Chapter 43

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Previously on Chapter 42

"Don't sit too straight... humans don't do that..." Rosalie said. She starts to slouch, then shake and stand up. "Okay I got it... move around, blink, slouch" she said, nodding her head. "Good luck, Bella..." I said, smiling worriedly at her. She just smile at me. I can hear the sound of car pulling up and gulp, knowing it's dad.

-Dad's Visit-


I hear his footsteps as he approach this room. Then not long after, he finally reach where we are. "Hello, Dad..." I said. "Hey Y/N..." he said, giving me a side hug. He turns to look at Bella. "Hey, Bel..." he said. "Hi dad..." she said. I can see the look of distress in her face, I frown at this. Dad turns to look at me and I smile at him.

"Are you okay?" He said, turning to look at Bella. "Never better..." she said. Dad looks confuse "you... don't turn into some sort of animal, do you?" He said. "Trust me... she wish she was that cool" I hear Jacob said. I roll my eyes at him.

"Let's give them some privacy..." Edward said. I turn around and was about to leave. "Y/N stay... I need to make sure something about you too. You too were missing for a couple of days a few months ago" dad said. I gulp and nod my head. Edward and Jacob turn around to leave the room.

I walk and sit next to Bella. Dad sits next to her. He's silent for a couple of minutes. "Jacob said... it was necessary in order for you to be better. What does that mean?" He said. "I can't tell you..." Bella said. "I want to know what happened to you" he pressed. "I can't... if I tell you... I'm going to have to leave..." she said. "Oh come on! No more going away!" He yelled, standing up.

"I promise you that whatever it is... I'm alright... can you live with that?" she said. "Can I live with that? I don't know... I just saw a kid I've known his entire childhood turn into a very large dog! My daughters, looks like my daughters... but doesn't" He said, as he gesture towards Bella and I.

"What about you, Y/N? Does this changes... happen to you too?" He said, turning to look at me. "Well... partly..." I said, truthfully. "What is it?" He said. "I can't tell you either... sorry, dad..." I said. He lets out a sigh.

Bella stands up and walk towards him slowly. "I can promise you that I'll tell you whatever you need to know..." she said. "We're alright, dad... that's what important, right?" I said. "I guess... so I don't need to know about this?" He said. "No... really, you don't..." Bella said. "I can't lose any of you... I can't..." he said, looking sad and scared. "Then you won't..." Bella said. "We promise..." I said. He lets out another sigh and pull us closer.

I can see his confusion as he holds Bella, probably from her cold body heat. I don't have to worry about me... since I'm a hybrid... I have a normal body heat, just like a normal human.

"I miss you, Bel... Y/N..." he said. "I miss you too, dad..." we said together. He just holds us tighter. I wrap my arms around him and Bella in a group hug.

Edward enters the room. "Charlie?" He said. Dad pulls away from us and turn to look at him. He's carrying Renesmee in his arms. "This is Renesmee" he said. "Your niece?" He said. "Our daughter..." he said, gesturing towards Bella and himself. "Right... the adoption..." he said. He looks at Renesmee, who is grinning at him.

"Rene-esmee?" He said, looking confused. I let out a soft giggle. "She got your eyes, Bella..." he said. Bella smiles at him.

Seth walks in and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. Dad turns to look at us. "Is Seth been treating you right, Y/N?" He said. I smile and nod my head. "He treats me great, dad. Better than all those exes... I feel like a princess around him" I said, leaning my head against Seth's shoulder.

I feel Seth tightening his arm around me. I pull away and looks at him. He smiles softly at me. "And that's because you are, baby... you're my princess... I love you, baby..." Seth said, kissing the side of my head lovingly. "I love you too, Seth..." I said, smiling at him. 


I smile as I wave at dad. He waves back at me and drive away.

I grin and I turn to Bella. I pull her into a hug. "Well done, Bella!" I said, happily. She laughs and hugs me back.

"You're doing better than most newborn" Carlisle said. "I'm not sure she IS a newborn. She's so... tame..." Emmet said. "Don't antagonize her, Emmet. She's one of the strongest one in the house" Edward said. Emmet just smirks "please..." he said, cracking his knuckles. Oh boy...

In The Forest

Emmet walks towards us holding a huge rock in his hands. He place it in front of Bella. Then they hold hands on top of it.

"Don't hurt yourself, Emmet" I said. He just smirks at me. Jasper gives them a countdown. Then they start their arm wrestling. I can see Emmet struggling to defeat Bella. Bella just smile as she manage to keep up. In the end, Bella wins.

"Did you see that?" She said, turning to look at me. I smile and gives her a thumbs up. She lets out a laugh and starts punching the rock. It shatters into little pieces. I laugh gleefully at her. She stops laughing and turns to look forward. I follow her eyes to see a ray of sunlight.

She walks towards it and step under the light. I can see her skin sparkling like thousands of diamonds. I smile softly knowing...

Bella is a vampire now...

*to be continued*

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