Chapter 47

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Previously on Chapter 46

She gasp and turns towards her sister. "It's true... she's not an immortal..." she said. I smile softly at what she said, knowing we just find ourselves the first witnesses.

-Alice and Jasper Disappearance-


One by one, witnesses are gathered. Now the house is filled with vampires from all across the countries. According to Jacob... as more vampires comes to their territory... more Quileute will phase.

Right now Renesmee is showing the new comers that she's not an immortal child. A guy named Benjamin in return shows her his ability. She holds her hand, then opens it. He starts swirling his hand and a wind forming a small tornado.

I stare at it in complete awe. "Wow... that's cool..." I said. Benjamin turns to look at me and smile. Then someone jumps down the tree.

I turn my head to see 2 girls. Later I learn their name as Senna and Zafrina. Zafrina have the ability to make people see what she wants them to see. She shows her ability to Edward, Bella, Seth and I.

"If it weren't for you holding my hand... I would have believed this was real..." Edward said. "What? I don't see anything..." Bella said. "Me neither..." I said. I hear someone walks towards us.

"Why didn't you tell me your wife is a shield?" The person said, I know him as Eleazar. "What's a shield?" Bella said. "It's a defensive ability... the ones I've met was different" he said. "What about me? I don't think I have that kind of ability... or I would have known..." I said. They turn to look at us.

"Now that we think about it... you are different from most vampires I know..." he said. "Because I am... I'm only a half-vampire... the other half is a shifter" I said. His eyes widened as he looks at me in shock. "Is that even possible?" He said. "Apparently. If it isn't... I wouldn't be here now, would I?" I said, with a hint of sass. He chuckles at what I said.

I hear someone walking towards us. I turn my head to see Sam. "Sam?" I said. Jacob looks at him warily. "Don't worry... I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to give you this..." he said, handing an envelope to me. I open it and start reading.

"Alice and Jasper... have left us..." I said, in complete disbelief. "What? Can I see it?" Bella said, walking to me. I hand the letter to her. She starts reading to.


I'm sitting on the couch, leaning my head on Seth's shoulder. "I can't believe they left..." I said. I feel Seth tightening his arm around me. "There has to be a reason, baby..." he said. I just nod my head, not saying anything. Part of me wants to believe that.

I turn my head and bury my face in the crook of his neck. "I'm tired..." I said. "Sleep..." he said. I just nod my head and snuggle closer to his side. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.


I'm standing in the middle of a battle. I look around and I can see everyone. Bella... Edward... Seth and the others. Then they must be the Volturi... and we are fighting against them.

I turn my head to see Jane using her ability on Seth. He starts whining in pain. I try to run towards him. But no matter what I do... I can't seem to reach him. Then out of the corner of my eyes, I see someone walking towards him. He wraps his arms around Seth's neck and squeeze hard. I watch in horror as I stare at Seth lifeless eyes.

End of Dreams

"Seth!!!" I screamed. My sudden movement startled everyone in the room. I breathe heavily as I stare at nothing in particular, trying to control my breathing.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Seth said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I just burst out in tears as I turn to hug him tightly.

Seth P.O.V

What's wrong with her? She suddenly just starts to cry. I turn to look at Edward, knowing he can read her mind.

"She's had a nightmare..." he said, noticing the way I look at him. "About what?" I said. "It's better if she's the one to tell you..." he said. I nod my head as a sign of agreement.

I turn my head to look at Y/N as she continue to cry, with her head leaning against my chest. I caress her hair softly, waiting for her to calm down. Eventually all that's left is ragged breathing and soft hiccups.

I try to pull away slightly, but she tightens her arms around me. This makes me wonder if her nightmare was about me, because of the way she clings into me.

"Baby... I'm right here..." I said. She just stayed quiet as she held onto me. I look at Edward in confusion, hoping he'd finally tell me. He lets out a sigh. "She had a nightmare about you dying..." he said. I look down at Y/N to see her nodding softly.

"Baby... that's just a nightmare... it won't be real..." I said. "It feels real... and I have d-dream v-vision... remember?" She said. Right... that I remember. She told me how she sees me in her dreams even before actually meeting me in person.


He let out a sigh and pull away from me. He gently cups my cheeks. "Look at me, baby... I'm right here... and I'll always be here..." He said, in a soft voice. "I can't lose you, Seth..." I said, my voice barely above whisper. "You won't... I promise..." he said, smiling softly. I just nod my head and snuggle closer to him.

That nightmare really has me shaken up. I am so scared that it might become reality. That I'm going to lose Seth. I can't... he's everything to me and I can't imagine the world without him.

*to be continued*

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