it affects me. I don't want to hold her back from the live she wants. I walk out of the room after knowing she have fallen fast asleep.

The Next Day

I stand in front of Bella as I apply some foundation on her face. "What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice said, making me giggle. Alice turns to me as she heard me giggling with a glare. I flinch at her intense stare. "You are no different, Y/N... you're supposed to keep an eye on your sister..." she said, in a very stern tone.

Alice might look like one of the people who looks gentle and kind, but trust me... you DON'T want to mess with her. I gulp and avoid eye contact with her, focusing on applying make ups on Bella instead.

"Sorry... bad dreams..." Bella said. Alice just sigh and continue styling up her hair. I just stay silent after that, focusing on her make up.

"Bella? Y/N?" I hear mom's voice. "In here!" Bella said. Mom enters the room. She gasps when she sees Bella. "You look beautiful, Bella..." she said. Then she turns to look at me. "You too, honey... you two are always beautiful... oh crap my mascara" she said, trying to stop herself from crying.

I giggle as I walk towards her and hug her. "It's good to see you, mom... it's been a while... I miss you..." I said. "Yeah... it has been a while, sweetie. I miss you too..." she said, hugging me back.

Dad enters the room and stare at Bella in awe. Mom went to hug Bella, but Alice stop her. "Don't ruin my masterpiece..." she said, playfully. Mom just giggle at her.

An Hour Later

An hour have passed, and it's time for Bella to head to the reception. I take a seat in one of the bench, with Seth next to me. He have an arm around my shoulder.

I can hear the music starting. We all stand up and turn to Bella as she walk down the aisle. She looks nervous. Instantly I know that she's thinking about the dream she had last night. Her eyes met mine and I just give her a reassuring smile that everything is going to be okay. She smiles back at me.

Edward frowns as he reads my mind. It's going to be okay... I believe that you'll take care of her I said in my thought, knowing he can hear me. He gives me a curt nod with a smile.

Bella reaches him. Edward smiles as he looks at her. "You look beautiful, Bella..." Edward said. Bella just smiles at him. Then they start their vows.

"Do you Edward Cullen... take Bella Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He said. "I do..." Edward said without missing a beat. "And do you... Bella Swan take Edward Cullen to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He said, turning to Bella. "I do..." she said. "And now I pronounce you... Husband and Wife... you may kiss the bride..." he said, smiling at them. They leans in and kisses each other. We clap our hands, feeling happy for them.

*to be continued*

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