Chapter 44

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Previously on Chapter 43

She walks towards it and step under the light. I can see her skin sparkling like thousands of diamonds. I smile softly knowing...

Bella is a vampire now...

-New Threat-


I'm in the living room of the Cullen's house. I stay silent as I watch Carlisle measuring Renesmee's height. She's growing really fast. It makes me worried about how much time we have with her.

I turn my head to and look outside. I notice that it's starting to snow. "Renesmee, look! It's snowing..." I said. She turns to where I'm pointing and her eyes lit up.

"Y/N! Mom! Can we go and play in the snow? Can we! Can we! Can we! Pretty pretty please!!" She said, excitedly. Bella and I look at each other. She smiles at me, which makes me smile. I kneel down in front of Renesmee. "Go and get ready!" I said. She lets out an excited squeal, then she turns around and runs to her room.

I turn to look at Seth, to see him already looking at me. "Seth?" I called out. "Yes?" He said, smiling at me. "Are you going to come with us?" I said. He looks at me in confusion. "Where to?" He said. I cross my arms across my chest.

"Have you not been listening? Renesmee wants to go out and play in the snow..." I said. He shakes his head and gets up.

"Oh... sorry, baby... I didn't hear what you guys were talking about. I was busy staring at my beautiful girl" he said, walking towards me and pulls me closer. This makes me blush. I hit his chest softly. "Such a flirt..." I said. "Only for you..." he said, smiling at me. He leans down and place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

He pulls away and smiles as he leans his forehead against mine. "And to answer your question. Sure... I'll come along..." he said. Then he starts placing soft pecks on my lips again and again. This makes me giggle softly as his lips is tickling my skin.

"I'm ready!!" Renesmee said. "Let's go?" I said. Bella nods her head. I grab Seth's hand. Then we walk out of the house.


We are now in a wide field. I smile as I lean against Seth, while watching Renesmee running around. She runs towards me.

"Y/N! Mom... look what I got! A snowflake" she said, smiling proudly. Bella squat down in front of her and look at the snowflake in her palm. "It's beautiful" she said.

I smile as I look at Renesmee. "It truly is, honey. Why don't you catch another one?" I said. "Okay!" She said, running off.

"Carlisle thinks we can find some answers about her" I hear Bella said to Jacob who is in his wolf form. But I'm not really paying much attention to her, as I am busy staring at Renesmee, as she jumps up to catch a snowflake. But suddenly, she looks forward. I follow her gaze to see a girl standing on top of a hill.

Renesmee runs to Jacob. "Who is that?" She said. "I think that's our cousin from Denali..." I said. "Irina!" Bella called out. But she just turn around and runs off. Bella runs after her.

I turn to look at Renesmee as she cling onto Jacob. I kneel down in front of her. "Hey... don't be scared. No one is going to hurt you, okay?" I said. She nods her head, smiling at me.

Not long after, Bella walks towards us. "She just took off..." she said. I just nod my head. I don't wanna ask anything to her, not in front of Renesmee. The last thing I want is for her to be scared.

Back At Cullens

Bella told Edward that we see Irina, while being out with Renesmee. I just cuddle close to Seth, with his arm around my shoulder.

Edward starts teaching Renesmee how to play the piano. I smile softly as I watch her play. She's a fast learner. It didn't take long for her to get the hang of it.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of glass shattering. I turn my head to see Alice. Jasper is gently speed over and stand next to her. "What is it?" He said. "The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro... Caius... Marcus... and Irina" she said. "Come here, honey..." Bella said, calling Renesmee. She instantly stands up and runs to her.

"Why? What were you guys doing out there?" I hear Edward said. "We were playing around in the snow. Renesmee was catching the snowflakes..." I said. He lets out a sigh. "Of course... Irina thinks Renesmee is an immortal child..." he said. "An what?" I said. He stands up and leads us to the library.

"Immortal children are truly beautiful. But their development remains frozen at the age they're turn. They can't be control... a single tantrum can destroy a whole village. The Volturi had to come and handle it..." Carlisle said. I look at the book as Bella starts to flip through the pages.

I shake my head. "But Renesmee isn't an immortal child... she's growing every single day..." I said. "But Aro already have enough evident in Irina's mind..." Edward said. I let out a sigh and turn to Alice. "Can you show me what exactly did you see?" I asked. She looks hesitant.

"It's best if you don't, Y/N..." she said. "Why?" I said, looking at her in confusion. I walk towards her and she take a couple of steps back. "Nothing. It's just better if you don't..." she said. "Alice... it's okay... I can handle it..." I said, outstretching my hand to her.

She still looks hesitant, I give her a reassuring smile. She eventually lift her hand and place it on top of my hand.

In an instant, I can see flashing images coming in my mind. Everything is just like how Alice described to us earlier. Just as I thought that it was all... another image appears...

*to be continued*

A/N: Cliff hanger!!! Muahahah😈😈😈. I am so evil! Just kidding! I didn't do it on purpose. It's just too long to be place in one chapter. So I'll continue what Y/N sees in Alice's vision in the next chapter.

From 1-10... how do you like it so far? Thanks for reading! Love ya~

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